09/06/1966 - City Council Regular HD1UTES OF A REGULAR MEETING or THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF EAGAN TCMNSHIP, DAKOTA COUNTY, M1~"NESOTA September 6, 1966 ~ regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Eagan Township was held on September 6, 1966, at 8 o'clock R 1(. at the Town Hall at which all members were present. Chairman Rahn presided. Chairman Rahn announced the first order of business was Ii public hearing to consider the application of the Lutheran Evangelistic MOvement, 904 Hennepin Avenue, Minneapolis, to rezone 120 acres in the HW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 and the S 1/2 of the NW 1/4 of Section 35-27-23 from A, Agricultural to P, Public Facilities. Reverand Klawitter and Mr. Walden appeared for the applicant. Reverand Klawitter explained that the property would be used for bible camp facilities with a proposed auditori~ for 1.500 people and bousing facilities for 500. Certain neighboring property owners appeared in opposition to the application. Mr. Louis Wachtler, the County Commissioner, appeared aDd stated that the Dakota County Board had, at its last meetiDg, passed 8 resolution requesting that the property in the area of Bolland Lake be acquired for a County Park. After discussion and upon motion duly made by Supervisor Klein, seconded by Supervisor Schwanz it was RESOLVED that the public hearing be, and it hereby is, '.~'. . contlaued to October 18, 1966 at 7:30 to peDDit the County Board to determine whether the land involved in this appUcation is desired for county park purposes. The minutes of the Board meetiDgs of August 16. August 18, and August 23. 1966 were approved a8 read. The Pure Oil Company submitted a building permit application for a $7,000.00 addition including canopy, new fence, side 18lan4, new blacktop, and sign to its station on Cedar Avenue and Highway #30. Upon moUon by Chairman Ram. seconded by Supervisor Klein it was RESOLVED that said application be. and it hereby is, approved. Mr. George Williams s'..lbmitt~d an applicntfor.. to move a house onto Lot 10, Block 2, McKee Acldi~ionJ 1076 K0usa~ end to add 60'x 22' to the e11sting house. Tue totel cost would be $12,000.00. Upon motion ~y Supervisor Klein, seconded by Chairman Rahn, it was RESOLVED that said application to move house onto lot and for the addition be, and it hereby is, appr()1,7eli. Mr. Robert Marien, Chairman of the Citizens Advisory Board for District #197 and Mr. Paul Steffenson, Superint~ndent of Schools for Distri,t #197 appeared concerning the location of proposed school sites in Eagan T~~snip. They stated that proposed plans include a 20 to 26 room elementaty school on the Martin Schields property at Lone Oak Road and Highway 131. Discussion also ensued concerning the possibility of a junior high school at or near the same location. The Board requested the town engineer and town police to check into complaints that dust was being created at the Alexander Construction Co. on Highway #49. The Board requested the town attorney to get in touch with Le:fttl.er Fuel Company, St. Paul, Minn., concerning the apparent excavation of earth across Highway #13 from Valley View Plateau. Police Chief DesLauriers appeared explaining that a pedestrian F~obl~m has resulted since the beginning of the school year on County Road #30 between Cedar Avenue and the new John Metcalf Junior High School. The town attorney was requested to send a letter to the Dakota County Board asking that the County Engineer investigate the matter and report back to the Eagan Board concerning a proposed solution at the earliest possible date. Chief DesLauriers also indicated that there are about five locations in the Township where there are possible violations of the Eagan dumping ordinance occuring. Mr. DesLauriers was requested to contact the alleged violators, giving them 30 days Wl.ll'ni.r.g to clean up their premises. The Board also requested that Mr. DesLaurie~s Bet the names and whatever other inform3tion is required and that the town attorney investigate the possibility of citing the alleged violators with violations of the appropriate tO~l orc!i!18nces. A letter was read from Midwest Planning and Research, Inc. requesting that municipal trunk service be extended to include the Metro U. S. Property on Highway #13. After discussion and upon motion by Supervisor Schwanz, seconded by Chairman Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the town pay a single premium rate for group hospitalization insurance with the Upper Midwest Employees Association in the amount of $11.21 per month per employee. not including the dependents portion, for all full time employees of the township. Upon motion the bills we:t'e orde~ed paid. Upon motion the meeting adjourned Dated: September 6, 1966. ~~ ~ Clerk