08/06/1968 - City Council Regular MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF TEE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Ei.Gill" TOHNSHIP, DAKOTA COUl~'1Y, MINNESOT/. - I.ugust 6, 1968 A regular meeting of the Board or Supervisors of Eagan Township, D~kota County, Minnesota was held at the town hail llt 7:00 p. m. on August 6, 1968 with r.ll ~embers present. At 7:00 p. m. the Chair.man announced that the County Engineer ~nd County Board Chai~n Louis ~achtle~ were present concerning proposed improvements to Y~nkee Doodle Ro~d. It was noted that Mr. John Velene the President of Gopher Smelting Co. was the property owner on the East end of Yankee Doodle and had requested thet the grade be lowered to B 37. grade r~ther than the 5% proposed by the county. The County officials sa~ted that if it is necessary to drop the grade that the toun would not be required to pay for dropping the Great Lekes Pipeline estimated ~t a cost of $19,000.00. The proposed water reservior site on the Gopher Smelting Compeny property would also be effected by the dropping of the grade. It was dete~ned that the County ~nd Town , , officials meet u1th Hr. John Valene on 1-londay, August 12. 1968 to discuss the matter. The Chr.i~n then ~nnounced the convening of the assessment hearing covering Cedarvale Shopping Center, Sibley Terminal Industrial Park, Cedar Industrial P~rk and v~r1ous p2reels throughout the t~1nship for sanitsry sewer and wcter assessments scheduled for 7:00 p. m. The town attorney reviewed the assessment roles and it was noted there were no eppearances nor objections. written or verbal, to the assessment roll. Upon motion by Supervisor RBhn, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson it was RESOLVED that said essessment roll be, and hereby is, adopted aad the clerk be directed to certify the roll to the County Auditor pursuant to the minutes atteched hereto. The engineer then briefly reviewed the proposal concerning the continued publie hearing rel~tive to the pre1imin~ry report covering sanitary sewer, water and street improvements in Valley View Plateau J~dition. ~fter consider~ able discussion and questions two petitions were submitted to the noerd indic~ting 18 property owners favored the proposal and 18 opposed the proposal with 4 abstaining. The Chairman then announced that the hearing be clcsee. Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson it was R~[O~\~D that said Project be ordered and that the town engineer be directed to prepare plans and specifications for said project to be submitted to the Board. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted. Mr. Al Godward, Consulting Engineer for Blue Cross, appeared concerning the access from Blackhawk Road to Highway #13. Mr. Godward indicated that on August 7th the Blue CrosG Board of Directors would meet and that his recommendation would be that the Blue Cross offic1~ls consent to the clOSing of the old access ~nd the opening of the new access but that the old portion of Blackhawk Road connecting with Highway #13 not be .acsted by the township. Upon motion made and seconded it wes RESOLVED thet the building permit application of Arthur Rahn for s 20' x 22' outbuilding costing $1,000.00 on Blackhawk Road be. end hereby is, approved. The applicscts for Skelley Oil Company requesting speciel use permit and building permit for construction of a Skelley Oil Station on Beau d'Rue Drive near Highway #13 that had been continued from the July 2nd meeting next appeared. Various property owners in the vicinity eppe~red in opposition of the application. After extended discussion, upon motion by Ch~irman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, it was RESOLVED that the metter be continued until a complete review of the proposed filling station ordinance be made and adopted by the Town Board. Supervisor Rahn voted aye. Certain property c signed by v~rious prope improvement of the road Beon as possible so that bE;: made. RepresentCltives of Hilliams Brothers Pipeline Company incLue .;.UG1!'.''):l.:'"L' Keller, their attorney, appeared concerning the construction of the pip',;.Li.