07/18/1967 - City Council Regular l1AN"JTES O~ A rEGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS E..'lGA'lli TmmSHIP, DAKOTA COUNtY, MINNESOTA July 18, 1967 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Eagan TO':\'I!.ahip lB~ held o~ July 18,1957, at 8:00 o'clock p. M. at the tOlo:n haLl. "i~ which all members were prese~1t. Chairman Klein presided and the first ~rCf::r Ofl:m.L~;_:."-:'" l1a9 the opening of bids on the McKee area ~later and sewer impro.."emt!lt~ r;':,_~ ~r": Jl:. ~h2 f~llowiag bids were received for the amounts indicated: Peter J.ametti Construction Co. $544,783.80 llurley Construction Co. 552,150.50 Northp.rn Contractiug Co. 588,092.50 En1in Montgomery 571,189.50 F. Morettini Constr\.\ction Co. 553,191. 25 Austin P. Kelle:r CGTIstrl.lction Co. 584,935.35 Orfei & So~s 552,342.20 Phelps-Drake Co., Inc. 567,075.50 Robert w. Moo~e Co. 560,469~25 UpO". mo~ion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Schwanz th~ bide were refl?'t'rc.d t.o tha town engineer for tabulation. The publi~ hearing to considar the application of E.H. WilllL'l;:; Prorer.tL~'" Inc. for the rcz0ning nf the Louis Motz property in Sections 2f, aim 29~~7~2J South of County Road 1/:30, 205 acr.es, was then convened. Mr. Thomas M? Hilh1UR and 1:i8 e!lgineer appeared in behalf of the appHcat1.on. No cn~ appeared in opposition to it. Upon motion duly made by Svpervi~or Scllwauz ';:~.d sec.onded by Supervisor Rahn, :I.t waS RESOLVED that the prop~rt~. as presenter ~.::~ the appl1.cation be, and hereby is, rezoned in acc(lrd8nf'~ r-r:U:.h ~:hp '1p.t of plflns set fo"::"th by tbe applicat't~ - 1 - ~81 The n:inutes of the previous meeting were unanimously apprcyed as presented in writing and the reading dispensed with. Mr. Gary Foley appeared in application for a variance under Ordir-~nce ~6 for a building permit to construct a one family home on t.Jesc:ct,: Road in Section 24-27-23 on a ~ acre plot. Upon motion duly nade by Chairman Kh:.:i.ii.. ?nd seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED to grant the vari8uc0 ~~1.d isuuc the building permit subject to the correct legal description bei~1r~ submitted by the applicant and upon the further condition that no other or additional buildi~8S \olould be permitted upon the entire tract untU the property was platted. Representati.ves of the Eagan Fire Department appeared with a request for various items including sod, paint, yard clean up, and house numbering. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the improvements requested were unanimo~sly granted. The application of Eagan Realty Company for building permit for warehouse facility on Highway #49 in Section l2-27-23 was presented and stricken for ] f:C!~ of a~l'epre!lCC. The application of Heco Company for a building permit to construct a light 1.nd'J!lt!'i.al o,eration on Lot 2, Block 2, Sibley Terminal Indust~:~.~l Park near I-aah,\'ay tt13 was presented. Chairman Klein deffered acUC'n 0:.1 the ~atter until member.s of the Board had the opportunity to view the pre~e~t operation of the company located at 3601 E. 43rd Street in Mi.nr.c"lpoHs. The application of August Goetzke for rezoning the West 20 aCL€S of tbe F.~9t 30 acres of the ME 1/4 of the 1M 1/4 of Section 10-27-23, Scuth of ti:i.ghW!iY 1126 l-7aS presented. It was noted that the Adv!..sory F~.;Hm5.i:lt CO~~T,'11.tte(-l :~F;co"m\~n(~ed ap!>ro'JaJ.. Upon motion duly made by Chairman KV:l:fn nnd secC'r:.di'O:d ~y Sc1pervisor Schtl1anz, it was RE8CLVED to set the matter dOlm fOi: lwbHc - 2 - OHl hearing on August 15, 1967, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. The recommendation of the Advisory Planning Committee for study by the town engineer of a potential street plan in Zehnder Acres north of Lone Oak Road was stricken for lack of appearance by the owner and town Q~ginee~. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Schwanz and seconded by Supervis(\,~ Rahn, it was RESOLVED that Town Assessor Savage be paid the sum of $5,000 over a period of 2 years at the rate of $2,500 per year for the re-evahn:-:i.c.:J. of property in Eagan Township according to the new law. It was noted that Chairman Klein abstained from voting. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Rab~, it was RESOLVED to refer to the town engineer for study a proposal for regrading and widening the LeTendre Avenue approach to Highway #13. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Roon and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that Mr. James Klingel be, and hereby is, duly re-appointed to serve on the Dakota County Planning Committee for the next term_ The matter of business signs for the Dakota County Electric Co-op at neau de Rll.e Drive and Highway iH3 and the Modern Flair Beauty Salon and Donut Shop at Cedar Avenue and Highway #13 was refered back to the applicar.t;:, to make appropriate applications and pay permit fees before approval. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Klein and seco~ded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the Eagan Police Department be, and hereby is, duly authorized to establish a petty cash fund. Upon motion, all bills were ordered paid as presented. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Dated: July 18, 1967. (JLi (<. ;f~~ Clerk - 3 - ~tjr