01/02/1968 - City Council Regular ~UNUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING or TEE F0ARJ:' OF SUPERVISORS OF EAGAN TOWNSHIP, DAKOTA COUNTY, Mn1NESO'Ii~ January 2, 1.')':;'8 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Eagan To'tva~h:lp lvas held et the town hall on January 2, 1968, at 8:00 0' clocle P..M. at which all m..~mb~;~r.'3 uere present. Chairman Klein presided. upon motion duly made and seconded; th~ tr,L ,u I::.es were approved as ma iled. l..t:", Thomas Mohr appeared on behalf of a building penni t app1:icatio!l that he had submitted to the Board of Supervisors in April of 1967 for a garage and nursery building. It was noted that according to the June 20, 1967 mi.nutec; of the Board of Supervisors that said application had been held in abeyance until the lot on which the proposed building was to be erected was made to con- form to the Eagan Dumping Ordinance. It was further noted by the Boa::/1 that the Police Department had cited Mr. Mohr with a violation for the reason that construction had begun on the building by the laying of five rows of blocks without the acquisition of a building permit. It was further noted that phn.c end specs. including site plan had been submitted at an earlier time. Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that said application be again held in abeyance to complete the requirements of the June 20, 1967 provision. It was further noted that the Board did not accept the check tendered for building p~rmit fees and that Mr. Hohr refused to take back th~ check. The Police Chief was instructed to return the cr~ck by actual delivery. Fire Chief \.Jilliam Schultz appe,"!:.(d :t:''':iY:l'~dlnr; c;crt:'!.ln iss1les relevant to the Eagan Fire Department. Upon motion. j,y Chairm.."n Y.lein and sc:'conded by S.1pcTvisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the Town Treasure:, be auth;'lrl~:;ed to ,li~~erse the sum of $3,000 for firemen's salary and that 1.10 accounting c:o';e,~ing peyrnent of the salary be made to the Board. Upon further motion by SUPC,:'V1S,j'.: R3.hn and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that the sum of $1~C00 ;)~ p'" .'1.d over to the Eagan Firemen t s Relief Association prior to the 196B n~~;:..'1Cll meeting. The fire chief further discussed proposed expansion plans includlng fire truck and fir~ hall. The TOlYn Attorney was directed to prepare a time- table concerning a proposed bond issue to be submitted to the electors at the annual meeting in March, 1968. The Town Attorney was further instructed to contact the town liability insurance carrier concerning mutual assistance between the Eagan and Lebanon Fire Departments for two nights each year. The application of Carriage Hills Country Club for building permit for clubhouse which was deferred from the December 19, 1967 meeting lvas next presented. It was noted that permission had now been granted to the applican~ to continue construction because all requirements for the building permit had now been fulfilled. Upon motion by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that said building permit application be, and it he7eby is, approved. The application for building permit by Rauenhorst Corporation for 20,000 sq. ft. building on Lots 3l and 32, Block 2, Eagandale Center Industrial Park which was deferred from the December 19, 1967 meeting was now referred to the Planning Committee for consideration. - 2 - The Chairman submitted a proposed am~nd~ent to th~ fire aid contract ,;-Yi th Nendota Heights reflecting a change in ho",rly rates for fire se'l-vice [rom $ll5 to $140 for the first hour and from $100 to $125 per hour for each a31itiona1 hour at each fire. Upon motion by Supervisor Sch\-lanz and secol'.ded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that said contract bet and it hereby is, accepted and that the proper town officials be authorized to execute the :\r.~p.n~~en t. The p~cposed Mutual Fire Protection Agreement with Mendota Heights was ngain tabled because of lack of response from Mendota Heights. The Board next discussed the proposed formation of a committee to study the merits of incorporation as a Village versus remaining a Township. UpOt\ motion by Supervisor Schwanz and seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that a seven member committee be formed to be called the Committee to Study the Merits of Remaining a Township or Incorporating as a Village and that members be appointed according to the following list in the order selected according to ballot by the members of the Board: 1. Donald Knight 2. Jerry Adams 3. Donald Chapdelaine 4. Herb Polzin 5. Roger Sperling 6. Marge Simesek 7 . \~a lly Pot ter 8. Roger Weierke 9. Glen Hintz 10. Martin Shields ll. Narge Shadduck l2. Mike Gresser 13. Fred Schultz 14. Tom Stearns Upon motion by Supervisor Schwanz and seconded by SuperviHor Rahnt it was RESOLVED that George Ohlman be, and he hereby is, hired for one additional year for snmvp10wing purposes on the same tenns as the previous year. - 3 - On motion by Supervisor Rahn and secoi"'ld-er:l by Supe:>:visor Schw::mz, it was RESOLVED that Terminal Drive in Sibley Inmlstria1 Park be accepted for snowplowing ~intenance only. The Chairman noted that the Dakota County League of Hunicipali t; es had submitted a request for payment of League membership dues. Upon motion by Chairman llein and seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it l~~~ RSSOLVED that the issue of whether restaurants in Eagan Town~hip licensed to sell intoxicating liquor should be permitted to sell liquor on Sunday be p L1c,"d on the ballot at the annual meeting of the electors in March, 1968 and that proper publication be made. Upon motion by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the Town Hall be made available to the Dakota County DFL Central Committee for its meeting on a date subsequent to January l5, 1968 so as not to conflict with any formal town function. Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Schtvanz, it was RESOLVED that the request of OCR Company for water service to serve the proposed apartment complex on Rahn Road Extension and'an area North of the Valley Natioral Bank along Highway 13 and adjacent to the Bank be, and it hereby is, accepted and that the request be submitted to the Town Engineer for study and report to the Board. Upon motion by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that all cigarette license applications as applied for be granted by the Town Clerk. Upon motion by Supervisor Schwanz and seconded by Superviso= Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the gravel permits now in existence be renewed acco~ding to application provided th3t all ordinance requirements are met. - 4 - Upon motion by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it F'iS RESOLVED that the following plumbing licenses be issued: Genz - Ryan, Rosemount, Hinnesota Allstate Plumbing Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota On motion by Supervisor Schwanz and seconded by Supa~isor Rahn, it '(.019$ RESOLVED that compensation for attendance at meetings of the Bloornington- ~agan-Burnsville Joint Sewerage Council in the sum of $35.00 per day be paid from the Eagan General Revenue Fund to the Eagan representatives to the COu';l:;il and that said compensation be retroactive to the date of th~ appoint- ment of the Eagaa representative. It was noted that Chairman Klein ai)stained from voting on the matter. Upon motion duly made and seconded, all bills were approved as presented and ordered paid. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Dated: January 2, 1968 1.24 ~ 13- -lA':'.--- Clerk - 5 -