04/02/1968 - City Council Regular MINUTES OF A REGUL~~R MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF EAGAN TGrnSHtP, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA April 2, 1968 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Eagan Township, Dakota County, Minnesota was held at the town hall at 7:30 p. m. on April 2, 1968. All members were present, as were the fiscal consultant, the town engineer a!~ town attorney concerning the proposed extension of municipal water system requested by Arnold E. Carlson to the vicinity of Carlson Acres near Pilot !<nob Road and County Road {t30. The fisca 1 consultant presented a review of projected income from assessments in the area to be served by the water extension. Upon motion made and seconded it was RESOLVED that the town engineer be author- ized to prepare a preliminary report concerning the water line extension and that a public hearing be set for April 23, 1968 at 7:00 p. m. at the town hall. Upon motion the minutes of the previous meeting were approved. The following building permit requests were submitted: Jerold Kuhn for garage at 4339 Rahn Road, $800. Richard Bultheus for garage at 4267 Diamond Drive, 22' x 30', $2,400~ Richard Halloway for garage at 4255 Diamond Drive, 24' x 28', $2,000.00 Donald ChrisGenson for residence on Deerwood Drive for William Rydrych on a five aere parcel. Donald Christenson for residence near Pilot Knob and Violet Lane for William Reed, estimated cost $20,000 on 6 to 7 acre parcel. Upon motion by Chalr1l:lan Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn it was RESOLVED that the said building permit applications were approved. The application of Alvin Labbey for a building permit to move a house on Highway :(113 WBS next submitted. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was RESOLVED that said application be approved subject to recommendation by the town engineer as to location. ($3,500.00 value) - 1 - Application of Williams Bros. Pipeline Company of Tulsa, Okalahoma for approval of permit for laying of a gas main through the township from North to SOtlth was upon motion by Chainnan Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, refered to the Advisory Planning Committee for consideration. Upon motion made by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Rahn it was RESOLVF~ that the final plans for the town hall addition and fire hall adc1.iLion he, and hereby are, approved and accepted and FURTHER RESOLVED the t the clerk be authorized to advertise for bids to be opened on May 7, 1968 at 8~OO p. m. at the town hall. The application of Independent School District #l97, West St. Paul tc rezone 13 acres from A, Agricultural to P, Public Facilities in the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 9 lying South and West of the intersection of Lone Oak Road and Pilot Knob Road was next presented. It was noted that the Planning Committee recommends approval. Upon motion by Chairman Klein and seconded hy Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the clerk be directed to publish notice of said application for rezoning and that a hearing be scheduled for 7:30 p. m. on April 23, 1968 at the town hall. Mr. Donald Campbell appeared on behalf of the application of Harvey Kirchner for approval of the final plat of Saddle Horn Plat in Section 25. It was noted that the preliminary plat named tbe addition as Harvey Addition #3. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn it was RESOLVED that said final plat be, and hereby is, approved and that the appropriate officers be authorized to execute the plat. Hr. Raymond Lallier, manager of Rueth Constructi"OD Company of St. Paul, appeared concerning the application for a permit to dispose of fly ash from the Northern States Power Blackdog plant on the Haeg property East of Cedar Avenue. It was noted that the Planning Committee recommended approval. The area to be covered is 16 acres. The matter was set over to the next Board - 2 - meeting on April 9, 1968 during which time members of the Board wUl inspect other areas where such dumping has occurred. The application of Parranto Bros. Inc. to rezone p~~t of the Sout.h 1/2 of Section 2 consisting of part of the Mary Vano pr.operty from A, AgriculturAl to I-I, Light Industrial waS next presented. The f.dvisory Plann:f.ng (;;)tamltt~;:. :i~ecorarnended approva 1. Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn, secon.ded by Si1pe1"i!isoY' Ja,~obson, it was RESOLVED that the hearing concern ng the rezoning hi" sa..: ['c ~y 7, 1968 at 7:30 p. m. The application of Rauenhorst Corporation for a building pe~it for Bann, Inc. for a 106' x 320' concrete block and brick buildin3 un L~ta 5. ~? an~ 7, Block 3 Eagandale Industrial Park was next submitteJ. Lhe Planning Committee recommended approval. Total Cost - $306,000. Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn, seconded by Chairman Klein, it was RESOLVED that said applica- tion be approved and the building permit be issued pursuant to approval by the town engineer. Mr. Bush, Mr. Dilientheis, Mr. Parranto and Mr. Jensen appeared on b€hAlf of Cedar Grove Construction Company concerning proposed storm sewer improvF'~" ments in Cedar Grove No.6 and the Rahn Road area. The engineer's estim~t~ for die storm sewer project in the immediate vicinity was $l57,000 with $74,000 to be assessed. The engineer recommended an assessment on the basis of l.Se per square foot net for residential property for trunk benefits throughout the township. He indicated that lateral benefits in the area would be over 21" diameter trunk. Total cost to Cedar Grove Construction Compalq would be $42,900.00 trunk benefits, $17,000 lateral benefits assessed to Cedar Grove Constr.uction Company and $35,000 laterals to be installed hy Cedar Grove Construction Company. The cost would average out at about $.03~ per square foot in that area. Mr. Bush suggested that the storm sewer construction pruject he held in abeyance temporarily and that the company .. 3 - purchase ponding areas on a temporary basis. The mattp.r was referrp.d to the tO~Tn engineer for further study together with Cedar Grove officials for possible consideration at the April 16, 1968 meeting of the r-~8rd. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Jacoboon, it ~aB RESOI~VED that the town engineer be directed to prepare a preliminary fC'JX':r>y ~-e the improvements and report of the proposed improvements of Blackhawk R0ac1 bt-.::--ween Blue Cross Road and County Road 4~30 to be submitted at a future t;Ji', Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn it was RESOLVED that the parties in interest to the property formerly O"1'1<::d hy Travis Sparkman at the intersection of County Road #30 and Deerwood Drive consisting of the dumping problem be released from any responsibility as to past dumping on the property. The fire chief and assistant chief appeared concerning the Eagan fir.e department as follows: l. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the plans and specifications as amended for the fire truck be) and hereby are, accepted ~nd that the clerk be authorized to advertise for bins to be opened on May 7, 1968 at 8:00 p. m. at the town hall. It was ncted that the office of Juran and Moody offered to purchase about $30,000 worth of fir~ fighting equipment five-year certificates at a rate or rates t.o be mutually agreed upon at tbe time of sale. 2. Upon motion made and secoR:1ed it was RESOLVED that any mntll,al assistance given to the Savage Fire Department in the Burnsville are~ be of.fp.~en within the discretion of the Eagan fire chief if he determines it possible to do so and that the Savage Department be charged at tbe rate of $125.00 p~r hour. 3. The fire department is authorized to send six firemen t.o the State Flu: M'3r~h,alll s trsining school from April 29 through M8y 2, 1968 wit~ - 4 - compensation at the rate of $20.00 per day per man to be paid from the Volunteer Fire Department training budget. 4. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn it was RESOLVED that the area to be served by the Eagan Volunteer Fire Department be increased to include Sections 4, 5, 8 and 9 and Country Home Hieghts Addition. and both sides of Pilot Knob Road with the change to take effect as of June 1. 1965. The town attorney was requested to contact Mendota Heights concerning changes in the Mendota Heights Fire Agreement. Mr. Donald Knight appeared on behlaf of Valley View Water Works concerning the possibility of the town's acquiring the water works. Upon motion made and seconded it was RESOLVED tha t the town engineer be authorized to prepare a preltminary study on the possible acquisition of the Valley View Water Works for submission to the Board. The town attorney reported concerning his conversations relative to the request of an opinion from the Attorney GenerCil concerning the assessment in the Cliff Road area. Upon motion by Chairman Klein. seconded by Supervisor Jacobson it was RESOLVED that the engineer be authorized to prepare a preliminary report on the CUf f Road Improvements covering the acquisition of the right of way by .the. towtl8h1p. a'04 proposed payment for the right of way including permanent and slope easements. Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson it was RESOLVED that the following 3.2 beer license applications be, and hereby are. approved: l. Airliner Motel; 2. Brooks Superette; 3. Carriag Hills Country Club. .Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn. seconded by Supervisor Jacobson it was RESOLVED that the appUcation of Northern States Power for approval of a gas main extension in Eagandale Center Industrial Park on Trapp Avenue and Eagandale Boulevard be, and hereby ls, approved. .. 5 - The petition of School District #l91 for sewer, water and storm sewer services for the new elementary school location near Pilot Knob Road and County Road #26 was accepted and referred to the town engineer for report to the Board. Upon motion by Chairman Klein. seconded by Supervisor Jacobson it was P~SOLVED that the agreement between Eagan and the First National Bank of St. Paul relative to the latter serving as paying agency covering the $1,000,000 General Obligation ~provement Bonds of June 1, 1967.be, and hereby is, approved. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, it was RESOLVED that the mutual aid fire agreement called the Wakota Mutual Aid Fire Agreement be, and hereby is, approved and that the appropriate town officers be authorized to sign the agreement. Upon motion the bills were ordered paid. Upon motion the meeting adjourned. Dated: April 2, 1968. /, ~~ ( ~~~ Clerk - 6 -