03/12/1968 - City Council Regular MINUTES OF THE ANNUJ~L MEETING EAGAN TOWNSHIP, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA March 12, 1968 The Annual Town Meeting of Eagan Township, Dakota County, Minnesota was held at the Town Hall, 3795 Pilot Knob Road on March 12, 1967. The meeting was called to order by Clerk Alyce Bolke. After the Election Judges were ~q~rn in, proclamation of opening of the polls was made at 10:00 o'clock a. m. to elect one Supervisor for a three-year term, one Clerk for a two-year term, and two Justices of the Peace for two-year terms. Also on the ballot was a bond issue in the amount of $50,000 for construction of a T~1D Hall Addition and the Sunday Liquor question. Other polling places for this Annual Election were Precinct II - Heritage Methodist Church on South Lexington and Precinct III Fire Station on Rahn Road. Polls were officially declared closed at 8:00 o'clock p. m. aod the Judges proceded to canvass the votes. The election results were as follows: Supervisor: David Jacobson 667 Donald Knight 405 Richard LeMay 119 Edward Schwanz 235 Clerk~ Alyce Bolke 1,343 Justice of the Peace (two elected) Dorman Atwood 740 Helen Kennedy 663 Harry Ray 640 Town Hall Addition: Yes - 1,061 No - 380 Sunday Liquor Yes - 983 No - 450 Clerk Alyce BoIke called the business meeting to order at 9:00 o'clock p. m. and notified those present they must be registered voters to make motions or vote on any of the issues presented at the meeting. Nominations were then requested for a Moderator. Herbert Polzin nominated Donald Christenson to serve as Moderator, seconded by Lawrence Wenzel. Robert Tuttle ~ved that the nominations be closed. Joseph Harrison seconded the ~tion, said motion being voted on and passed. Mr. Christenson was duly sworn in as MOderator and thereafter presided at the Dleetiug. Robert Tuttle moved to dispense with the reading of the annual minutes of 1967 and approve the minutes as printed, seconded by Gene Klein and motion ca rried 0- Joe Harrison moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the regular meetings for the past year, seconded by Theodore Wachter and motion carried. Chairman John Klein reported on the State of the Township, explaining the progress made in the Utilities Department and in the B-E-B application for a regional sewage treatment plant. Mr. Klein further discussed the allocations made to the Police and Fire Departments, the hiring of a full-ttme Road Supervisor and plans for a Utility Building for tbe Road and Utility Departments. He a180 talked about the progress uade on Yankee Doodle Road and Cliff Road. He discussed the Legislative bills which had been passed in the last session giving credit to Senators Glewwe and Metcalf and Representatives Knutson and Klaus. He further discussed the present and proposed parks in Eagan Township aad the proposed schools to be built. He announced donation of a one acre site by Rauenhorst Corporation on County Road #26 and South Lexington for a future fire department. Mr. Klein stated that the philosophy of the Board to date has been to try to maintain a good tax base and not go overboard but still get the job done. He feels it is essential not to move too fast but to hold the taxes in line and maintain a steady mill rate as we have done in past years. - 2 - P~11ce Chief Martin Deslauriers reported on the activities of the Police Department for the past year, giving a report on the number of calls and arrests made. He stated that under the present budget it means keeping the present 3 full-ttme and 3 part-ttme men for the coming year therefore there may be some delay in answering calls. Fire Chief William Schult2 reported on the activities of the Eagan Volunteer Fire Department during the past year. They answered 35 fire calls and 5 rescue calls. Mendota Fire Department had 33 fire calls in Eagan and Rosemount bad 6 fire calls. He also explained the 3-year plan they had drawn up which is on file with the Clerk. Donald Knight, Chairman of the Committee to study incorporation reported on the work of this committee and copies of the report were distributed to those present and also placed on file with the Clerk. He also commended all the members who served with htm together with Attorney Hauge for their excellent work. Clerk Alyce Boike read the annual Audit Report. Larry