06/20/1967 - City Council Regular MINUTES OF A REGUI.l\R MEETING OF ~ BO~1I> OF SUPERV1.30RS EAGAN TC~l-1SB.1P. DAKOTA bOURrY Jup.e 20, 1967 A regular meeting of the BoaI'd of Supervisors of Eagan Township. Dakota County. Minnesota, was held on June 20, 1967, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. et the town hall at which all members were present. Chairman Klei~. pre.:d.I.!~,].o Xhe reading of the minutes of the previous meet1!1.g WaS unanimously lIii!1ved. Mr. Larry Wenzel appeared on behalf of the application of High-Sitp.~ Inc. for a building penr4.t for apartment units. It was noted th!it the p::operty had previously been rezoned but that it had not been platted.. U't'. Paul Allison representing the Baptist Church adjacent to this prop~rty apPp.f>re1 also. Upon motion duly made and seconded" it was RESOLVED that the b!..ti1<.1i;lg permit be bald in abeyauce until the property in question be platted a::td that, in accordance with the platting ordinance. a public hearing be held on July 6, 1967. at 8:00 o'clock P. ~ at the town hall. Mr. Jerry Amundson appeared on behalf of Texaco, Inc., for a building p~rmit to construct a filling station at the intersection of Yankee Doodle Road ~Dd County Road 1131 at an estimated cost of $40,000.00. Upan motion <.1'1ly made by' Supervisor Rahn and seconded by Supervisor SCh'to1c1~lZ, it 't~as RESOLVED that the application be, and hereby is, duly approved and the building permit ordered issued upon payment of requisite fees thc'.t'efore. The application of Schwerman Trucking Co. for a special usa p~r~it t~ remodel present shop facilities at the corner of HiShway #49 and County Road fi63A uas suhmitted. No one appeared on behalf of the ap!>Ucation. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supe::VisoT. seh<var.z it was RESOLVED that the special use permit be, and here-by 1s, d~ly granted; l'lnd FU::tFB RESOLVED that the town attorney prepare and forward a lett~r to - 1 · applicant informing it that no building pemit would be iUued untU pla1:A.s and specifications were submitted to and approved by the town en.gi~ee:t'. The application of Judith B. Mohr for a building permit fer a nursery building and shop on Lot S, Block 3, Dodd View Mdition Wf.S mtu1l11ttcd, H':.. snd Mrs. Mohr appearing on behalf of the application.. It WE\S not:vl th'lf: Ht'. and Mn. Mohr had failed to pay final preliminary and fitlc:! r'b~..: und ~~gineering fees totaling $68.00 due since December 1, 1965~ It ~~~ fu~ther called to the Boardls attention that the applicants had not c~r,pll~c with the d'.unping ordinanc~ in regard to this same property for which l,.:.!ldf:'i[; pe.:!l1~.t application is made. Upon motioll duly made by Supervisor R.nh~:. and saconded by Supervisor SChwanz, it was RESOLVED that the buUdi.ng 1-'!'!r.:\Iit application be held in abeyance until the applicanthaa complied with tb~ dumping ordinance with regard to this property as requested previously by the town board a~ until such time 8S the applicant pays the fees nOw owed to the township. The appu.cat:lcn of DCR Corporation for 3 bu:l.l4ing permits fr~r co~~ct:.~'U..!'U':.u in :he Cedarvale Shopping CooteX' was submitted. The Advisory l?launil;g C.)_'l!'2.i.tr'.-, r~c~..:l'nC!.1ded approval. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Rahn a~ sec,)l~..i"J by St~9cr~J'isor Schwan.~, it waS RESOLVED that the applications be, ana h~reby a1~p., dulYllpproved and the building permits ordered issued upon payrJent. of the requisite fees therefore. The application of Thomas T. Hawkes for a building permit to cot.Jstru:.:t ;:! CR": "iash in the Cedarvale Shopping Center was submitted. It 1,.1~H~ n~.te\~ that the Mvisory Planning Committee recommeDded approval. Thr-; l'1e.tte:l: ':l~S trbled until the July 6, 1967. town board meeting for lack of f.:utwiss:to'Cl of ~la~s and specifications. .. 2 - Mr. Thomas Willmus representing Wil1mus Properties~ Inc. appear~ au behalf of' its application to rezone the Louis Motz property in Sectio~s 28 and 29-27-23, being approximately 205 acres. The Advisory Planning Commi.tt~~ recommE:nded approval. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Schuanz ;tnd tt~.