05/07/1968 - City Council Regular MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF TItE BOARD O~ SUPERVISORS EAGAN TOWNSHIP J DAKOTA COUNTY, MINN. May 7t 1968 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Eagan Township was held on May 7~ 1968 at 7:00 o'clock p. m. at the town hall at which all m~mbers were present. Chairman Klein announced the opening of a public hearing concerning Proposed Project #21-B for storm sewer in the Timberline area and vici~it). It was noted that a petition opposing the project was received signed by 5& residents of Timberline Addition. Certain parties appeared approving the storm sewer project. After considerable discussion two residents removed their signatures from the petition. Chairman Klein closed the hearing. Subsequently upon motion made by Supervisor Jacobson and seconded by Supervisor Rahu it was unanimously RESOLVED to proceed with Project #21-1 for Storm Sewer in the Timberline Addition area and that the engineer be ordered to prepare the plans and specifications. A second public hearing was convened concerning the application of Parranto Bros., Inc. relative to rezoning the NEly 1/3 of the Mary Vano property located in the S 1/2 of Section 2-27=23 from A, Agricultural to 1-1 Light Industrial. No one appeared in opposition to the applicaUon. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor :kahn it was RESOLVED that the rezoning be) and hereby is, duly approved and granted. The bids for the new town hall addition and the fire hall addition w~re then opened by architect Lyle Landstrom in conjunction with Clerk Alyce BoIke and the contents duly noted. Following this the bids for the propused new fire truck were then opened by Clerk Alyce BoIke. Upon motion made by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Rshn it was RRSOLVED that the bids be turned over to the town engineer for tabulat:i~)l~. Chairman Klein then convea~d the regular. l,;,\I!~t::i.r;.g of the Board. Upon motion by Cbairman Klein and seco~ded by SupeLvi80r Jacobson, the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was unBnimously waived 8nd Bccept~d as presented. Hr. 1~1 Forbrook, on behalf of Arvid Rahn, present~d an appl:i.catL)l.~ fo;,- building permit for a house 43' x 43' with attached garage 2!~' ~\: 24; p.xt;,mated cost $26,000. Upon motion duly made by Chairm.sn Kle:i.H a~d ~~(:'':ol.d~o.-~ h:/ Supervisor Jacobson it was RESOLVED that a permit be, a11d herG:by :lS ': gran~ed . The application of Standard Oil Company of Indiana for a si.g:1 1.ermit to erect a business sign at the corner of.County Road #30 an1 Proposeu Highway #35E was presented. It was noted that the Advisory Planning Committee recommended disapproval. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Klein 8~d seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, it was RESOLVED that the application be, and hereby is, denied as being premature. Discussion indicated tr~t it might be several years before the construction of proposed Highway #35E and before the sign would actually be erected. It was further noted informally by the Board, however, that there would be no objection in the future within reason to install 8 suitable commercial sign with a Standard Oil filling station. The application of Williams Brothers Pipe Line Company of Tulsa, Okalahoma for a permit to install a gas main line running north to f}O,d:b throueh th~ township was presented. It was noted that the PlaoniDs ~~~,it~ee recommended disapproval. Mr. Tom Keller, attorney for the appli~~~~, appeared on its behalf and requested that the matter be referred back to th'~ Piaw:1i:,-g Committee for further consideration. Upon motion duly made by Chal~an Klein and seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, it uaB RESOJNED that the ap?lic,;J~ tion be referred beck to tbe Planning C~ittee at its May 28th meetiag. Architectural and engineering representatives of Blue Cross appeared on behalf of its proposed plans for its insurance company building along Highway #13 between Yankee Doodle Road aDd Blackhawk Road. The informal proposal stated that the proposed office building woul~ be 110' x 540'. It was suggested to the Blue Cross representatives that they relinquish their access rights to Old Black Hawk Road at Highway #13 prior to the Board granting a building permit to them. This the representatives declined to agree to without returning to discuss the matter and get approval from Blue Cross Board of Directors. No building permit was actually applied for nor requested at this particular time. A proposed amendm4nt to zoning Ordinance 16 concerning side yard set back in R-1, Residential property was presented. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, it was RESOLVED that t he Ordinance #6 be amended so as to provide for a S foot side yard setback on the garage side of any attached residential structure but to retain the 10 foot side yard set back on any house side. The assessment committee recommendations adopted at its April 30, 1968 meeting were presented. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Rahn ani seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, it was RESOLVED that the assessment committee recommendations as presented be,and hereby are, approved in all things. Town eQgineer Robert Rosene presented a form of revised engineering contract as between Bonestroo, Rosenet Anderlik & Assoc. and the township as to future engineering work and projects. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, the cOl)~ract was duly approved and adopted as presented. - 3 - The meeting withHL Robert Bell, St. Paul attorney, and the Eagan Civic Association regarding the sewer and water rates in Cedar Grove was discussed. Chairman Klein directed the t~ln attorney to contact Mr. Bell and set up the special conference with him and the Cedar Grove representativ regarding this matter for May 14, 1968 at 5:00 p. m. at the town hall. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, it was RESOLVED that Engineering Projects #19, #20, and #24 henceforth shall be known as combined Project No. 24A for clarity in de81in~ with matters concerning these related projects. The following applications for 3.2 beer licenses were presented: Pizza Hut - Bernadine Rancone; Spruce Motel - Jess Ledea; and Bill Schultz of the Eagan Fire Department for a social function July 4, 1968 put on by the Fire Department. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, it was RESOLVED that all of said 3.2 beer license applications as presented be, and hereby are. duly approved. Chairman Klein announced the recommendations of the Fire Department for two new members to it. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that William A. Milliron and Edmond S. Richardson. be, and hereby are, duly appointed and confirmed as new members of the Eagan Volunteer Fire Department. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Rahn and seconded by Supervisor JacobSOn, it was RESOLVED thbt the mutual fire protection agreement with Lebanon Township as presented be, and hereby is, duly approved and the proper officers of the township be, and hereby are, duly directed to execu~ such mutual fire protection agreement. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Raht it was RESOLVED that equalizatiOn date be established and set for July 3, 1968 between the hours of 2:00 and 5:00 p. m. at the town hall. - 4 - At this point in the proceedings, the town eD8~neer presented his tsbulstionf for the fire truck, town hall and fire hall bids, copies of which Chairman Klein directed be attached as presented to the minutes of this meeting as Exhibit ;IA and made a part of the minutes. Eagan Fire Chief William Schultz requested a resolution of the town board establishing certain additional Breas to be covered by Eagan fire department service. Upon motion duly made by Chairman :nein and seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, it was RESOLVED that the limits of fire protection to be serviced by the Eagan Fire Department be extended to include Sections 4, 5, 8 and 9 and Country Home Heights all in Township 27, Range 23 Eagan Township. It was noted by the town attorney that the fire protection agreement with Mendota Heights which had previously covered this area had been amended and forwarded to Mendota Heights for appropriate approval and execution. Fire Chief Schultz also requested of the Board that Ordinance #14 the Fire Ordinance be amended to lift a maximum number of members permitted on the department roster to permit unlimited numbers of firemen to be taken in provided that if the law precludes this open extension then in such event that the maximum be placed at 75. The t~m attorney was also requested to determine whether officers of the Eagan fire department are required by law to be elected annually and if not to determine whether they could set up two, three or four year terms for the election of officers. A petition was presented by Mr. D. J. Vimr, 1461 Skyline Road on behalf of the residents abutting Skyline Road for the township to maintain their road until such time as the road would he properly graded, graveled and blacktopped in accordance with township standards and the township take over such road. The matter was referred to the town attorney - 5 - for an opinion relative to the ability of the township to provide this main- tenance on a privately financed basis as outlined in the petition. Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn and seconded by Chairman Klein it waS RESOLVED that a public hearing on the preliminary Report No. 19 consisting of water, sanitary and storm sewer lateral improvements and street improvements in the vicinity of Rahn Road extended to Beau de Rue Drive be scheduled for 7:30 p. m. at the town hall on Tuesday May 28, 1968. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was RESOLVED that a 11 bills as presented be, and hereby are, duly ,approved and ordered paid. Upon motion the meeting ad journed. Dated: May 7, 1968. (/&-; {.( IL,. e.lic Clerk - 6 - MINUTES Public Hearing - Project 21, Part B F'ursuant to due call and notice thereof, a Public Hearing was duly held at the Town Hall on May 7, 1968 at 7:00 P.M. The Engineer, Robert Rosene explained the project which is a storm sewer project in the Timberline & adjoining area. Total cost of the project is estimated at $77ti030. ic<.uestions and answers followed: Mrs. Palmatier: Please define lot. Rosene: A parcel of land on which there is a residence, regardless of size. All buildable or occupied lots will be assessed at $225, others on undeveloped streets at $500. T. Nikolai: Cost figures in the report are incorrect. Rosene: Corrected by Mr. Rosene and explained that $23,000 would be carried by the storm sewer fund to take care of the part which will later be outlet to LaMay Lake & will later be recovered through assessment. L. Kennedy:~lhat is the Master Plan. Rosene: Long range program was drawn up in 1965 & is on file. L. Kennedy: Why didn't you do this in 1962 when Timberline was started? Rosene: We had no master plan at that time & while storm sewers were installed we had no indication that the erosion would be so great. M. Shields: Some water is draingng from Univac. Will they be assessed? Rosene: ~his has been checked & very little water runs off from there but will recheck. Nikolai: Rosene: Will assessments for agricultural etc. be uniform thruout town? We are trying to establish a policy, however if costs are greater, future assessments will be greater. Nikolai: Rosene: Explain how costs per lot were arrived at. The existing storm sewer was credited against the occupjed lots. Nikolai: Rosene: Will the streets only be torn up once for sewer & storm sewer? Yes. A Petition was placed on file protesting the assessment. There were also letters of protest from Albert Magnuson, John & Karen Wood and the Timberline Assoc. Mr. Rosene answerea the protests in these letters. Nikolai: .l.\.osene: The repmrt excluded the McCarthy Ridge lots. .l.hey do not contribute to thli drainage. Chairman Klein declared the hearing closed and stated the Board will take the matter under advisement. lfw. Cordes and ~~. Schmidt removed their names from the petition protesting the assessment as they ap)roved of the project. ')jl .-~) 7} I 'f 6 r tlL7 U ALL.:, (!<.'.::L/