\~.:; in tte Eagan streets. The town attorney reviewed the letter from the Attoru~; General dated July 9, 1968 in response to the request for s legal opinion. It was noted that the Attorney Generel did not give an opinion but indicated that running the lines in the town road appeared to be permissible but within the discretion of the Board. Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, it was RESOLV~D that the township grant a permit to Hilliams Brothers Pipeline CotUi1any to lay Cl pipeline in Deerwood Drive end Blackha'(~k Road as proposed, subject however, to sn ordinance beine enacted relative to Williams Brothers Pipeline Company and further that valves be installed at the entry to Highway #l3 at Deen100d Drive and st the entry t~ Eagan Township from the South. The BOGlrd then discussed the request of the Metro Council t:u'!!.: the B-.r::.~B Joint Board enter into negotiations with Lebanon and Rosemount relative to the proposed joint sewage plant on the Minnesota River. Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson it was RESOLVED thEt a letter be prepared for signature by the Chairman addressed to Rosemount and Lebanon officials notifying them that the Town of Eagan through the B-Eun n,jarJ iD willing to negotiate with them concerning D contract for their USe of the proposed P-E-S Joint Plant on the Minnesota River if they so dzsire particularly in light of the fact that it is necessary at this stage to prepare for design capacity for the plant. ~t:h appeared 'to1:!.th a petition 4\~~ i r~1v~~ting a at~dy concerning ~sted to complete th<" st'.tdy CiS : to sUI'face the roac cO'J1d - ~ - Upon motion by Supervisor Rehn, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson it was R~SOLVED that the contract with Black ~nd Veatch of K3nr.a~ City, engineering cnnsultants, to prep~re the engineering design pl~ns for the pr.oposed j~int F-E-B Sewage Treatment Plant in the Epproxim~te amount of $356,000, 80% of ~;h~_ch is to be pdd over the next 8 months is hereby ratified and ado;')ted. It was noted that the plans for the plant are scheduled for complr~t1.c..A. :.y (:1'1:':1, 1909, and that the plant should be in operation late in 1970 or early in 1~11. Cpon motion by Supervisor Jacobson, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that Kenneth hszmun and Peter Poppler, Jr. be hired as full time Esgan patrolmen at $585.00 per month starting September 1. 1968 and further to authorize Mr. Aszmun to €ttend the police training school commencing September 9, 1968; it was FURTHER RESOLVED that Roger Slater be scheduled for the next available police school cl~ss. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Jecobson it was RESOLVED that the application of Su Su Ling restaurant by Betty Marshall for e 3.2 on sale beer license, be and hereby is, approved. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson it was RESOLVED that the request of Car-Bor-Nel, Inc. to change its plans to exclude efficiency apartments and a chenge in the number of sewer ~nd water hook-ups to the apartments on Rahn Rord be, and hereby is, ~pproved. A letter from Northern States Power Company relative to t proposed increase in electric rRtes in the T~~n of E~gan signed by Mr. J. F. Owen, Vice President end MRneger was received. Upon motion by Supervisor Rthn, seconded by Supervisor J~cob,1on it was RESOLVED that the application of M. M. Peaslee Compeny, Stillwater, Minnesota for a plumbing license be. and hereby is, approved. - 4 - Upon motion by Supervisor J~cobson, seconded by eupervisor. ~~hn, it was R~SOLVED that the following election judges for the p~inary election be, and h~reby are, approved: JUDGES Precinct I Lu Atwood (D) 7:00 a. m. to closing Leota Schwanz (D) 7:00 a.m..to 8:00 p. m. JU:ill Ketcham (R) 7:00 a. m. to 8:00 p. m. Georgene Christenson (R) 4:00 p. m. to 8:00 p. m. , Prec inc t II WDry Harris~n (D) 7:00 a. m. to clo$ing Ruth Smith (R) 7:00 s. m. to 8:00 P. M. Agnes Polzin (R) 7:00 s.m. to 8:00 P. m. LaVerne Orvis (0) 4:00 p. m. to 8:00 p. m. Precinct III Lnna Lu brneson (:0) 7:00 a. m. to closing Jeanne Beaudette (R) 7:00 a.m. to closing Marlene Marble (R) 7:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m. Donna Ha~sen (0) 7:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m. M~rlene