01/16/1968 - City Council Regular MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF 'J'l:r3 BOARD OF SUPERV1.S0RS O? EAGAN Tot-rnSmp, DAKO!..:'. COliN'IT ~ UrmmS{lT,A Janua ry 16, 1958 A reg-..11ar meeting of the Board of S'l1pervisors of E<lean TOT1.)~-.r<"Lp, n~k~t;~ C~t'Z'i;:j7~ Mi.nncscta was held on January 16, 1968, at 7:30 PQ M. -:it v.;().;.4~:\ ajJ. l~"t~\be:rs tlere present. l.t.. ;F: 30 ~. M. the Chairman announced the opening of a 1'..:'Vi.;,.:h:;'",:i"i-,~: ('.(:'.('.~~.1"1.~::. {..~ r. ~~.c <::ppHcations of Marvin Rahn, Willard Rahn -... . ar..:-. ;.(.:1 Z\,.;....~.,'~. L' <.~o=pc~.C1tior:. t,,, rezon~ from A, Agricultural to 1-1, Light I!'.d\'tstr:1..f4.i t:'e ~.,rcc'~~ h.?lf of.. N~i lll~ of Section 11, except the North 500 feet of the l{;:,\s;; 50:) b!O~~: 8!'l.1 the 5E 1/1; ef the NW 1/4 and the SW 1/4 of the NE l/!~ ,,1' 3",,~ti/')r, 11 lying Sou\:heali:S of t~e intersection of Lone Oak Road and Lexlngt(.'l~ /i\7P.m".:l. The Planning Com:nittee recommended approval. Mr. James O'Neil 8pPCA\";ad on behalf of Rauenhorst Corpol:ation. Mr. Schumacher, the owner of r, ~"acre parcol within the abmre parcel abutting Lexington Avenue on the East 8pp\~a:rt~<1 obj~ctin8 to the rezo~iug dS a whole but indicated that if the rezoning of t~~ wh~lc parcel ta~~c place that he did not object to including his properi:y. I~ ~-1as noted that tl.,e surrounding property was essentially zoned Light. Incest!:'.!."!J includi:ng a propoaed application cO"ter1ng property directly across r,exj,ngto!'~ Avenue to the West and generally the area appeared suited for Light Industri81 purposes. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that said appli-:.etion for. rezoning be, and hereby is, appro'l7ed.. At 7:'+5 P. M. the Chairm."ln an!\ouw:erl the coYJ:!l~a'ce~.1!f: of a public hearing coveri!13 the application of M. Rodney Eff.ress mJ.1 Alphy LeMay to rezone epprox:t:n-etely 60 acres East of P:Hot Knob Road Bnd South of I,eMF.Y Lake ft,om A, A~L'ic'.11tm:Rl t~') R..4, P',-6 and C-? a'.;~ordii"!8 1;0 th.z publ:!03h~r1 legal descript::1.on and a sketch subtrJtt~(t at the Board mer.,ting.. ~1L. -'l.f.~::1 HI'S, Roger Scha1.un.l)urg, 3162 Pilot Koob Road, apl!eal'a~ c01."!.ce!r..i!1~~ the !jo<-:n::,hle vllcati"n of an easement leading from thE;"i.r pr~p~:,=,t.y to Pi ~ot Kn~b R..,::l1. Otb?'!:' ngighbors appeared concerning the eventual development of the R~l ~:t"!.:" consi.sting of 19.5 acres under option by the proposed de7elope:;: j;'\;,,;,.-'.l.int~b t ;.' ::'.'1 the North of the above property proposed to be rezoner.J~ Aft,.;" ~,;~;;L'::h~~~ r!i::::-";'3Cjic,~, upon motion by Supervisor Schwanz and seconded by ~~'~'Ji..:,-;:L':ll' t:'1hn, .;.X ~7M RESOLVED that said area included in the application and pt:.h1i8b~(l J.1~tic(-'. ~~ rezoned as above indicated. A::' 3:",'~ P. M. the bids for Deep Hell No.1, Project 15, r;1':';~ c: ~,t:'.'~' ::T'C:1S::: , '::~.e f.ollowing bids were submitted: Part I Pa rt !,] _.....-JJ__~..... _"" MJcl1er B~os. Well Co. Layue-Mir~esota Co. Bergerson-Caswell, Inc. E. H. Renr:e:t" & Sons, Inc. Keys Well Drilling Co. McCarthy Well Co. 28,420.00 27,739.00 24,530.00 27,966.00 23,440.00 36,400.00 49,225eG~ 43,436.00 42,030,,00 l.5, 286. C() 41,94\).00 60,355.00 After all ~ids were opened, upon motion by Chairman Klein and se~oDd~d by Supervi!':or Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that the bids be closed ann r~j'(,lT~1 to the t~~n engineer for tabulation. Following tabulation and upo~ motion m~de