10/17/1967 - City Council Regular MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD 0'1" S.'PEr:oJJ30JJ.S EAGAN T:JlTNSHIP, DAKOTA COUNTY, MIl~NESOTA October 17, 1967 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Eazan 'l'uwi,;.ship t.1~$ held at the town hall on October 17, 1967, at 7:00 o'clock P. M, at which all members were present. Chairman Klein presided. The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as presented with an amendment to include the following: Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED to approve e.xpenditures in the approximate amount of $300.00 for miscellaneous items for the Eagan Vohmteer Fire Department. At the reque3t of the Board appearances were made to discuss the Blackhawk Road situation by Mr. Vince Kennedy; Donald Kaysen, Ted Kayson, Jr., and their attorney Paul M~g~Jbe~; Jean Parranto representing DCR Company; and a represe~tative of Minllasota Hospital Association. Mr. James Gabiou, Dakota County Engineer, 't'Tas also present. The matter was discussed at length and it was agreed that the following four point program would 0,,) followed at this particular time in the interest of getting the construction done u~w. (1) Obtain a \'lritten agreement from each property owner to a110\'1 th~ CO:ltractor to enter the prop~rty to complete the work. (2) COI..til1.ae the condemnation of the Kay~en property for the right of way. (3) Defer vacatio~ of old Blackhawk Road for the time being. (4) Blockade off the new Blackhsl17k Road west ~f old Blackhawk Road until waiver of access to trunk highway #13 is obtained and until agreements are worked out be~~een the property owner3 relative to the land between old Blackhawk Road and new Blackhawk Road. At 7:30 p. M. the public hearing was convened concerning the application of Harvey Kirchner to rezone his property situated in Section 25 according to his application. Mr. Kirchner appeared on behalf oi his 8?Fllcaticn 8ud - i .. DO one appeared in opposition thereto. It was noted that tha Advisory Planning Committee recommended approval. Upon motion J~ly made by SU?~rViFOr Rahn, seco~ded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVEJ') that said l\pplical:i(J::~ for rezoning be, and hereby 1s, duly approved. Chairman Klein then proposed a resolution regarding the proposed increase in sewer rates in the Cedar Grove area by the Cedar Grove Utilities Company which denied the increase. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, the resolutinn. 'as presented was unanL-nously adopted and a copy thereof ordered spread upon the minutes of this meeting. The application of Highway Displays, Inc. for a constructio:! permit for Murphy House billboard on the East side of Cedar Avenue North of Highway #13 was submitted. It was noted that the Planning Committee recommenderl approval. Upon motion duly medd by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that the application be, and hereby is, duly approved, The application of taHass Corporation for building permit for 50' x 172' eoncrete block building addition was submitted. Mr. Ernest Richardson, controller for the company, appeared on behalf of the application. Chairm.?14 Klein read a letter dated October l3, 1967, from the company to the Board indicating their wi11ingnesD to make substanti&l improvements to cnaance the esthetic surroundings of the plant site which would be accomplished in conjunction with the additon. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that the application for permit be, and hereby is, duly approved in the sum of $61,000.00 subject to the approval of the plans and specifications by the town engineer. The application of Rau~llhorst Development Corporation for preliminary plat approval covering the former Milwaukee Land Company property near P.it;~i17ay 1155 and Lone Oak Road was presented. It was noted that the Planni:16 - 2 - Committee recommended approval. Upon motion duly ~de by Supervisor Schwanz, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that said ppplic8tion be, and hereby is, duly Dpproved. The town attorney presented the Phelps-Drake Company construction contract covering tmrpovement Project No. 15, Part B. It Was noted that the contract had already been approved by the Board and the town officers thereupo~ executed the contract. The town engineer then presented a preliminary report on the proposed gravel base to be installed in tbe Rauenhorst area to 8 width of 24' on designated streets in the development area at a proposed cost of $15,340.00. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED the t the town engineer be, and hereby is. duly authorhed and directed to advertise for bids which: shall be opened NOVember 7 J 1967. Chairman Klein directed the town attorney to determine the leg81ity of creating a policy relative to water service that only a $25.00 maximum arrearage would be permitted at which time there would be an automatic customer shut-off of water. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it WaS RESOLVED that the rDte agreement for Northern States Power Company for electrical service to the municipal water system be, and hereby is, duly approved and the town officers directed to execute same. Mr. Gary Foley appeared on behalf of his application for building permi~ at 3242 Blackhawk Road for a house 26! x 36' with attached garage 22' x 261 atan.estimated cost of $20,000.00. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was RESOLVED that the applice tion be approved and permit issued subject to submission by applicant to the town engineer of a scale drawing of cite plan within 30 days from the date hereof. - 3 - Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Schwanz, seconded by Supervisor Rahn) it l-18S RESOLVIID that the town attorney be Bu::bo:dzed and directed to request an Attorney General's opinion regarding the Vcu::ious lawT3 relative to the 'buy-out of private utility systems. Chairman Klein read letters received from the Federal Aviation Arlwini~- tration and the Metropolitan Airport Commission relative to the informal application of Howard Gelb, St. Paul) regarding the Lost Spur Ranch lands for a proposed high-rise apartment unit complex. The town attorney and town engineer reported on the negotiations for the B-E-B plant site and that efforts were being made to concl~1e the purch~sc on behalf of the joint committee 8S soon as possible. Chairman Klein read a procla~tion declaring the week of Novemher 5 through 11) 1967 American National Education week. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Klein) seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it uas RESOLVED th~t the proclamation be spread upon the minutes of this meeting and declared in the name of Eagan Township to be effective. Upon motion duly made and seconded) the bills as presented t-lere duly approved and ordered paid. Upon moticin duly' mr,de. ~~nd seconded it 'Has RES.O~Vm tha~-:.-~'g.,ll ~.c.~sspoo15 t).2 pumped- ~nd.fill~ ~t iu~h ti~ as the property on which such cesspool is located is connected to the Eagan sanitarY,se.~eF~B~ system. Upon motion the meeting was adjourned. Dated: October l7) 1967. tU, t_~ (L1-L~ Clerk - 4 -