06/06/1967 - City Council Regular MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOABD OF SUPERVISORS OF EAGAN TCMNSHIP, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA .;lIme 6. 1967 A regular meeting of the Board of iuperlisora. BasaD ~1p,. Dakota I County, Minnesota was called to order at 8:00 o'clock p. M. on June 6, 1967, at the town hall at which all members were present. Chairman Klein announced at 8: 00 0 I clock p. M. the commencement of a public hearing concerning the application of High-Site, Inc. 1845 County Road #30, St. Paul, Minnesota 55111, to rezone approximately 6.02 acres in part or the SW 1/4 of Section 20-27-23, from A, Agricultural to R-6, Residential multiple. It was noted that the Advisory Planning Committee recommended approval and further that the notice of hearing had been published according to law. It was further noted that the applicant had appeared at the regular Board meeting on June 24, 1964, informally requesting approval of a proposed apartment project to be situated on the above premises. At that date the Board informally approved the pcoject subject to submission of survey plat and complete plans and speciftcations, including plans for sewer and water services to the Advisory Planning Gommittee. Mr. Lawre~ce WeUEel al'ld Mr. Donald Getz appeared together with other officel of High Site, tnc. on behalf of the applicant, and certain property owners in the vicinity appeared in opposition to the application. After extended discu~si; including questions and answers about the proposed project and after reviewing the plans ~or the 'pr9,Posed apartment complex the Board determined to tq~e the matter u~r advis~~t until later ~~ the evening. " .. \ the Chairman the~ ~pounctf;l;. pUblic hearing concerning the apPficatiou of Donald D. ('.....istenson to rezo~ par,t of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 10-27-23 from A, Agricultural to R-6 Residential Multiple. It was noted that - 1 - the Advisory Planning committee recoDlDended approval. Mr. Christenson appec:.red on behalf of his application and Richard LeMay and Kenneth Aszmun appe~n:~d objecting to the rezoning. After extended discussion and upon motion by Supervisor Schwanz, seconded by Chairman Klein, it was RESOLVED that said application to rezone be, and it hereby is, granted. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as mailed. '!'be following Building permit applications were received. -.:.;, Duane Olson, Route 1, Rosemount, Lot 2, Block 3, Twin View Manor, for garage 24' x 24', building permit and variance from the aide lot line to 8', $1,500.00. Floyd Zeule, Route 1, Rosemount, Section 26, on..Cliff Road. Application to move garage $500.00. Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, the foregOing applications for building permits together with the variance covering the Duane Olson application be, and hereby are, approved. Ted Ringberg and Mr. William Schultz appeared on behalf of the Eagan Volunteer Fire Department. Upon motion made and seconded it was RESOLVED that Mr. Ted Ringberg be elected chief of the fire department and that Mr. William Schultz be elected as assistant chief. Upon further motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that a contract be entered into with Suburban Cement Construction Company as the low bidder for the construction of a cement driveway in front of the fire hall in the SUlIJ of $900.00 and that the fire chief supervise the construction. The Board also discussed the possibil of appointing a fire marshall and the fire chief was requested to look into the matter further. Upon motion by Supervisor Schwanz, seconded by Supervisor Rabn, it was RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors be, and hereby is, on record after - 2 - having reviewed the DlStter for several weeks and in light of the approxim.9t',; 3 to 1 vote in favor of the project ordering that sewer and wateX' f!'lc:U.~f;ip.s be extended to include the MCKee Addition together with the necessary road improvements and that the town engineer be, and hereby is, directed to proce~'l with the project. The town engineer reported on having inspected the streets in RasmUSSP~l Mdition and made the follOWing recommendations: (1) That the r~~d bad be \~idened near Cliff Road to a 40' top. (2) To provide a 30' width graded R~r-f!3(:: ':.litH 24' '~d""b: sravel base through the balance of the road. (3) Cut dl..Fv;t ::he boulevard on the west side of Cliff Road for site distance ptl=rQSE:s. (~.) That the property owners provide street grades for the township file. The town engineer further stated that he was preparing a study on the streets pro. posed to be dedicated in 'twin View Manor Mdition~fMr. McCubbrey and Ya>. Osendorf of the Minnesota Highway Department District Office appeared on behalf of the District's request for a building permit to construct a drivers' training station for the State of Minnesota near Cliff Road and Rahn Road in Section 31. The Town attorney stated that he had contacted the attorney gen~r81's offic~ ct':\lcernin.g whether it is necessary for the State of Minnesota to pay a l'-u~'::.