04/04/1967 - City Council Regular MINUTES or A R!Gli~ MEETING or TIE BOARD OF SupmWISORS OF EAGAN TiJJNSHIP. DAKmA COUNTY, HlNNBSOTA Aprtl 4, 1%7 A regular meatiDS of the Board of Su~n.aorslJ Bagan T!jl.~J]~~:t'?f1 T:,-.:;).~;.:~ C"unty. Mil111esota, was held at the town hall at 1:00 o'clo~k P., lL l;~'i .....24'11 4, 1967~ at which all members were present. An electioQ of Board Chairman for the following yea:=- waa th~ f.!:;:st o'Cder of business with John J. taein duly elected Cl".airman. Cha1.t':.l"S';1 R~ ~:L", p.I'polnted Arthur F. Balm as Vice Chairman. Chairman Klein annouu~ed ti'lat the area of aut~rity for each supervisor would remain the same as in the {!:'\st ,as follows: Chairman Klein - Health and Welfare; Supervisor Rabn ... St:rOAts and Parka; Supervisor Schwanz ... Public Safety (Fire Departoott1.; a~.1i\ Police Department) M.-':o James Gabiou. Dakota Co~.~;:tty Engineer. and Ur. Louis Wachtler, Dakota County Commissioner, app.aared with Vernon LCTp.l:.'l.:b:e c:>nr.erning the grad'!! o::? Ya!.".kee Doodle Road near the Letendre resid~n~e. It W::<S de::::.T.!l'I:t::~(l to l~eve the grade as originally proposed by the C01mty. r~ W~:l' also uniE:rstood as in the past that the town would pay for any award cov~r1.n8 land acquired for road tmprovement purposes on Yatikee Doodl~ Road and th3 C~unty would pay for legal fees and costs of acquisitioUo rn~ Chairman ann~~nced a public hearing concerning th3 P~uen~o2st Corporation epplication for approval of final plat of Eagand.:\l~ Industriel - r:e'.1te~' Pa:"dt which CO'l.'l"'lenea at 7:00 o'clock p. M., Mr. Jamas O::'bUl c':;: Rana:morst appeared on behalf of the applicant. TtoTO rCt;H.~r.ta of Co'ml~:~Y ~~e Heights Addition al~o appeared hpt with no specific obj~ctions. kf.t~~ d:tsc;!sslon aM upon motion by Chairman Klein, secondad hy SUl"ervlsD1" f.:~tr"::l!l?, it W3S !IF,sOLVP'D that said ap~.lication for finRl plet arpr.o'l]sl of &'1&aUI.\ale: Center Industrial Par~, be and hereby is, approved wi~h the exception of Lots 16 and 17, Block 1, to constitute an except.ioa and further th~t :.b\' U~L.'18med street be appropriately named before recording the h::L::dp <:he::.. The Chairman announced at 7: 30 that a public hearin8 conce1:l1in<i:,; th,"'. :;anitary sewer, water and storm sewer facUities in propos~d Eagancab Center Industrial Park known as the Northeast Trunk Extension.. :::~::Q"'~tlKmt P~oject #11 was commenced. The town engineer presented the pr~p~s~J. a~~ ~csidents along Pilot Knob Road who had been notified of the hearjng fYl: informational purposes only asked questions about the improvement. UpOil notion by Supervisor !ahn, seconded by Supervisor Schwanz it was RESOV.Tfll tb3t said improvement be, and hereby is, ordered to be accomplished. At 8:00 o'clock p. M" the regular meeting lias convened. The !:linutM of the pt"evious meeting were reeJ and approved. The following building permit applications were cubmitted. 1. Floyd Veuli, Cliff Road~ one mile East of P:U.ct l<no~ Rocd :i.:::'. Se~tion 25, request for trailer permit. Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn, se~o\.ldad by Chairman Klein it was RESOLVED that said application h~ appro J'".).1. , 2. Elmer Scott, West Side Oil, addttion 40' x 801, $12,50Q~CO at 31~.62 Dodd Road. Upon motion by Supervisor Schwanz, seconded by Supervisor Ra'hn it was RE30LVED that saW application be approved. 3. Air1in~r Motel, addition 37' x 14', $9,200~OO on Highway #55. 0p~n ~do:l 'by Cha:t~n Klein. seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RSSo/.;\j'~0 tbaf; R~H ~ppHca'i::ton be p.pproved subject to engineer's aprJ.-:"~<-1! of fi\'l."ll pi~:.1s. I~" R~illhold Heink.:'?, Dodd Road near Cliff Road, request fo!' ..r;.\ri."l':A'-:a en tl\'o ?.ar~els f:rom the 5 ~cr'.l provision under the lurrdsh.;.p clau3e.. !.T::,.')..~ root:~,,~n b1 Sttp~T."lh,jr Schwanz, seconded by Supc.rviear P~lm) 1.-:.: ",1Zl:: r.:rCi' 7ED that Bo~d variAnce on the 4.62 acre parcel t08~th~r with an adjoinin~ percel - 2 ... be approved subject to the submission of correct legal descriptions for both parcels wit.h the understanding that only one residance shall be bt,P-;: t~:):':, each parcel without platting the property. 