Wenzel, 1845 County Road #30, moved to accept the audit report as read, seconded by Robert Tuttle and motion carried. Clerk Alyce Boike read Bnd explained the proposed budget for 1969. Discussion followed. Henry Manseau, 4109 Diamond Drive moved to postpone further discussion of tbe budget until after the close of new business, seconded by George Hippler. After considerable discussion the motion was called. The voice vote was questioned and a show of bands requested, resulting in 67 ayes and 111 nayes. Motion not carried. Mr. Joseph Harrison, 2811 Beam Lane moved to accept the budget as read, seconded by Robert Tuttle and motion carried. - .3 .. Mr. Robert Tuttle~ 2804 Beam Lane moved to retain the 3 official posting places namely, Town Hall, Lone Oak Tree and Applebaum's, seconded by Mr. Tilstra and motion carried. Henry Manseau, 4109 Diamond Drive moved to open the polls at the next annual election at 7:00 o'clock a. m. and rem8in open until 8:00 o'clock p. m., seconded by Howard Nissen and motion carried. Theodore Wachter, 3155 S. Lexington Avenue moved that the Annual Business Meeting in 1969 be held at the Town Hall at 8:30 o'clock p. m., seconded by Lawrence Wenzel and motion carried. Henry Manseau, 4109 Dia~nd Drive presented a resolution concerning parks and playgrounds, copy attached hereto and placed on file with the Clark, seconded by Tony Verduce. Discussion both for and against followed. Joseph Harrison, 281l Beam Lane moved to refer this resolution to the Park Committee for further study and recommendation, seconded by Robert Tuttle, motion not carried. The original motion was called and a show of hands was requested, resulting in 79 ayes and 8l nays. Request for a show of hams was denied by the Chairman. Neal Black, 2825 Vilas Lane moved that the Incorporation Committee continue their stUdy and make a recommendation on the future course of government for Eagan Township, seconded by William Fleming and motion carried. Joseph Harrison moved to adjourn the meeting, ieconded by Lawrence Wenzel and motion carried. Dated: March 12, 1968. [tll Alyce ,Bolke liD' .t:., . tcc&Ju I.?-"~Jc.",-/ r Clerk - 1\ .. MINUTES ANNUAL MEETrnG - 1-lARCH 12 I 1968 Eagan Township, Dakota County, Minn. The Annual Town Meeting of Eagan Township, Dakota County, Minnesota was held at tl:'~.; Town Hall, 3795 P:i-lot Knob Rd. on March 12, 1967. The meeting was called to order by Clerk Alyce BoIke. After the Election Judges were sworn in, proclamation of opening of the polls was made at 10:00 o'clock A.M. to elect one Supervisor for a three-year term, one Clerk for a two-year term, and two Justices of the Peace for two-year terms. Also on the ballot was a bond issue in the amount of $50,ooOfor construction of a Town Hall Addition and the Sunday Liquor question. Other polling places for this Annual Election were Precinct II - Heritage Methodist Church on So. Lexington and Precinct III - Fire Station on Rahn Rd. Polls were officially declared closed at 8:00 o'clock P.M. and the judges proceded to canvass the votes.;:$- (Of ,2.c.....-t:-<...~.- " ~...;/.A."..<'~/~ ) .- Clerk Alyce Bolke called the business meeting to order at 9:00 o'clock P.M. and notified those present they must be registered voters to make motions or vote on any of the issues presented at the meeting. Nominations were then !'E,quested 1'or a Modera:tot'. Herbert Polzi.n !wm.in(}.tA~d Don Christenson to serve as 1.4od'!;i~l1tG:r, seconded by La.rr:y WenzeL Robert Tuttle mov<ed that the nomina.tioo.s be clos-ed~ ..Jo~ Harrison secondBd the moti.or:, said motion being voted on and passed. Mr'. Christenson l.f.&S duly 8\,iaYT~ in as .Hodei'atc.... and ther<eafter f),i"<,:s:Lded a:t the meeting. Rob.el't 'I\lttle moved to disp~nB€w:i.th the reading of the Annual minut.es and approve the minutes &8 print.ed~ of 1967 ~ ss'oonded by (h.me Kl;ein and motion (:arried. Joe Harrison mov~d to diBpens~with the J:"eading of the minutBs ot tbe Regular Meetings for the past year1 seconded by T.ed Wachtel' and motion carried. Chai:rman John Klein :repo~t.ed. on -the State of the Tmmship" 'I:::Aplaining the progreas rnad~ in tile pX"og!"ese ma.de in the Utili ties Ikpartment, a,."1d in the n BEE a.ppli~:atio:"-i to!';>! regional Bf.:Wagl"! treatment plant, - 2 - Mr. Klein further discussed the allocations made to the Police and Fire Departments, the