08/01/1967 - City Council Regular MINUTES OF A REGULi.R MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS EAGJiN TCMNSHIP, DAKOTA COUNTY J MINN.OTA August 1, 1967 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Eagan Township, Dakota County, Minnesota, was held at the town hall at 8:00 o'clock P. Hi on August 1, 1967. at which all me1llbers were present. Chairman Klein presided. the minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The following building permit applications were submitted: E~er Rahn residence, 28' x 46' plus attached garage, $18,000.00, on Blackhawk Road in Section 29. Upon motion duly made and seconded, said permit was approved. , t; .# ,:;..,d, Tony Verduce. 419.~topaz Drive requested a garage building permit with., yard variance to .a' fe~,~ Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Rahn it was RESOLVED that said permit together with variance be approved subject however to the ,town engineer's approval of the drainage. Mr. Robert Johnson of the Coca Cola Bottling Company appeared indicating that he would submit an application to the next Mvisory PlannlDg Coumittee meeting for building permit and request to drill a deep well for bottling purposes only. The contract with Peter Lametti Construction Company concerning sewer project #12 was upon motion by Chairman Klein, and secoQded by Chairman Rahn approved and it was directed that the appropriate officials execute the contrau.: Mrs. Erikstrup appeared concerning the dedication of a road in Twin View Manor. The Board discussed the extension of Erik's Boulevard north to Pilot Knob Road. Upon motion IIISde and seconded it was RESOLVED that Mrs. Erikstrup improve the road and upon meeting the town's specifications and the approval of the town engineer the Board would then take the necessary formal action to accept said street. - 1 - OT(', '" :.~ A contract was presented between American Meter Controls, In~. and Eagan Township for water meter requirements. The contract waS refered to the town engineer and town attorney for cOIISiderat1,91l at the regular August 15, 1967, meeting. Mr. Jerry Sweeney of Parranto Brothers, Inc. appeared concerning the proposed acquisition of well site on the Dr. Hay property covering the 15 acre parcel on Yankee Doodle Road in Section 16 being 500 feet x 1,320 feet. The Board decided to in~estigate the site aDd discuss the matter further at its regular August 15, 1967. meeting. The town engineer presented Change Order #1 for tie elevated water storage tank with a deduction of $275.00. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, and seconded by Supervisor Rshn it waS RESOLVED that said change order be, aDd it hereby is, approved. Upon motion by Cbairman Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that the town engineer be, and hereby is, authorized to negotiate a change order on the contract covering project 115 to install 6 water main crossings on Yankee Doodle Road. Upon motion by Supervisor Schwanz, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was ~VED that the Project 115, Part A, plans and specifications hereby are approved and tbat the Board accept bids for said project on August 29, 1967, at 8:00 o'clock ,~.'M. at the town hall. I The Assessment Committee presented its recommendations from its meeting of July 28, 1967. Upon motion by Chairman Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Schwanz it was RESOLVED that said recommendations be, and they hereby are, accepted relative to sanitary sewer trunk assessments with the exception of Subsection 1.. which was stricken from the original report. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Rahn, seconded by Chairman Klein, it was RESOLVBD tha t tle - 2 - ~T(: assessment hearing for sani~ary sewer tfU11k syst<D and sewage treatment facitlt1e~. be held at 8:30 p. M. at the t.~. hall on August 29, l~lt and that the clerk be authorized and directed to publish ~tice of the hearing and to send notices to the interested property owners. After discussion and upon motion made and seconded it was RESOLVED that the town attorney be, and hereby is, directed to send a letter to Northern States 'ower Company lndicat1Dg that prior to any entry by Northern States Power Co. of gas facilities into Bagan Township that there must be an approprla~e francJtise agreement entered into. Upon motion made and seconded it was RESOLVED that the township purchase a used Olivetti adding machine for $275.00. Upon motion the bills were ordered paid. Upon motion the meeting adjourned. pated: August I, 1967. ~~ .~Le_ Clerk - 3 - ~"~ T ~.