5. Dale Tessmer, Route II, South St. Paul, building pennit fo;: "~sidence 28' x 44', $16,000 on 4.62 acre parcel fcxmer1,y c~vned b~7 R~:i.i:~:111<1 ;'U~i:1ke. Upon motion said permit was approved. 60 Peter J. Quigley, application for mobile home trailer pe~mit ry~ tbe Martin DesLauriers property. Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn, sect'!1Ced by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that said permi.t be issued. Mr. Lloyd Kuhrke and Mr. Norman Eklund appeared on behalf of People's Gas Company and Northern States Power Company, respectively. Mr. KuhrI.:e indicated that he waS authn~ized to withdraw the req~est on behalf of People's Gas to serve the Eag3~t~le Center Industrial Park area~ He indicated that it was possible that the proposed meteriug station in th9 park be mo."ed or tbat it would not be necessary, to use such an addHional '1l.etering sta ~:i-:J;:~ Th~ representatives were requested to fonfard a report indicating gaueral guidelines to be drawn for service by each of the two companies for gas purposes and further that N S P would submit its proposal for cO;ltrol b~r the tow:\ship over location and operation of gas utility lines before final action by the Board. A form of resolution concerning a proposed legishtive e.reelldment tr.- i'!~<J S" II. 300.03 and M. S. A. 300004 to per:r.1t metropolitan area tov':-:,~-.:d,ps t,) franchise p\:blic utilit.ies operating within such town,shir- ~.::s guh;!;.:1.tted providing th~t the Ea8a~ Board would support such an 8mandment~ Dp~~ m~tion hy C:lSi:rman Klein seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it 't-~M Rm:G!.V:m t',_~" odd Ref101ut~_on be 8dop'~ed and thst copies be -forwarded to th:~ D:9};/;::rl r;;:-~~:- t:' L~8ishto:rs. .. 3 - Mr. Don Prettyman appeared on behalf of the corporate owners of the Timberline Water System concerning acquisition of the syste~n by the '~O,,r,"l"':1=.l?o After discussion the Board concluded that it would take over the Syst';il~ provided that the property is free and clear of all incumbrances incl~di~g noxtgages and taxes; that a credit toward water or sewer co'C;.'),cction cJ;P:r?'1S in that order in the amount of $2,000.00 be granted as the total conside~ati~ for such acquisition; that the owners present a Bill of Sale cove~~~g a~: equipment includin8 the mains, pump, etc. and that the owners give th3 f:o':mr.ld.F a Warranty Deed to the real estate involved. The Board also diecuosed the possibility of the Timberline Corporation's presenting a bond covering potential personal property assessment payments. Eagan F1re Chief DOMld Van Engen presented a proposed 1II'Jtual ag~eement ~~th Rosemount Fire Department whereby each fire department would graut mutual service to the other in the case of need. Upon motion made and seconc.er!, it was RESOLVED tha t said agreement be, Rnd hereby iA, appt'ovEd st1bject, however to appropriate liability insurance coverage,. Chief Van E~:;3.;'r: also i,~icated that there has been a rash of grass fires cau~ing the fire department to be called out where no permit had been issued. The clerI~ was instructed to put an article in the local newspapers requesting that the fire ordinance be complied with. Mr" Gilbert MaIm, Route 11. Rosemount. property owner in the Rasmpssen Addit:ion appeared concerning the up8rading of Cedar Crest Drive itl F<:c,mUS~3\'l. .Addi~lono Ii; was noted that the Board acted on the or1ginl"1 finel ph.;: on Aug~.!st 16, lC)60. whereby the roads would be taken c.'\T~r s,-~bject to fi.r,~l aPr"')'~~~,~ and that t!le Boord later acted on the final plat on lmeust IS, 1964, U;:-.on motlon by Superviror Sclr'.N'an:.>: t seconded by Chairman Klein it ~;"a3 RE-~~r;j'.V~:.",) tlnt the town engineer be authorized to inspect Ceder erect Drive in R9smuRsen - 4 - Additiaa. to submit recommendations concerning bringing the street up to town standards. Numerous neighboring residents of the Hebner Clarkson property r.