hiring of a full-time Road Supervisor and plans for a Utility Building for the Road & Utility Departments. He also talked about the progress made on Yankee Doodle Road & Cliff Road. He discussed the Legislative bills which had been passed in the last session giving credit to ~enators Glewwe & Metcalf & Representatives Knutson & Klaus. He further discussed the present and proposed parks in Eagan Township and the proposed schools to be built. He announced donation of a one acre site by Rauenhorst Corp. on Co. Rd. 26 a and So. Lexington for future fire department. Mr. Klein stated that the plilosophy of the Board to date has been to try to maintain a good tax base and not go overboard but .till get the jOb done. He feels it is essential not to move too fast but to hold the taxes in line and maintain a steady mill rate as we have done in past years. Police Chief Martin DesLauriers reported on the ac~ivities of the Police Department for the past year, giving a report on the number of calls and arrests made. He stated that under the present budget it means keeping ~ ",., "N~ the present 3 full-tima and 3 part-time men for the ....;rear therefore there may be some delay in answering calls.n..... ~ J .. I td.L~ J I r'. Fire Chief William Schultz reported an the activities of the Eagan Volunteer Fire Dept. during the past year. They answered 35 fire calls and 5 rescue calls. Mendota Fire Dept. had 33 fire calls in Eagan and Rosemount had 6 fire calls. He also explained the 3-year plan they had drawn up which is on file with the Clerk. Don Knight, Chainun of the Comni ttee to study incorporation reported on the work ot this cCllllJli tte. and copies of the report were distributed to those ~8ent and also placed on file with the Clerk. He also cOllll1ended t all the members who .erved with him top'thar with Attorney Hauge for ~ir excellent work. Clerk Alyce BoIke read the annual Audit Report. Lano1 WeIlMl, 1~5 - 3 - Co. Rd. }O, moved to accept the audit report as read, seconded by Robert Tuttle and motion carried. Clerk Alyce BoIke read and explained the proposed budget for 1969. Discussion followed. Henry Manseau, 4109 Diamond Dr. moved to postpone further discussion of the budget until after the close of new business, seconded by George Hippler. After considerable discussion the motion was called. The voice vote was questioned and a show of hands requested, resulting in 67 ayes and III nayes. Motion not carried. Mr. Joe Harrison, 28ll Beam Lane moved to accept the budget as read, seconded by Robert Tuttle and motion carr~ed. Mr. Robert Tuttle, 2804 Beam Lane moved to retain the 3 official posting places namely, Town Hall, Lone Oak Tree and Applebaum's, seconded by Mr. Tilstra and motion carried. Henry Manseau, 4109 Diamond Dr. moved to open the polls at the next Annual election at 7:00 o'clock A.M. and remain open until 8:00 o'clock P.M., seconded by Howard HQssen and motion carried. Theodore Wachter, 3155 So. Lexington ATe. moved that the Annual Business Meeting in 1969 be held at the Town Hall at 8:30 o'clock P.M., seconded by Larry Wenzel and motion carried. Henry Manseau, ~109 Diamond Dr. pr.eaelltedt.a._~lution concerning parks and playgrounds, copy attached bereto and placed on file with the Clerk, seconded by Tony Verduce. Discussion both for and against followed. Joe Harrison, 281l Beam Lane moved to refer this resolution to the Park Committee for futther study and recommendation, seconded by Robert Tuttle, motion not carried. The original motion was called and a show of hands was requested, resulting in 79 a.yes and 81 nays. Request for a show of hands was denied by the Chairman. Nea.l Black, 2825 Vilas Lane moved that the InCOrPOration Committee continue - 4 - the their study and make a recommendation on" future course of government for Eagan Township, seconded by William Fleming and motion carried. Joe Harrison moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Larry Wenzel and motion carried. Dated: March 12, 1968 (t!.L U s/ Alyce Clerk /?--. ,/ J~--'!'-( t._~ Bolke ~* . The election results were .. to1lowa: SuperYi80r: [)aTid Jacob.em - 667 Don Kni&ht ~ Richard LeMay 119 Edward Schwans 235 Clel"k: llYN Bolke 1,-' Justice of the Peace Dorman Atwood Helen Xennedy H&r17 Ray (two elec'ted) 7~ 663 640 Sunday Liquor 1061 Ye. - ,eo lIo 983 Ye. - -50 Ko Town Hall Addition