03/21/1967 - City Council Regular MINUTES OF A RFG:J1JAR MEETING OF TRE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS EAGAN TOWNSHIP, DAKOTA CO<JN1Y, MINNESOTA March 21, 1967 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Eagan TO\Ynship, WB3 held at the town hall at 7:00 o'clcok p~ M. on March 21, 1967, at which all members were present except Chairillan Rahn. Vice Chairman Kelin prcsidedo The first order of business was the public hearing set by legal notice for 7:00 o'clock P. M. regarding the Application of Milwaukee Land Cmnpany for preliminary plat approval of 118.03 acres in part of the South 1/4 of Section 2-27-23. It was noted that the Advisory Planning Committae reconunended approval subject to conditions. Mr. R. Peter Tanner appeared on behalf of the application for Milwaukee Land Company. Several neighboring residents appeared but presented no formal objection. The town engineer discussed the revised, substituted preliminary plat following the conditions set forth by the Advisory Planning Committee. After discussion, upon motion d-:.lly made by Supervisor Schwanz, and seconded by Supervisor Klein, it was RESOLVED that the revised preliminary plat as presented be, and hereby is, approved. Vice Chairman Klein then convened the public hearing at 7:30 o'clock p. }l.. concerning the application of Univac to rezone 15 acres situated in the SW 1/0 of the SE 1/4, Section 9-27-23 from A, Agricultural to RD. Research and Development. It was noted that the Advisory Planning Committee recO!rn:uended approval. the parcel in question being contiguous to previously rez~ned property owned by Univac. Mr. R. J. Newman appeared on beha'lf of the applicant. U:> one Appeared in opposition to thE! application. Upon ~.;)tion duly made by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that the property according to the legal description contained in the application be, and hereby is, rezoned fran A, Agricultural to RD, Research and Development. Vice Chaiman K!.c,ln t11ereupcn closed the public hear:t:ngs aud cp<?:1Hd the regular meeting of the Board of SUP8t'v;.:;:ors. 1'he readi~ of the rd.n'~':efo of the previous meeting was unani~ously waived. Mrn Al Carlton appeared on behalf of the New Holland Compa~v f0~ a o7.lild:f.ng permit to construct an inciue:,'atcr in the RaueIlho:r.s:: in.dust~:i.&l p!lrI{ at a cost of approximately $100. OO~ Upon motion made by Supm."li.'1or Klein aud seconded by Sup~T'Tisor Schwanz, tIle pennlt wes granted.. Mr. William O'Neill appeared on behalf of his re~uest for a building permit for a house to be situated on a parcel of less than 5 ac~es in his unplatted land area. It was noted that parcel was situated in an area to be platted ani tentatively to be named O'Neill Homastead First Addition. ~pon motion duly made by Supervisor Schwanz and seconded by Supervisor Kle~n, it was RESOLVED that the permi.t he tra~'lted prov1.ded that no further building permits would be given for structures in this O"Neill area until all of this property be platted including said h~esite. The application of Rauenhorst Corporation for final plat approval cf Eaganda'1e Center Industrial Park was presented. It was noted that the Advisory Planning Committee recommended appro~al. Mr. Rick Simons eppeare& on hehalf of Rauenhorst Corporation. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Klein and seconded by SuperTtsor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED thst the matter be set dO~1n foT. public hearing in accordance with the platting ordin~nce f0r 111:r~_1 i:.. 1967, at 7:00 o'clock P. M~ at the to~m hall and the clerk Mr.ect~J to pnhll!::h the proper lega 1 notice therefor.. The application of Independent School Dist~ict #196 for buil<<in~ pe~it for au additic::l to Northview Elementary Schoel 'Was prese1."ted. It w:\s r.oted that the Advisory Planning C'Yilmli.ttce recOI:Inlnnded approva l~ Upon n..otiOl.l d1.11y - 2 - made by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Snpervisor S(:hwanz, it was RI!;SOLVl~J that the permit be gra!1ted for the nominal fee of $1.00 pursuant to the h')ard'o usual practice in this regard plus the actual engineering costs i~~u:.r~:l i~ connection with the plans and specifications and inspection. The application of Heritage Methodist Church, l.e:ldngto!1 Ave~lae and. Conn.ty Road 4126 for a building permit for a concrete and brick churd1 ~t:r\1ctura was presented. It was noted that the Advisory Planning C~ittee recommended approval. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Schwanz and s~conGed by Supervisor Klein and upon the recommendation of the town engineer, ~he plans were duly approved and the building permit granted. Discussion concerning gas utility oper~tion in Eagandale Center Industrial Park area was upon motion duly made by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Super- visor Schwanz, deferred until the April 4, 1961, board meeting. Mr. James Gabio, Dakota Couuty Engineer, and County Commissioner Louis Wachter appeared regarding road tmprovements to Yankee Doodle Road in the Univac area. Vice Chairman Klein referred the matter to the town engineer for further study and consultatinn with the County Engineer regarding the t,'70 home owners to be effected by the proposed improvement. The town attorney reported to the Board that he had received certain financial data regarding the Cedar Grove Utilities Company for the fiscal year 1966 and that preltminary negotiations for purchase of the sewer and water systems in Cedar Grove should now begin. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Kelin and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it wa <' RESOLVED tIJe'll: the town engineer, tm-~ attorney, and fiscal consultant be, and they hereby ate, authorized and directed to commence preliminary negotiations with Cedar Grove Utilities Compall.y and its represeutatives regardblg thf-~ prnpo~;':c.d purchase of the utility systems. - 3 _. Mr. Robert Tuttle appeared with regard to the dog ordinance. Supe~'Tisor Klein directed the town attorney to discuss the matter with Justice ~f the Peace Harry Ray to determine if any chan3es in the ordinances might b~ necessary to aid in controlling future violations. The town engineer presented proposed plans and specifications for the Northeast Trunk sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer facilities and upon motion by Supervisor Schwanz and seconded by Supervisor Klein, it was RESry~n that said plans and specifications be, and they hereby are, appr~7edo The town engineer presented a form of advertisement for bids for the Northeast Trunk Sewer and Water Extension calling for bids to be received by the town board until 8:00 o'clock P. M. Tuesday, April 18, 1967, as pe~ the notice attached to the minutes of this meeting. Upon motion duly made by Su;~rvisor Klein and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that the advertisement for bids as presented be, and hereby is, duly approved and the town clerk directed to post and publish according to law. Upon motion made and seconded it was RESOLVED that the town attorney amend the dog ordinance to provide for an increase of the impoundi~g fee to $10.00. The clerk read a letter from the attorney for the Timberline water works o~rners concerning takeover of the system. Upon motion by Supervisor Schwanz 3econd~d by Supervisor Klein, it was RESOLVED that said communication be referred to the tOvTn attorney for further study and reco~encations. Upon motion by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Supervisor Schwa~z it was RESOLVED t~at the town engineer b~, and hereby is, authorized to complete plans and specifications for sanitary sewer t~un~s and 1aterals for. the r~m8ining portion of Cedar Grove ~5. - 4 - Upon motion by Supervipor Schwanz and seconded by Supervisor Klein, it was RESOLVED that the treas~rer be authorized to disburse from appropriate town funds an amount necessary to fulfill the portion of the Bloomingtc:..1- Eagan-Burnsvi11e promotional expense for sewage legislation promotion. Upon motion duly made and seconded, all bills as presented were approved and ordered paid. Upon motion duly made, the meeting adjourned. Dated: March 21, 1967. f!4 u-. ~L-<- Clerk - 5 -