03/19/1968 - City Council Regular MINUTES OF II REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF EAGAN TOWNSHIP, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINl~ESOTA March 19, 1968 A reg~lar meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Eagan Township, Dakota County, Minnesota, waS held on March 19, 1968 at 8:00 o'clock p. m. et the town hall at which all members were present. The Chall111an announcec! the opening of the hearing concerning the appHcatici of Arnold A. Carlson for approval of a prel~inary plat for Evergreen Park Addition - Carlson Acres covering 50.4 acres in part of the NE 1/4 of Section 28 near Highway '(~30 and Pilot Knob Road. It was noted that the Advisory Planning Committee recommended approval. There were no objections to the plat. The town attorney presented proposed agreements covering sanitary sewer, water and streets in said addition. Upon motion by Supervisor Schwanz, seconded by Supervisor Klein it was RESOLVED that said preliminary plat be, and hereby is, approved subject to execution of final agreements between the applicant and the township covering sanitary sewer, water and streets. There was some discussion concerning the possibility of running the municipal water system to the Addition and the Board requested that a meeting be held with the developer at 7:30 p. m. on April 2, 1968 to further discuss this matter. Upon motion the minutes of the previous meeting were approved as mailed. Fire Chief Bill Schulte and Assistant Chief Jerome Adam appeared on behalf of the Eagan Fire Department and presented proposed specifications for a fire truck. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Sehwanz it was RESOLVED that said matter be referred to the town engineer for preparation of specifications and to the fiscal consultant for a proposal on financing the purchase. The Board discussed the rash of grass fires in Eagan during the last dry spell and upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED as follows: .. 1 - 1. That the Fire Chief or his designBted Assistant be authorized to dete~ine whether a burning permit may be granted under the Burning Ordinance No. 13 according to rules promulgated by the Fire Chief in accordance with the ordinance. 2. It was resolved that the Burning Ordinance #13 be amended as to 13.0l, Subd. 2 to provide that fire or burning os whatever material shall b~ prohibited during the hours from 8:30 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. and that the clerk be authorized to publish according to law. 3. It was FURTHER RESOLVED that the fire chief or his designated assistAnts be authorized to issue tickets for alleged violations of Ordinance #13. 4. It was FURTHER RESOLVED that the fire chief be granted authority to dete~ine whether special provisions for burning p~rmits be granted for special circumstances such as industrial and commercial uses. The following buildfug permit was requested: Robert Hipkins, Block 1, Lot 2, Wescott Garden Lots, 10 acre parcel, residence 32' x 26' with garage $l6,OOO. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that said building permit be issued. Attorney Charles Johnson appeared on behalf of Mrs. Judith Mohr requesting that Mrs. Mohr's application for a building permit for a nursery building on the Mohr property submitted at a previous meeting be granted. There was considerable discussion concerning the withholding of the permit on the basis of the condition of the property and the fact that the building ~as allegedly started tdthout the issuance of the permit. Mr. Johnson submitted certaiJ'l pictures concerning other allegedly unsightly conditions in the township. The Board agai~ reiterated its request that Mr. Bnd Mrs. Mohr make a good faith effort to clean up the premises owned by Mrs. Mohr and the Board stated that it would hold in abeyance the prosecution of its complaints for alleged ordinance vlclations temporarily. - 2 ~ The architect presented the plans fo~ the town hall and fire hall additions and upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Uahn it was RESOLVED that the architect b~ and hereby is, authorized to complete t~~ pIano for. the additions to the town hall and fire hall and to prepare the plans for bids. Mr. Carl Olson, 86 Seymour Avenue S. E., Minneapolis, appeared on his Ot~ behalf for a trailer permit on a 55 acre parcel owned by him near Jurdy Road South of LeMay Lake. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by SupervJcnr Schwanz it was R~SOLVED That said permit be issued for a period of one year. There was no appearance by Northern States Power officials concerning B proposed franchise agreement covering gas and electricity and the matter was stricken. The matter of the dumping problem at the corner of County Road #31 and Deerwood Drive was referred to the police chief to determine whether the area had been cleaned up. Mr. Henry Manseau appeared on behalf of the Cedar Home OWners Association requesting a special meeting with the Board concerning utility rates charged by Cedar Grove Utilities Company. Mr. Manseau also discussed with the Board the issue of parks and playgrounds and operating budget. A meeting was scheduled for Thursday, April 4, 1968 at 6:30 p. m. at the town hall to discuss utili~i rates. A petition from Rauenhorst Development Corporation for curb and gutter and street improvements in Eagandale Center Industrial Park was upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rehn, accepted and referred tothe town engineer for plans and study particularly in conjunction with plans to be submitted at the present meeting by the town engineer. The tcw~ engineer presented a Preltminary Report on Public Im~rovement Project ~20 covering water trunk mains on Highway #13, Beau de Rue Drive and Rahn Rord. Upon motion made by Supervisor Rahn, seconded by Chairman Klein, - 3 - it was RESOLVEDthat said preliminary report be, and hereby is, accepted And that a public hearing be held on April 9, 1968 at the town h~1l at 8:00 p. m. concerning the Report. The town engineer presented a Preliminary Report on Public Improvemant Project #22 covering street improvements in Cedar Industrial Park Addition and Sibley Terminal Industrial Park. Upon motion made by Chairman Klet~. scc~nded by Supervisor Rahn it waS RESOLVED that said Prelimin~ry Report b~~ and hereby is, r.eceived and that a hearing be held on April 9, 1968 at 8:15 p. m. at the to\ln hall concerning said improvements with the unde~stan1i'1g a 44' road base be proposed in said industrial areas. The town engineer presented plans and specifications for Improvement Project #17, Part B concerning Eagandale Center Industrial Park and McKea Addition street improvements. Upon motion by Chatrman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that said plans and specifications be, and hereby are, received and approved and that the town clerk be directed to advertise for bids to be opened on April 16, 1968 at 8:00 p. m. at the town hall, all in accordance with law. The town engineer presented Preltminary Report concerning Improvement Project #14 covering water and sanitary sewer tmprovements in Valley View Plateau and Timberline Addition and the area along the south side of County Road #26 near Timberline. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn it was RESOLVED that said Preliminary Report be, and hereby is, received and that a puhlic hearing be scheduled for April 9, 1968 at 8:30 p.m. at the town hall. It was noted that the Preliminary Report estimated the cost at $263,080. The t~!n engineer presented a Preliminary Report ccvering Im?rovement Project #21 . 1968 Storm Sewer Project A covering storm sewer improve~ants in Cen~~ Grove #6 and tha R~hn Road extension area, with a total esti~ted cost - 4 - of $156,975. Uron motion made and seconded U was RESOLVED that the tmm engineer be, and hereby is, requested to prepare a review of storm sewer drainage financing proposals to be presented to the town board at its next regular meeting. The town engineer presented plans and specifications for storm sewer and sanitary sewer and water extensions for Evergreen Park Addition to Carlson Ac~es. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by SuperviDor &ahn, it was RESOLVED that said plans and specifications be, and hereby are, received and approved. The Board requested that the town engineer attempt to schedule a meeting with the Highway Department including the Highway Commissioner concerning Highway issues in Eagan Township to be held on April 16, 1968 at 1:00 p. m. The Chairman read a letter from Jandric Construction Company concerning the location of its sign at the corner of Carnelian Lane and Cedar Avenue. Applications for two sign permits from Jandric Construction Company were. also recieved. Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn, seconded by Chairman Klein it was RESOLVED that the permit for a new sign for Jandric Construction Co. to be located at the SE corner of Beau de Rue Drive and Rahn Road. be, and hereby is, granted and further that a permit for relocation of the sign at Cedar and Carnelian to the corner of Cedar Avenue and Beau de Rue Drive. be, and hereby is, granted. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOINED that .an application by Dakota County Electric Co-op for a substation at the so~theast corner of Yankee Doodle Road and the town road for a one year period be, and hereby is, granted. It was noted that the permit and fee from Northern States Power for cert..~in utility gas mains in Eagandale Center Industrial Park was sub"litt~rl to t'hl? J'o:ncl, - 5 - Upon motion made and seconded it was RESOLVED that the secretarial s3lary for Alyce Bolke be set at $325.00 a month, of which $125.00 wBl be paid from the sewer and water fund and $200.00 per month from the general fund and further that hospitalization benefits be paid from the town funds for Mrs. Bolke. The Board further discussed the improvement of Cliff Road including the acquisition of the right of way. It was noted that the town attorney had requested an opinion of the attorney general concerning the matter. Further consideration was deferred until the next regular neeti'~.g. Upon motion all bills submitted were ordered paid. Upon motion the meeting adjourned. Dated: March 19, 1968. aL7 4 ~ , Clerk - 6 -