06/18/1968 - City Council Regular MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF EAGAN TOWNSHIP, DM<OTA COUNT!, lUt~SOt_~ June 18, 1968 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Eaga~ Township, Min~esota was held on the 18th day of June, 1968 at 7:30 o'cloc~ po m. at the town hall at which all members were present. The Chairman announced the closing of receipt of bids for the 1968 town hall and 1968 utility bond issues. The town fiscal consultant opened and read the bids. Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn, seconded by Chairman Klein it was RESOLVED that said bids be accepted and that the issue be awarded pursuant to Extract of Minutes and Resolution attached hereto and made a part hereof. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson it was RESOLVED that the building permit for a residence on Dodd Road by Warren Jacobson $24,000, 28' x 66' with attached garage be, and hereby is, approved. There was no appearance by the fire department or police department. 'Mr. Sheldon Quist and Mr. Jean Parranto appeared on behalf of the application of Skelly Oil Company for a special use permit and building perrott for erection of a Skelly Oil S~ation on Beau d'Rue Drive near Highway #13. It was noted the Advisory Planning Committee recommended approval. Certain residential property owners across Beau d'Rue drive appeared in opposition to the application. Supervisor Jacobson made a motion to deny the special use permit application. The motion died for lack of second. Upon further motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rehn and upon unanimous approval it was RESOLVED that the matter be taken under advisement and referred to the town engineer for further study. The Cllairman read'i'from the' Septelnber 27. " 1960 Advisory Planning Committee minutes coric"erning application for approval of a filling station on the same site. - 1 - Mr. Thomas Keller appeared on behalf of the application of Williams Bros. Pipeline Company for a permit to run a pipeline along the Great Lakes Pipeline easement and along Deerwood Drive and Blackhawk Road. Mr. Keller raised the questions whether a building perm1t would be required; whether as a cammon carrier the town is authorized to regulate the location of the pipelin ' and the right of the township to control the laying of the pipeline along an easement previously acquired by the same company. The applicant asked for a permit to be granted at this time to construct the line along the present Great Lakes Pipeline Easement as far North as Deerwood Drive. The town attorney informed tbe Board that conversations had been had with members of tbe Attorney General's staff concerning the problem of running a line in the town road right of way being the company is a private company and whether it is necessary for the company to get easements from the abutting property owners. The Attorney General's office indicated that the question is not settled and the town attorney stated that a request for an Attorney General's opinion concerning the matter was being made. The suggestion was also made that if the pipeline company wanted to construct the line that it acquire permits or easements from abutting property owners along Deerwood Drive and Blackhawk Road. Upon motion by Chai~n Klein, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson it was RESOLVED that the application for permit to construct the pipeline in the current Great Lakes Pipeline easement from the Lebanon Town line to Deerwood Drive be, and hereby is granted subject however to the understanding that thi1': grant will not jepordize any further decision 8S to location of the line, that the permit is granted stmply to accomodate the applicant because of the time factor in completing the job; that the town's preference is that the line follow present road rights of way and that the informal opinion of th~ BoarJ through its counsel is thst easements should be acquired from the abutting property owners prior to installation in town rights of way. ... Mr. Arnold Luecke of Harstick Lundgren Architects appeared concerning the proposed Cedar Elementary School in the Cedar Grove Area. Mr. Luecke indicated that access to the school WQuld be on Sandstone Dr.ive and the Board requested that Mr. Luecke contact the District #191 School Board with the request the t a full right of way on Sandstone Drive be acquired by the School Board from the property owner. The chairman read a letter from the town engineer concerning proposed water and sewer connections with Cedar Grove Utilities Company for the school. The Board instructed the engineer to make further studies concerning the request for utility service. The chairman read 8 petition to consider the surfacing of Rahn Road south of County Road #30 to 1/2 block south of Sha Ie Lane. It was noted tbs t 29 property owners signed the petition. