01/30/1967 - City Council Special MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF EAGAN TONWSHIP DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA January 30, 1967 A special meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Eagan Township, Dakota County, Minnesota was held at 9:00 P. M. on January 30, 1967 at the town hall. All members were present. Chairman Rahn Presided. the following contracts were pr esented to the Board for approval and execution: 1. Pittsburgh-Des Moines Steel Company for elevated water storage tank. Upon motion by Supervisor Schwanz, seconded by Chairman Rahn it was RESOLVED that said contract be approved and that the approprute officers be authorized to execute the contract. 2~ Temporary Sewage Stabilization Pond #2 - C. S. McCrossan, Inc. Upon motion by Chairman Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that said contract be approved subject to submission of appropriate insurance policies and that the appropriate officers be authorized to execute the contract. 3. Erickson and Erickson, Inc., North Central Trunk Sewer Part A, Improvement Project #8. Upon motion by Supervisor Klein seconded by Chairman Rahn it to1aS RESOLVED that said contract be approved and executed. Upon motion by Supervisor Klein, seconded by Supervisor Schwanz it was RESOLVED that the Board be, and hereby is, on record ratifying the easement agreement,-between Eagan Township and Chicago Northwestern Railroad Company relative to the crossing of the sewer trunk line under the railroad property near Lull Engineering. .. 1 - 8L1 Upon motion by Supervisor Klein, seconded by Supervisor Schwaaz it was RESOLVED that the moratorium relative to action upon requests for re-zoning for building permits for filling stations in the township be, and it hereby is, extended for a period of 60 days beyond the previous moratorium in order that a proposed draft of a filling station ordinance can be completed. The town engineer and town attorney reviewed the recommendations of the assessment committee relative to sewer trunk lines at the assessment committee meeting at 8:00 o'clock p. M. on January 30, 1967. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was RESOLVED that the recommendations and actions of the committee be, and hereby are, adopted and that a copy of the minutes of the assessment committee meeting be attached hereto; it is further authorized that the town officials be directed to execute the applicable agreements and easement authorization forms submitted to the Board and that all easements acquired be recorded with the Register of Deeds of Dakota County. Upon motion the meeting adjourned. Dated: January 30, 1967 ", v:27~<- I/~..z~ Clerk 081