~,J~.,,:i~(~ by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the application fm; rczoniug :....;, s('.coldance with Ordinance :/J:6 be set down for a public hearil1..g on ..1"\'.,/ Hs~ 1957, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. Residents in the area of Deerwood Drive and Highway tb31 appeared wit") j"egard to the debris on the Sparkman property. The real est:'lte agent ab(~ appeared with the purchaser of this property. Upon motion duly made by C1:tl3irman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it WaS RESOLVED thiJt the current owner of the property be issued a permit for burning upon th~ conditL-~ that he assume all liability and responsibility fer the conduct of the fire and that the township would be held harmless in all ::oespects Bnd further t~13t prior to setting fire to any debris on this property, the Eagan Fire Depa:~.tmHtlr he uotified. The owner acknowledged these terms in the preEe'nce of tbe tow',~. bO'irc.. The matter was further set down for report on the arre.l"g<-~ment~ a2 1.i~0 ..T\lly (;; 1967, board meeting. A proposed resolution extending the completion date of of.faire impr.I)'~I"~i:"l,j,: in. Cedar Gr.ove No. 5 wal:l submitted. Upon motion duly made by Ch.'3ET.!\lBn Klei::t a~~ seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that the r~solution as presented be, and the same hereby is, duly adopted subject to Cedar Grove' C.:mst:r.uct:f.on Co~pany providing gravel road access, properly Tl1;;d:.~taill.;d. to ~11 occupie~ ho~es in the area where finished streets do not servs, Upon motion duly made by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor ~bh~"'anz, it was RESOLVED that the clerk prepare a letter j.n:f()rm:tn~~ q,)rthern States po~qer Company to pay its build1.ng permit fees in aCCOl:dl!'.ce v7ith the - 3 - bill previously submitted to it or to appear at the July 6, 1967, meeting to answer why the bill has not been paid. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the town engineer be directed to check out the streets in Cedar Groves #3 and #4 and report to the town board before taking final action on acceptance of these streets. Mrs. Charlotte McPherson, assistant chairman, Women's Action Organization, appeared with a petition regarding street lighting at three separate inter- sections in Cedar Grove. Chairman Klein ordered the petition filed with the clerk. The offer was made by the W. A. O. to pay for the street lights provided that some suitable arrangement could be worked out with Northern States Power. Mr. Klein stated that he would look into the matter personally. Upon motion duly ,.made by Supervisor Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that the plans as prepared by the town engineer for the MCKee project #12 be accepted and that bids be received and opened on July 18, 1967, at 8:00 o'clock P. ~ at the town hall. It was informally decided that the applications for sewer and '''ater superi,,~ be reviewed by the Board at a meeting on June 28, 1967. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that Mrs. Ruth Shirley be, and hereby is, hired to cut the grass on the Cedar Grove #5 ball park for $16.00 per cutting as and when authorized by Supervisor Rahn. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Rahn and secoM-ed by Supervisor Schwanz it was RESOLVED to approve the application of Superamerica for three sign permits and cigarette license for a service station to be located at the intersection of:Hlghway #13 and County Road #30. - 4 .. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that the application of the Minnesota Valley Jaycees for an offsale beer license be, and hereby is, duly approved. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Schwanz and seconded by Supervisor Rabu. it was RESOLVED that the budget request to the County Auditor for allottment for police and fire funds allowed through the general fund from the beginning of the fiscal year in March, 1967, be and the same hereby ls, duly amended. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was RESOLVED to instruct the town attorney to write the Chicago, Northwestern Railroad requesting payment of $230.00 for two grass fires along the right of way of the railroad on June 2, and .June 3. 1967. Upon motion duly made and seconded all bills were ordered approved and paid as presented. Upon motion duly made and seconded the meeting was adjourned. Dated: June 20, 1967. ~!~ ~ ~ Clerk .. 5 -