07/20/1968 - City Council Special MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS EAGAN TOWNSHIP J DAKO!A COUNTY J MINNESOTA July 20. 1968 A special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Eagan Township was bald at 1-00 o'clock p. m. at the town hall nn July 20. 1968 at wbich Chairman Klein and Supervisor Jacobson "lere prt'!sent a net: Supervisor Rahn was absent. Chairman Klein presided and announced that the purpose of the meeting was to award the contract for Improvement Project #14, Sewer and Water Extensions in the Timberline and County Road 26 area and to the Murphy House. Upon motion by Chairman Klein. seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, it was RESOLVED that the bids on Improvement #14 as received on July 16th and tabulated by the engineer be accepted. It was further RESOLVED that the bid of Peter Lametti Construction Co.. Inc. in the amount of $292.284.15 be accepted llnd awarded to them. The town engineer presented plans for Project #18. Sewer and Water extensions in the Cedar Grove No. 6 area. Upon motion by Chairm8n Klein. seconded by Supervisor Jacobson. it was RESOLVED that said plans be accepted and epproved cnd that the clerk be authorized to advertise for bids according to law to be opened at the town hall on August 20. 1968 at 8:00 o I clock. It tlaS further RESOLVED that a public hearing on the Preliminary Report concerning Improvement #18 be scheduled for August 20. 1968 at 9:00 p. m. at the town hall. It was noted thet the Preliminery Report estimated the cost at $202.020.00. Upon motion of Supervisor Jacobson, seconded by Chai~n Klein. it was RESOLVED thet turn-around drives be required on Lots 54. 55, 56, 57, S8. 59, 60 tnd 61 in Block 6 of Ceder Grove No. 6 and that the clerk be authorized to notify Ced~r Grove Construction Co. of said requirement. - 1 - The odor problem at sewage tretCment plent No. 2 was then discussed at length. Upon motion of Chairman raein. seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, it was RESOLVED that this problem at the Plant No. 2 be declared an emergency and that the town officials be authorized to enter into a contract for the acquisition of necessary equipment at ~ cost of not to exceed $10,000. The Chairm~n introduced an Extract of Minutes concerning a resolution consolidating improvements and ratifying action heretofore taken covering Improvement Projects No. 19. 16B, part of 2lA. 20 and 24. Upon motion by Chnirman Klein. seconded by Supervisor Jacobson it was r~SOLVED that said resolution be ~dopted and spreed upon these minutes. Upon motion made fnd seconded ~11 bills were ordered paid. There being no further business. the meeting adjourned Bt 2:30 p. m. Dated: July 20, 1968. dfy (.<- l:l~~(~ Clerk - 2 -