01/03/1967 - City Council Regular \ 1IlllU'fES or A lEautAR MFETrNC OF nm BOAIU) OF SUPERVISORS OF EAGAN TGJNSHlf, r lSOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA J3;T;.lary 3, 1967 A regular meeting of the Bo~rd of Supervisors, E~gan Township, was held on January 3, 1967 at 8:00 P. M. at th~ town hall at which all members were present except Chairman Rahn. Supervisor Klein presided. The reading of the minates of the previous meeting was unanimously waived. There were no building permit applications. The application of Holman Erection Company to store construction uwteria1s in Sibley Terminal Industrial Park was stricken for lack of appearance. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Klein, seconded by Supervisor Schwau? it was RESOLVEO, uponthe recommendation of the town engineer, to award the contract for the eleqated wuter storage tank to Pittsburg-Des Moines Steel Company for a total cost of $116,300.00 plus $1,700.00 for seeding and fenc~ng plus $1,570.00 for cathodic pr.otection, the latter beir.g optional to be determined upon thp. fnrther recommendation of the town -.'engineer, and that the appropriate tOlm officers be authorized and directed to execute the construction contract. lTpO~ rnotio~ duly m~de by S~pervisor Schwanz, seconded by Supervisor Klein, it was P~SO(~}~~ upon reco~mendation of the town engineer, t~ a<~~rd the con-i:ra,;:, fvr tl!e l~;)rtheast Trunk San5.:"ary Se;..:er Pa::i: A \:u Lametti aUfl Sons, Inc. for a total of $194,115.00 and that the appropriate town officers ~e authorized to execute the construction contracts. - 1 - 9ZZ Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED upon the recommendation of the town engineer, to award the contract for Temporary Sewage Treatment Plant #2 to ~~ S. McCrossan for a total of $29,047.65 and that the appropriate town officers be authorized to execute the construction contracts. The town attorney discussed with the Board the matter of utility franchises and various aspects of providing gas and electric power to portions of Eagan Township. It was pointed out that both Northern States Power and People's Natural Gas Company desire to provide gas service, principally to Univac and the Rauenhorst Development in the Northern part of the township; also that~thern States Power Company desired to furnish electricity as did Dakota County Electric Co-operative. It was noted that Peoples' Natural Gas Company already had gas lines in or near the vicinity of Univac and the Rauenhorst Development whereas no lines for gas had been installed as yet in Eagan Township by Northern States Power Company. The town attorney stated again that there is a difference of opinion as to the legality of townships granting franchises but that in his opinion, under its special village powers, Eagan does have the right to regulate utilities and that if a show-down came as between utility companies it was possible that a lawsuit would result. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED to table any further action on this matter until the next meeting of the Board at which time it was hoped that the action would be taken by the full Board, Chairman Rahn being absent due to illness. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that the Township post bonds for the town clerk and town treasurer each in the amount of $25,000.00 pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Annotated Sectinns 367.l0 and 367.15. ". . .. 81. l The town attorney present-Gc a form of resolution and petition submitted by the City of Bloom.ir:.gto:l rel;:;i:~~.Te t,'"\ tbe joint l'~)p1ication for a sewage treatment plant l-1ith tIle recoT'1ll'~tl.d,;tion tn apprC've thc. t'/?!'!c1ution along with the p,=epa"t"tlticn c? s"J.ch ad(r.~.i'ilJna l doc"'.lm~,~tQ 2C n1.i'Y ;)<:! required t'.J process t:~~ applicati.o!J. h~i:':'\'l'e th~ Mi11l"esota t{ati;r 1'0J.luti.cn Cor-trol Cammission. Upon mot-ion rlnly !!lade by Surel--:'isor Schwanz ClDd secon!::led by Saperv;.sor Klein, it "7as P.T::SC'::"VF:D that the reS()1<l~:i.I"~ AS pr~scI"t~d ~e 8;"';":'7(\'led and Adopted ~t1bject to such changes aod additicns f.li.1d the rr.eparf:tinu of such ~dditiur.el legal dOCll"lUZ:lts as might be necessary to prnperly rrocess the applicati::m. before the Minnesota Wate": pcllntion Control C'Y'~iE1sion for the construction of a joint sel/lage treatment pVl;Jt as contemplated under the joint agr.eement of the City 0:: BlcOIrc.i.ngtc~, '-':I.Eage af Ibrnsville and T'Y\'!l of Fagan. Upon mottc"::'. daly m"'.(!~ b:: 51lc'n:'"'J':i.:.:er Flei~: i:.: to;"f;lG Rrsm,vm th8~ t1w expenditurE'! of 25% of i.:;,~ Lo~'<~ ,'';(H';'.'c:.~El r.:Ofi: f:.:: E]'3lt.1;~ <'::11 \Tcp.tt-:h, E'tlgi.n....erf3, to cO:Cl'.plete an analysis ".;: th~ D!?(:C:i,:,,,,,-r, 1966, ne~:~:)?o1;..t?~ SE''t,yCl?(' ~tU.(.'!T rep0:;-t h:_~, and it hereby is, ai~r,.roved in thp. ai?pr(J:d~8te sum of $'5nO_00. J.~: 'tNP:S no~('n thnt: letters h"r1 been receiy"d by t.h~ tmm clerk fr.om Barr}-H")~:.<:!.:.:;. :C:JVQ~t':'lC'1.1t CO~P::};:>7 ;-~q,;csting sewer and \wter service by t'1c: fr?11. c? }.967 And a lett:~~ fron Pa-rranto :e':othe'J:"s) Iue,. requesting se~7cr fn~d water cl,t.,y-;'ng t:~H' ',"('aT 1967..(,5\ i:o~~ a c(~f?r-cial a:::-ea l:l the vicinity ....f Highway 1ft~9 and :f.~,)5. The:!1'>, ~ter was refer-red to the to~-m et!~1.n()er fn .:! pl'dim:i.!Ylr".1 S1"uc1y and repcrt as.to feasibi1:f.~y t~ comply ...1.th those rcq'Jcsts. All bills were orderetl a~'1>r(wed and 1?aid afl rY'c.::I';,.tecl.. r?Qll mot:i.~n the mef>ting Cldj:)"rl'~d" Dated~ January 3, 1967. all}, .. ,.ie,." <' ---7- ;).,c. ~ c. ._~---- Cl(~rk 9L1