12/06/1966 - City Council Regular MINUTES OF A REGULbR l1EEfiNG OF mE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF EAGAN T<llNSHIP, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA December 6, 1966 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Eagan Township was held on December 6, 1966 at 7:30 o'clock p. M. at the town ahll at which all members were present. Chairman Rahn presided. Chairman Rahn announced that the public hearing concerning the application of Barry-Howard Investment Company and Mr. Alonzo Hauser to rezone the West 1/2 of the South 32 acres of the. 1/2 of the NW 1/4, Section 1-27-23 from A, Agricultural to C-2 Heavy Commercial was commenced. The clerk presented an affidavit of publication of the Notice of Public Heal'ing in the legal newspaper. There being no objections, upon motion duly made by Chatrman Rahn, seconded by SUpervisol' Klein it was RESOLVED that said application for rezoning be, and it hereby is granted. At 7:45 P. M. the Ch~irman announced that the public hearing concerning the application of Barr-y-Howard Investment Company to rezone 11.6 acres in Section 2-27-23 from A, Agricultural to C2 Beavy Commercial, formerly the property of David Nachtigal, was convened. There being no ogjections to rezoning and upon motion by Supervisor Schwanz, seconded by Chairman Rahn, it was RESOLVED that said application be, and it herby is, granted. At 8:00 P. M. the Chairman announced the commencement of a public hearing concerning the application of Charles J. lueger to rezone part of the NE 1/4 of Section 19-27-23 from A, Agricultural to R-6 Residential Multiple, containing approximately 21 acres. The clerk presented an affidavit of publication. Numerous neighbors eoasisting of 17 families, appeared with a petition requesting denial of the application. Mr. Parranto and Ml'. Rueger appeared on behalf of the application. After extensive discussion the Board determined to take the matter under advisement and announced that the public hearing was at an eDd. Upon motion by Supervisor Klein, seconded by Supervisor Schwanz it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as mailed. Mr. Vince Kennedy appeared requesting a permit to move a garage onto the property located at 1415 Lone Oak Read, $600.00. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was RESOLVED that said permit be issued. Mr. Richard Thorpe appeared with Joe Van Ingen, 4350 Sandstone Drive and Gary Burggraff, 2044 Marble Lane. Mr. Thorpe recommended the two teen-Baers as custodians of the skating house in Cedar Grove Park for the coming season. Upon motion by Supervisor &lein, secODded by Chairman Rahn it was RF8OLVlJ) that Hr. ~e be given authority to supervise the rink aDd the custodians and further that Joe Van Bngen aDd Gary Burgraff be hired cJuriDg the com1D& skatins season at $1.00 per hour each for the time spent supervisiD& the waraains house aDd rink. UpoIl motion by Supervisor Schwanz, secODded by Supervisor Klein it was BlSOLVID that an lDcrease in insurance limits for the members of the Eagan VolUllteer Fire Departllellt be aranted as follows: $1.5,000.00 for accidental death 8IId $15.00 per week for ac:c1dent iDfelllDity. Upon IIOtioD by CbaUmsD Balm, secODded by Supet.'Visor Sehwaraz it was USOLVID ahat a check in the sum of $ 205 .42 from the MiDDeSota Insurance CoaImis8iooer represa.t:bt& the 2 per en t fire insuraDee tax be, and it hereby is, turned over to the Eagan Fire Relief Association. Upon mtioa by Chairman Bahn. secODded by Supervisor Schwaoz it was llISOLVID tbat the cODtract with Lametti and Sons, IDe. cOYerl118 the Central Sewer 'l'rUDk Park 1 and North Central TraDk Sanitary Sewe%' be, end it hereby is, approved and that th8 appropr1a~e offietals be autbori&ed to execute Che contract. It was FURTBIIl RBSOLVID to accept the perfol'lD8DCe boad as 8Uheitted. 2 .. The town attorney ad the town engineer discussed their negotiations with the developers of the Timberline Addition concerning the acquisition of the Timberline water system. In addition they reported concerning the acquisition of sewer trunk line easements and the proposed acquisition of certain acreage from Mr. Norman Vogolpohl for the proposed Burnsville, Eagan, Bloomington regional sewage disposal plant. The town engineer was requested to check as to the feasibility of an alternate potential site in the event an option covering the Vogelpohl property cannot be acquired. Mr. Jean Pa~anto appeared relative to the proposed purchase of 4 acres in Section 17-27-23 North of the Chicago-St. Paul Railroad right-of-way from Joseph A. Adelmann. The town attorney presented a proposed purchase agreement. Upon motion by Supervisor Schwanz, seconded by Chairman Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the acquisition of said 4 acres for temporary sewage disposal pond #1 be. and it hereby is, approved aDd that the appropriate town officials be authorized to execute the purchase agreement and forward the earnest money in the sum of $200.00 to the seller. Mr. Miles Bredvold appeared on behalf of his fathel'.Martin Bredvold, the owner of 8 acres in Section 8-27-23 northwest of the railroad right-of- way for potential use for temporary ponding area #2. After discussion and upon motion by Chairman Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Klein, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board be, and it hereby is, on record offering $500.00 for a four acre parcel next to the railroad right-of-way with the first option for an additional 2 acres at the same price with the understanding that an action to clear title not be brought at the present time. It was JURTHER RESOLVED that the seller be given an option to repurchase the property after the town abandons the property for its use as a pODding area. Mr. McWilliams appeared with his attorney relative to the award of the contract for the West Trunk Sanitary Sewer Part A. Mr. McWilliams represented - 3 - the McWilliams Construction Company of Long Lake, Minnesota, low bidder on the project. The town engineer made a report relative to his investigation of the McWilliams Constructinn Company and recommended that the contract be awarded to the low bidder. Upon motion by Supervisor Klein, seconded by Supervisor Schwanz it was RESOLVED that said contract be, and it hereby is, awarded to McWilliams construction Company for $115,536.75 and that a contract be prepared and that a performance bond be submitted as required. Upon motion the bills were ordered paid. Upon Motion the meeting adjourned. Dated: December 6. 1966. ~A.''1'.( /1..(/~~ , Clerk f - 4 -