~cl~ County Road 163 and 1/30 appeared concerning alleged violations 'CO"l7erilig dumping and dead animals. Police Chief Martin Deslauriers presented a report on his inspections of April 3, 1967, and April 4, 1967, th~ latter with Dr. Robert Erickson aDd Mr. Loschinko of the Livestock Sanitary Boa:;:ct.. He indicated that he will be contacting the County Attorney on April 5, 19:i, and that he is then directed to contact the town attorney to deter.mine whether the township sho~ld file complaints against the property owner. Mr. Robet:t Myer, Dakota County Assessor, appeared and discussed the !l3ed to re-assess industrial, commercial and open land in the township to more accurately reflect the current m~rket values. He suggested four alternatives for revaluation. I. Petition the state for re-assessment 2. Petition the Cournty to re-aS8ess 3. Order the local assessor to do the revaluation 4. Have the town hire 8 private appraiser. The Board detennined to consider the matter at its next meeting. Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn, seconded by SuperVisor Schwanz it was RESOLVED that !8..rs. Virginia Knight be paid $1.75 per hour beginning AprH t~ 1967, for secretarial services. Upon motion by Chairman Klein seconded by Supervisor P.."!hn, it was RESO:;:'VZID that the Board accept the resignation of Vernon LeTendre as town c~ns~ab1e . and t:1at the Clerk forward a letter of appreciation. - 5 - Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Schwanz it was RESOLVED that the permit app1ieation for site grading for Power Tool, lnc~ on Lot 2, Block 1, Cedarvale Industrial Park be, and hereby is, approvad~ The Board designated its regular meeting on April 18, 1967, at 7:00 to 8:00 o'clock p. ~ for a preltminary informational hearing covering proposed sewer and water extensions in the McKee Addition and that the Clerk notify the property owners informally. the following 3.2 beer license applications were submitted: 1. Harold's Dairy Store - off sale 2. Lost Spur.. on sale 3. Brooke's Superette - off sale 4. Airliner Motel .. off sale 5. West End Hunting and Fishing - on sale 6. Carriage Hill Country Club.. on sale 7. Murphy House .. on sa Ie Upon motion by Supervisor Schwanz, seconded by Chairman Rahn it was RESOLVED that said 3.2 beer license applications be approved. Upon motion by Supervisor Schwanz, seconded by Supervisor RaOO it was RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors be, and hereby is, on reeord supporting the proposed 1967 Legislative Bill establishing the Dakota Coun~1 League of MUnicipalities and that the clerk be authorized to forward said resolution to the appropriate authorities. Upon motion by Supervisor Raha, seconded by Supervisor Scnl07anz, it was RESOLVm that the fpHowing persons who,se tems for the respective positions have expired be renewed for an additfotull f.ull term. Advisory Planning Committee, two year term: James Klingel, Taomas Difr:l~y and Go~aon Beaudette~ - 6- - Park Board, two year term: Richard Thorpe, Jan liarien, Mavis Westbrook, Vernon Cole, Thomas Sterns and John Consoer. Health Officer: Dr. Robert Erickson Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn, seconded by Chatman Klein, it was R!3SOLVBD that the town clerk be authorized to send notices of delinque:v.::y of dog licenses and notices of dog ordinance violations to all knowr. dog owners without current dog licenses. The town clerk requested that some guidelines be set up concern1.ng delinquency in payment of monthly sewage service..end proposed monthly water bills. The town attorney was instructed to check into the issues. Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, i.t was RESOLVED to pay Mrs. Alyce Bolke for secretarial services the sum of $400.00 per month effective April 1, 1967, but that total fees and salary paid for clerk and secretarila services not exceed $450.00 per month. Upon motion all bills were ordered paid Upon motion the meeting adjourned. Dated: April 4, 1967. / If ~.'- - I.. , I " . /.)~ t t. c Clerk