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the town engineer be instructed to make an engineering cost study of the surfacing project and report back to the Board. A petition was then read by the Chairman submitted by property owners in Kirchner Mdition #1 requesting a study concerning the installation of se\mr and water facil1.tles and street surfacing in that Addition. It was noted that 12 fa~ily petitioners of 17 owners had signed the petition. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson it was RESOLVED that the town engineer be, and hereby is, instructed to prepare a feasibility study includin& costs and engineering analysis for said improvements aDd report back to the Board. Certain residents along Beau dfRue Drive appeared concerning complaints that tractors with lugs bad driven on Beau d'Rue Drive causing damage to the street. The to~m attorney waS requested to check into the legality of vehicle~ with lugs driving on hard surfact town roads. - 3 .. Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson it was RESOLVED that the following residents of Eagan be appointed to an interim zoo committee being established by Lebanon, Burnsville and Eagan concer~ing the proposed location of a zoo in the general area; Joe Harrision, Charlotte McPherson, Herb Polzin, Tony Verduce and Neil COB tes. The Chairman displayed 8 map that bad been presented to the township by the lower Minnesota Watershed District covering proposed development in the Minnesota watershed district area. A letter was read from DCa Company requesting that the name of Rahn Road extension be changed to Valley View Drive. The matter was tabled until the July 2, 1968 meeting. The following plumbing license applications were upon motion by Supervisor Jacobson, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, approved: Ed Klamm Plumbing Company, Mitch PIUQlbing Company of Osseo, Minnesota, sub jec t however to the fulfilling of the requirements including posting of a bond by each. Upon motion made and seconded it ,"18S RESOLVED that the Joint and Co-operative Use of Police Personnel Agreement with other municipalities in Dakota County be, and hereby is, ordered to be executed by the proper town officials. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the application of Mr. John O'Brien owner of the Half Way Boust' on Highway #55 for a trailer permit be, and hereby is, approved to be used only by Mr. O'Brien's caretaker on the premises subject to revocation if not occupied by the caretaker and further that said permit be issued for a period of one year. Numerous complaints concerning weeds in the township were presented to the Board. The clerk was instructed to notify property owners concerning the complaints requesting that the weeds be cut. .4.. -~ The town attorney discussed the matter of acquisition of right of way easements on County Roads including Cliff Road and Yankee Doodle Road. Upon motion by Chairman IOein, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson it was RESOLVED that the town attorney be, and hereby is authorized to proceed with condemnatic on Cliff Road where necessary with the understanding that the property owners be assessed for cost of acquisition of the right of way wherever possible. Mr. Bill Jensen of Suburban Engineering Company appeared with a request for approval of the final plat for Cedar Grove No.6. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Superviser Jacobson it was RESOLVED that said final plat be, and hereby is, approved and ordered executed subject, however, to the installation of proper turn around facilities on lots bordering on Blackhawk Road were direct access from the individual lots by automobiles to Blackhawk Road 1s used. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson it was RESOLVED that the contract with Austin p. Keller Construction Co. covering Improvement Project #24A, Sewer and Water Extensions in the area of Beau d'Rue Drive be, and hereby is, appreve' and ordered executed by the proper town officials. The town attorney presented the order of the District Court concerning the condemnation of the Kaysen property and indicated that payment of $6,150. had been ordered by the court within thirty days. Upon motion by Chal~n Klein seconded by Supervisor Jacobson it was RESOLVED that the plana be accepted and approved and that bids for Project #If consisting of sewer and water extensions in the Timberline Area be, and hereby are, directed for advertisement and that said bids be received on July 16~ 1968 at 8:00 p. m. and that publication be directed for the Dakota County Tribune. · 5 . Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson it was RESOLVED that the regular Board meeting scheduled for July 16, 1968 be postponed to July 30, 1968. Upon motion all bills as presented were ordered paid. Upon motion the meeting was adjourned. Dated: June 18, 1968. ~ i;~ . .....,-.._- (J.2-c!'~-l- 1<.< J Clerk - 6 -