by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor S'm~anz , it was RESOLVED that the b:!.d of K~ys Well Drilling Co. in the sum of $23,4l/-0 for Par.t I and $l~1,940.00 fo~: Part II be, and hereby is, accepted ar..d thlC\ bids awarded to Kcyr. WI":11 Drilling Co. Chairman Klein then announced the opening of too continued p':blic heaxing of Wesley Schmidt t.o rezone from A, Agricultural to R-l~ R~side~tial and for preliminary appTova 1 of the W. Schmidt Md.ttion a parcel of. appl"(t.ICiJ.,"'.?tely 3.7 acres on ti.1<3 West Side of Le.."{i..~gton A-\ip.:;:mo. wi.:h a~.drcss of l~l45 LeJ~ington .Avenue. Mr.. DO!Ulld Warkente:i.n 8'1\1 [Jr.. Krizisnrk: :'l<1jcC>2zo::: property o'Wlers, appec:::re<\ in oppasition to th~ application. M::.'. DonaM Cl'!mpbell, surveyor an':! Er. '.Com Campbcll~ attn!"ne)' pppesu:d t~6c'~heT Flt~l - 2 ~ Mrs. Schmidt on behalf of the application. The Board indicated that it had first asked the applicant to contact the property owners to determine whether there was any objection to granting a variance for the construction of the home that is proposed on the applicant's lot. Because there were no objections, the applicant submitted an application for approval of a perliminary plat and for rezoning the property and the requirements of the ordinances had therefore been met. The objections appeared to be primarily from a planning standpoint as to location of the house and objection as to drainage by property owners to the rear and below the hill. The town engineer indicated that he had inspected the property and stated that the additional home would not create any further drainage problem but that the house if it is to be built, should be be buil~ so that the property would drain to Lexington Avenue to the East. The applicants indicated that they would not build a home directly North of their present house and South of the Warkentein house because the houses would be too crowded. After considerable discussion and having in mind the objections lDd~eeted including those mentioned above, taking into account the Planning Committee's recom- mendation, the ordinance requirements and general planning procedures, upon motion by Supervisor Schwanz and seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that said application to rezone to R-l and for approval of preliminary plat be, and it hereby is approved. The next public hearing concerned tbe application of Theodore Wachter to rezone 78.71 acres in Section 10 Southwesterly of the intersection of Lone Oak Road aud Lexington Avenue from A, Agricultural to I-I, Light Industrial. Tlrare were no objectors to the application. Mr. Wachter appeared on behalf of the application. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that said application be, and hereby ls,approved. - 3 - The regular meeting commenced at approximately 9: 30 p. M. Upon motion the minutes of the previous meeting were approved as mailed. The application of RauenhorstCorporation for building permit for a 20,000 square foot building on tots 31 and 32, Block 2, Eagandale Center Industrial Park was next submitted.. It was noted that the Planning Committee recommended approval. Upon motion by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that said application for building permit be approved subject to the Town Engineer's final approval. Mr. Robert Boisclair and Mr. Jean Parranto appeared on behalf of the application of Car-Bor-Ne1 Company, Inc. for buiWing permit for apart:ment complex unit and