08/29/1967 - City Council Special 11tNUTES OF A SPEClJ,L MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS EAGAN TO"t<1NSHIP, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA .Augu;t 29, 1967 A special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Bagan Township, l-1aS held at the tOl-1n hall at 8:00 o'clock P. M. on . AUgust 29, 1967. All members were present and Chairman Klein presided. Chairman Klein announced the opening of bids for water trunk extensions covering Imrpovement Project #15. Part A. A list of the bids submitted are attached to and made a part of these minutes. Upon mction made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that the bids be turned over to the town engineer for tabulation. At 8:30 o'clock P. M. the Chairman announced the opening of a hearing concerning sanitary sewer trunk assessments. The Chairman noted that notice had been published and mailed to affected property owners. The Chainman commenced the hearing by reviewing some of the background including the consulting engineer's report covering sanitary sewer trunk dated 1965 and the initial hearing in March, 1966, at which time it was determined that the town would commence the sanitary sewer tmprovement project. The town engineer then reviewed the progress on the sanitary sewer trunk system to date followed by an analysis of the assessment procedures and charges by the town attorney. The Chairman then opened the floor to questions and objections by the affected property owners present. At approximately 10:30 the Chairman announced after motion duly made and seconded that property owners could submit written objections prior to the regular board meeting of September 5, 1967, at. which ttm( a final decision by the Board concerning asseaS$ents would be made. Da ted : Augus.t 29, 1967. tYLu u ~J-.~ / Clerk