(U...,,;:- permit fee and further whether it was necessary to go through the ~~l rezoning procedures in order to rezone the property to P, Public Fac11It~Gs. The attorney general's office toak the position that because of tho sO'!~l'ei.g'.ti..:j' of the State of Minnesota that such requirements were not necessary. UP:):J, :)''.i~b advice aud upon motion duly made and seconded it was RESOLVED that thli-\ bu:~::.d:;.T.lf -rarm1c be, and it hereby ls, granted with waiver of fee, and further thl3t the premises be rezoned to p. Public Facil1ty and that tbe procedural requiremtmts ii.lcbding public hearing be, arid hereby are, waived, which rezon1.ng 1s st'it>ject t~ ~'lhmhsion of th~ correct legal desnriptiou to the town clerk. .. 3 - The town attorney reported that he had been in touch with Gose,-:-ud Realty Company relative to the clearance of debris at the corner of Highway 1F31 and Deerwood Drive. The Board requested that Mr. Goserud and the owner of the property be present at the next board meeting to discuss the matter. The Chairman reported on the Assessment Committee Meeting of Ua7 31~ D67~ of 't-1hich copies of the minutes had been distributed to the Board tl1~mbe'2:'s" CI1F:l~.T.n2an Klein set a Special Joint Meeting of the Board and tb! Assessmel1t Committee for June 8, 1967, at 8:30 o'clock p. M. at the town hall. The Board discussed the proposed hiring of the following pers,"~:nel: (1) B1.:i1ding Inspector (2) Sewer and Water Superintendent (3) Assessment C"erk.. The Board decided to discuss the matter further at the June 8, 1967, special meeting. At approximately 10:30 p. M. the Chairman announced that the Board would reconsider the application of High-Site, Inc. previously heard at 8:~O o'cl~ck P. M. The applicant together with a representative of the objectlug prope~ty C't-mers were present at the time. After further discussion and considcrai.:i,)', a~;,-. upou motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESO~~'ii~ that the application for rezoning of the premises described in the applicat.ion fr~ A, Agricultural to R-6 Residential Multiple, be and it hereby is~ a?~~ova~, T'he Board noted that the action was unanimous and that the reason for the approval of the application included the following: (1) That the Ildviso!,~T Pl~nuing Committee recommended approval at its regular meeting on M~y 8, 1967; (?) T11at the Board had given tentative approval to the proposod t?roject ''It its meeting on June 24, 1964, at which time there appeared to be no Objec\:io':t~ to sadd project; (3) That there appeared to be property owned by ~l~~~c~ g~0~~~ - 4 - on each side of the above premises; (4) That adequate police, fire, and utility services are now available or will become so shortly for the proposed apartment complex; (5) That the nearest single family dwellings are separated by Rahn Road together with the set back as proposed and required uDder the ordinance; (6) That any building and platting requirements must be met by the appl:i.car..t prior to the final approval for construction of the proposed buildiu~s; (7) That the property generally appears suitable for multiple family dwelling3. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Schwanz it was RESOLVED that the date of the preliminary hearing regarding the proposed purch.<ls~ of the Cedar Grove Utilities system be, and it hereby is, scheduled for July 19~ 1961, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. at the Cedar Elementary School near the intersection of Cedar Avenue and Highway #30. The Clerk was ordered to publish notice according to law and to mail the required notices to the property owners. Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn, se~onded by Supervisor Schwanz it was RESOLVED that the contract with L. J. McNulty, Inc.. covering Sewer Improvemt:'nt Project #13 be, and it hereby is, approved and that the A~propriate officers be instructed to execute the contract. After discussion 'he town engineer was instructed to reinspect the str~etq in Timberline Addition relative to the proposed dedication of the streets to t.h0 township. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the application of Luther M. Stalland for a variance under Ordinance #6 and Ordinance #10 relative to the platting requirements and b'_,-ilding permit requirements on an unplatted parcel 90' x 320' east of BlackhaT~i'. Road in the SW 1/4 of Section 11 be, and they hereby are, approved4 . 5 The town engineer read a letter fran Texaco, I~c. requesting information concerning procedure for the proposed dedication to the township of the service road along Highway #13 near Cedar Avenue in front of the Texaco station. The Board instructed the Engineer to write a letter to Texaco, Inc., concerning the possible extension of the service road to Beau de Rue Drive. ~ .5;;P.:/l.It, ,otZ- Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded b~.r""- l Rahn it was RESOloVED that the 1967 Legislative Bill #684 relative to village powers to franchise and utility services and the Bill relative to the salary of town board and cle::~. of Eagan Township #405 be, and they hereby are, approved. The Chairman announced that a letter had been received from LnHass Corpor- ation, Highway #13 requesting sewer and water services on its property. Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that Mr. Donald Van Engen be sent a letter by the clerk accepting his resignation as fire chief. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn it was RESOLVED that the Eagan Junior Chamber of Commerce be, and it hereby is, granted authority to purchase and use fire works on July 4th in Eagan Township. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn it was RESOLVFD that the regular meeting of the board be changed from July 4, 1967, to July 6, 1967, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. John Pidgeon, Bloomington City Attorne; relative to the proposed revised joint co-operative agreement between Eagan- Bloomington-Burnsville for establishment of sewer treatment works. Upon mot~on by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn it was RESOLVED that said joint agreement be, and it hereby is, approved by the Board of Supervisors of Eagen Township. - 6 - The town attorney presented a preliminary report on water trunk and sewer trunk Project No. 15 to run in the vicinity of Highway 1"13 and Yankee Doodle Road which project carries an estimated cost of $400,000.00. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn it was RESOLVED that said preliminary report be, and it hereby is, accepted and that a public hearing concerning said improvement project be, and it hereby is, shcedu~ed fo~ June 28, 1967, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. at the town hall. Upon motion by Supervisor Schwanz, seconded by Chairman Klein it was RESOLVED that the application of Northern States Power Company for extellsio~ of power transmission lines throughout the township according to its application be, and hereby is, approved. The Board also discussed the proposed changing of the access of Blackhawk Road to Highway #13 in conjunction with the Dakota County Highway Department proposal for re-routing of the access point. The town engineer was requested to contact the LaHasa Corporation concerning the proposed moving of 30,000 ya~d~ of fill. Upon motion all bills were ordered paid. Upon motion the meeting adjourned. Dated: June 6, 1967. 4k7~ ~ Clerk - 7 - MINUTES Public Hearing - June 6, 1967 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a Public Hearing was held at the Town Hall on the 6th of June 1967 at 8:00 o'clock P.M. at which all members were present. Chairman Klein presided. Chairman Klein announced that the purpose of the hearing was to consider the rezoning of approximately 6.02 acres in part of the swt of Section 20-27-23 from A, Agricultural to R-6, Residential Multiple, application having been filed by High-Site, Inc. It was noted that the APC recommended approvaL. It was further noted that the applicant had appeared before the Board on June 24, 1964, informally requesting approval of a proposed apartment project subject to submission of survey plat and complete plans and specifications, including plans for sewer and water services. Mr. Larry Wenzel and Mr. Donald Gets appeared together with other officers of High-Site, Inc. and stated there would be 5 apartment buildings with one and two-bedroom apartments. Two parking spaces per unit are alloted. Mr. Jim Coggins, 4157 Rahn Rd., appeared in opposition to the project stating that five families were present opposing said re-zoning. Mr. Eugene Hambrick, 1995 Zircon objected to the project because he believes it will lower his property value. He further wants the building closest to Rahn Rd. set back 150' inasmuch as it is a 2~ story building and may interfere with view. He is also afraid it may be rezoned Commermial around this site and objects to that. Mr. Getz stated that the tax structure is good on a project of this type and that there are very few schoold children in an apartment. This project would be paying approximately $30,000 in taxes compared to approximately $6,000 that homes would pay if built on this site. Cost per unit is estimated at $10,000. Mr. Wenzel stated this a a five year project, and rent would be approximately $115 - $155 per month. - 2 - Mr. Ringberg, Fire Chief, questioned movement in regard to fire protection of these buildings, requesting no blocking of streets with parking. Mr. Rosene stated Fire Hydrants would be located within the property. The Board took the matter under advisement. At approximately 10:30 P.M. the Chairman announced that the Board would reconsider the application of High-Sire, Inc. The applicant together with Mr. Coggins, representing objecting property owners were present. After further discussion and upon motion of Chairman Klein and second of Supervisor Schwanz it was RESOLVED that the application for rezoning the above property from A, Agricultural to R-6, Residential Multiple be, and it hereby is approved. The Board further set forth reasons for the approxal of the application which are set forth in the official minutes of the meeting. Dated June 6, 1967 ~ ,I e<- Cler 11h.LL.--