variance request to allow 1% parking spaces instead of 2 required spaces under the ordinance to be located on Rahn Road neer Beau de Rue Dl:1lve. The Planning Committee rec011'lllended approval of the building permit but denial of the variance. It was noted that the plan now included a proposed private road of 22 foot width. The complex would include 381 units with 14 buildings, exclusive of garages under the present plan. The plans also now included a drainage study and the Board discussed the proposed dedication of the lake into which this property would be draining. Another item of discussion was the. app~QXimately lOO foot buffer between the residential zoning and the apartment complex, the type of buffering and the playgcounds within the area. Upon motion by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that the matter be referred back to the Planning Coum1ttee for possible consideration at a special meeting on January 30, 1968 and s1,lbmission at the regular Board meeting on Februa ry 6. - 4 - The application of Cedar Grove Construction Company to rezone from A, Agricultural to R-I and R-4 and for preliminary plat approval of an 88 acre parcel on the Lange an:! Sell property beb-7een Rahn Road and Blackhawk Road was next submitted. The Planning Committee recommended approval. Upon motion by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that said application be set for public hearing on February 6, 1968 at 8:00 o'clock p. ~4, subject, h~~ever, to submission of proper legal description. Mr. Bradford of King Road did not appear regarding an improper survey of the location of the centerline of Section 31-27-23. The matter was set over to the February 6th meeting. The town engineer proposed the adoption of certain street standards for Eagan Township which were recommended for approva 1 by the Planning Committee. Upon motion by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that said proposals be, and they hereby are, adopted as the street standard for the township and be attached to these minutes and that the town engineer and town attorney be directed to draft an ordinance if necessary incorporating said standards. Mr. Norman Eklund appeared on behalf of a request by Northern States Power Company for a permit to locate electric cable lines in trenches in Eagandale Industrial Road and Eagandale Boulevard from Highway #55 to the New Holland Machinery Plant. Upon motion by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that the Board grant said permit upon condition that it be only a single pemmit as outlined above with no bearing upon other proposed franchise agreements with NSP and further submission of the required permit fee. - 5 - Upon motion by Supervisor Schwanz, seconded by Chai~n Klein, it was RESOLVED that the contract with Black and Veatch of Kansas City, Missouri for certain work for the Bloomington-Eagan-Burnsville Joint Sewage Council in the maximal amount of $5,000 be, and hereby is, approved and that Eagan pay its proportionate share. Upon motion by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the 3.2 beer license for the Spruce Motel be, and hereby is, approved. The Board informally discussed the award granted by the Commdssioners in the Blackhawk Road condemnation involving the Theodore Kaysen, Jr. property. The town attorney indicated that the COIlIDissioner's award amounted to $8,200. The Board determined to discuss the matter as to a proposed appeal at its regular February 6th mee,ing. Upon motion, all bills were ordered paid. