12/20/1966 - City Council Regular MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPE:mTISORS OF EAGAN TCNj"NSHIP, D.~KO'l'A COi'!'NTI, MINNeSOTA Dcce~b~r 20, 1966 A r~gular meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Eagan Township, Dakota County, Minnesota, was held on December 20, 1966, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. at the town hall at which all ma~ers were present. Chnir:nan Rahn announced that bids for Temporary Se~;1nge '!'r~a:'i;,:::L'. Plant 112 would be opened. The following bids were submitted: Northern Contracting $ 30,267.55 29,047.65 C. S. MCCrossan, Inc. Barbarossa & Sons, Inc. 30,202.30 Erickson & Erickson 31,593.80 30,217.75 Alexander Construction Co. The following bids for an elevated storage tank were openaj: Base Bid With Cothodic PJ;otector Alt. IH Chicago Bridge & Iron $108,750 $113,42S 105,040 $133,,750 Pittsburgh-Des Moines Steel Co.lOI,SOO 127.5'(1 .. ~'he followi:lg bids for Northeast Trunk Sewer Part'" we't".-: ,j';;:',.4:.!.i:ed: C. S. McCrossan Inc. $234,578.75 N'1d1,"i.1d Assoc., Alexandria, Minn. 218,,881. 75 Lam:n.l.:.!. & Sons, Inc. 194.115.00 209,751.50 Phelps-Drake Co. C~f~~ & Sons, Inc. 2G+~657.f,::; Erickson & Erickson 235,992.70 194,782.00 ~::c::"lc()ni Constructio::l Co. F. D. Chapman 206,467.00 Bids for Northeast Trunk Sewer PS'r't A cO!lt~:uned: Peter Lametti Const:ruc{;LJ~l C0. $2,26,131.:l:; Beatson & Kelly 240,05~.50 Northern Contracting 209,939.50 Austin p. Keller 214,193.75 Barbarosa & Sons 221,895.00 F. Morettini Construction Co. 268,646.25 Robert W. Moore, Co. 239,230.50 Upon motion ~desnd seconded it was RESOLVED to tum the bids over for tabulation to the town engineer to report back at the regular meeting on January 3, 1967. Upon motion by Supervisor Klein, seconded by Supervisor Scht~anz it was RESOLVED that the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting be dispensed with and accepted as mailed. There were no building permit applications. Mr. Allan Lindgren and Mr. Paul L. Reese appe,ared on be!E'lf of the Application of Methodist Builders of St. Paul District for a building perm:i..t al"it to reZO!1e the North 500' of the West 1/2 of the N"w J./4 of S! :;':;'0:1 11-27-23 from .6, Agricultural to P, Public Facilities. Upon motion !J1),j'..: n:,; r-e-":'ludcd it was RESOLVED that a public hearing be, and it hereby i.B, sdu;oule(1 :~c:..' January 10, 1967 at 7:30 p. M. to consider the rezo!ling of the ab!':"',?f~ Vll'c,,"l containing 5,73 acres. The Br')ard discussed the acquisition of ease."UentR for trunk line p~l::pCS'::'G and, i.n adJition, the acquisition of propertj f,:-r 'I~;r)porary S,~"..age 1::(",,~t:':".~"'.:.. Plant #1, Temporary Sewage Plant #2 and the ele~~ted water st0ragc ta~J< on the tnivac property. In addition the Board reviewed the assessment cor~~ltt~e'J recommendation at its meeting on December 20th relative to the acquisitiou ef - 2 - easements and accepted the recomm~"dation~ of the committee concerning the consideration for acquiring the ~nsements. U~on motion oy Supervisor Klein seconded by Supervisor Schwanz it was RESOLVED that the B:')ard be, and it hereby is, on record granting the town attorney and t~vn1 engineer the authority to commence condemnation proceedit16s in those cases wha!'e th~ p~operty owner does not grant an easement upon the conditio~3 lai~ d~~ by the Township for both sewer and water projects. Upon motio'i.'l br S~"pcr)::~,('lr Schwanz, seconded by Chairman Rahn it was RESOLVED that the Board accept all deeds and easements received to date for watar and s~wer projectR. After discussion and upon motion by Su~ervosor Schwanz, seconUed by IJ t. . ,. ' ~ , ;. ;. i ,. _~; 1< SUpervisor-Klein it was RESOLVED that the application of Charles J. Rueger, 3980 Beau de Rue Drive to rezone part of tbe NE 1/4 of Section 1~~27-23 containing ~1.20 acres from A, Agricultur.a1 to R-6 Re3idential l~;.!ltiple be, and it hereby is, granted. The motion was unanimous. The P.:iard requested that letters be sent to the Citizens Connn:J.ttee on Planned Zoning of El1gan Township, c/o Mr. S. E. Rotegard and to Mount Calva:ry Lt\theran r!Jucch f'\\~t- lining the reasons for granting of the application to rezone. The board discussed the alleged violations of ce:r.tai:'l ci.,'d,""'.....~':s cor..c(.:rn.ing the Tom Mohr property and requested that tb,~ tm-1::l 11.;;i~~~:J..;.~} ,,"~:,,:-;,~c,~_.;~.,;,......~ an a(~t:i.Jll. i~t the Justice Court agnJ.nst Mr. Mohr cit:l,Zl:~ .~;;:ttn1.~ ~J'iclt'. :;).:,:..~s O'l Esgan Ord i.nances . Upon motion all bills were ordered paid. U,on motion the meeticg adjourned. Dai~.;.~d: DeceJ:lbe~ 20, 1966. , ,-,"/"'--"', ",'.-t /"-J"~~,,~ -'"-----..-.(;j.~~~k~.- ..,.....--.....-.".-... - 3 -