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Dated: January 16, 1968. ",17 ' 41. ~ d J.c,,-,~,i-<-- Clerk - 6 - ~/(,/(,,y ,/ -I 0.4->> 6" ~ I " R / 2 ~ /' I ", '?- , ~ . ~'?- :3 ~\ : ~' \ to ~ , P '1 I- t-. f , .. ,1 L -IN ., ' I"- ~ .. , l. .' l ....t- S" - ~ " R 2 \J"\ " 3 Slope - " per Foot (I, (f ,~ .1 ( : '4" :,1 ~ 1 ( " ~ . "- -J . I, t " .. ~~ ~ - IS" STANDARD COLLECTOR STREET SECTION (MHD, B 618 Curb 8. Gutter) I " R. ~"" 12 .. ~ 12" , - - " '~ <--) 2 I I .. ~ J' 2 R '0" Slope ~ " ~ " 4 per Foot r ~ ,\ < ~ ~ .. t\ ~ .,' .6 ~ .. ..) ",.. b L> ~ l .. . of . <: . . \", . - 4, q "", '<l, 'f L ..... -- -- 24" , .~ STANDARD RESIDENTIAL STREET SECTION I II Scole: 1"2 : I' - 0" " ~:~~~trool Rosene' 8. Ander,J1, EAGAN TOWNSHIP . rR~Yi'i~n;l!. Plote N:- Consulting Engineer~ , 1..1<:'1 I I l. St Poul, Mmn j~~~~~A~~_~U_~~_~_ GU,~~~~__~E~~,I~~__ .__J r c' I ft i I 1 I I .. 60' 14' ~I. -- 16' 16' '\ I b" Crown ~~4. ~:'"''''~..:.~~''...''' ~.9.~"\n-'...." :'~.."" ."/..;::: / / I ,.. '/ /'/1/ , 'I /'/ , .'/, / " / / , / // .' I Future 4" Sidewalk $to Resloential Curb a Gutter' ,I- 2" Plant Mix Mot, 2331 Pen..trotion Prime - 4 -;, Closs 5 Grovel 4" Closs 4 Grovel ". Sc.ole: ..I 1 ,. Bonest,oo, Rosene .~ Ande"i.l EAGAN Consulting Engineers I St Paul, Minn. '.____J R__~S.I~~NT~A,L_~T:,~~~. _~:OSS,_~~~:~N TOWNSHIP 14 ~ .. per Foot 1 " :; 10 ' 1 w f' 4 0" ': 4 , ---'1" ""-" - Revisions , I feb 67 I I ,1.., It -::. I ~ Horiz, Vert Plate No, 2 f--- I I ! I I /' It IS' / 1-- Future 4. Sidewalk .. C' ,-- ,-'------"-',,-------''--- --'------_..-1 i , I SO' ~,- 22' -f- IS' .- 22 ' , .. --;- 6 Crown i i~ Foot '...:~".:~~},~t:~r~~(:,~!~.,'~(~,.~'~"":~'~I-~~~"~. ,~,!,'C,:f;" //1/ / / / I I / / // " .L- 2" Plont Mil( Mot I 2341 ~enefrofion Prime fj. Closs 5 Grovel , --, --- 4 Closs 4 Grovel I / / I- Std, Collector 51 Curb a Gutter (M.HD, B618) ! / I I ," / f----.... '--- -- r ~-,--~, -,-------,---, , ,--,----- ft EAGAN '-,- ----"--,,-,,, "___1_'" ,,-- -, ,- r---' ...------j Rev.5ion' Pla'e No, TOWNSHIP Feb67 , :3 Sanest roo. Rosene & Anderlik Consult ing Engineers Sf, Paul. Minn, COLLECTOR STREET CROSS SECTIONl__J" -. - . t,. ,.. ~ ' , ,.' h Street Si9n ~ I I, I ~ .-. . , , ..'.... ft Curb Stop~ It on 'LJ\ ' ) ',', N 't,', .. '\ ..~ ; ~., ~ End, Sewer and Water Service ,.Oft. i' . , 'I ,I'~ "10' ." .' '" Sc:ol.: .. t: 20 , Future 4' Side 'WOltc;' It /L Gas Moin and Te~e Conduit u,~ N end E of ~ ond 7 from It. - .1 . Woter Main IO'N CIn!lI 'W'of &te ~~V"On Jl. t;..te~,;, .~ " ~< . ...-. "~,~tGry,Se_~~:~,~::' .' <i. .. ..~l' . ,. , , . , . ? c at C~er ot Rod'~6 ,1 I" . I~ I I .... . , Ft.' .~-. " 32' )Oce to ~, '. "", GO' R.O,W. Revlsion$ Plate' No. Bonestroo Roseoe E 'Andertik .) ......,,'..., '-- -', ConlultlnQ'Eng,""" . . St. POUt, Minn. ' ,EAGAN, , TO~~,Sti'IP}', s...." ~Jft,,'AeP\.' ',.ia:. ""', ','A "'TIl'H.,,'.. ,.'J ,6 of, ,'Pl.JEIJO', ijnurest ;." "-M~V ~J""'I.~ " - \' """.~~,'" ,': >.'.. "'t'.:, ,',\ iri oReS4OENTtA~. STflUT:. ~ ' '-/ .-_.,r':' ".~., ..J,""~ :. ~_",,'-' . '".: ...-; " ., ::~':~~';",-.':;;:;:'J;;, t..;',.,j , 'I' Standard Sfre ef Sign to be Embosed IS Go, ZinC Coated Bonderlzed Steel, 4" Letters on 6" Backr-:und Letters to be Reflectori,~ed r i' I:) Golvonlzed Steel Posts o - I co ci 8" M', Dlom -t Posts Set In, Concrete ~i - , L --it 2" Min. t--' - Pin, 1/2" Diom, II 6" Bonestro 0, Rosen e, Anderlik ConsultihQ Engineers - . St. Pou I, Mlnn Revisions Plate No, EAGAN TOWNSHIP Standard Street Sign 5