Krekelberg (D) 7:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m. Eileen Lang (R) 7:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m. Lorraine DanieLson (0) 7 - lIe. m. & 4 - 3 p. m. Ethel Groff (R) 7 - 11 a. m. & 4 - 8 p. m. Frances Groff (R) 7 - 11 a. m. & 4 - 8 p. m. Donna Nicolay (D) 7 - 11 a. m. & 4 - 8 p. m. Carol Hoffman (R) 4:00 to 8:00 p. m. Evelyn Otterness (D) 4:00 to 8:00 p. m. counTERS Pat Kaeder (D) Judy Mundehl (0) hrdell Murphy (R) Dale LaRue (R) Barbara Anderson (~) Carol Engebretson (D) Mavis Westbrook (R) Genevieve Amundson (R) Eldoris Ohm (R) Lee Yants (:0) Carol Vihovde (R) JOEm Connor (D) Joyce Wenzel (R) Eileen Sektmen (D) Irlene Boesel (R) Nancy Cannon (D) Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that effective August I, 1963 Mr. Bill Br~nch be ~ppo1nted Superin- tendent of Public Utilities at e salary of $9,000 per year and further ~uthorize( accumulated compensation pay for the period to August l~ 1968. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson it was RESOLVED that em assessment hearing concerning the McKee Mdition street' improvements be.and hereby is, scheduled for September 3, 1968 at 7:30 p. m. at the town hall which assessment shall be based upon $4.45 per front foot. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervosor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the policy be adopted and ordinance be prepared whereby a charge' - 5 - would be levied against any property owner where new assessment rolls are required because of a split in the parcel or a new plrt to reimburse the township for preparing the new assessment rolls on the basis of $5.00 per percel for 50 parcels or less end $2.50 per parcel llbove 50 parcels at the time of the split or platting; Further that said policy be in effect from the date hereof. Upon motion by Supervisor Jacobson, seconded by Chairman Klein, it was RESOLVED that Robert Coburn be authorized to repair the storm sewer in Ceder Grove #1 ~s directed by the town engineer. It was noted that letters had been received from Cedar Grove Construction Company concerning the proposed extension of sanitary sewer services and water serviceS to serve the new Rahn School in Cedar Grove Area cnd further a copy of a letter had been received reletive to r request by Hi-Site, InC., for utility services to serve its new ap~rtment project on Rahn Road. It was noted that it was necessary to ~pproech the Weter Pollution Control Agency for permission to expand the services offered by Ceder Grove Utilities Company to serve one or both of the above projects. Upon motion by ChEirman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Jtcobson, it was RESOLVED that the town engineer be, and hereby is, directed to prepare e feasibility study Bnd recommendetion to the Town Boerd concerning the proposed extension of weter and sewer services to serve the HiSite ~re~ along Rthn Road. Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson it WEB RESOLVED that the tmm engineor be oSuthorized to write the HinnesotE: Highwl'Y Department requesting widening of entrance lanes off of HigmfBY #13 Et specific locations designated by the Bo~rd ~nd town engineer. Upon motion by Superv~sor Jacobson, seconded by Supe~visor R~hn, it t.1BS RESOLVED that a payment be euthorized from bond funds to Mclr1i1li.ams Construc- tion Company for the cost of computing payrolls on Project #4 - West Trunk Sanitary Sewer and for payments of supplementary wages in fccordance with federal wage determinetions in order that the federal loan request be complete~ ~nd D~id at the earliest possible time. Upon motion by Supervisor Jacobson, secoa.ded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the contract with Peter Lametti Construction Company covering Project #14 in the amount of $292,284.l5 be, and hereby is, approved and ordered executed by the appropriate officials. Upon motion made and seconded it was RESOLVED that the Town Attorney contact Mr. Michael Kasson of South St. Paul requesting that he serve as the EaF-an appraiser for the Cliff Road condemnation matters. Upon motion the meeting adjourned. Dated: August 6, 1968. i., x-: . // 1/<''''./ t:{-~~// K_' z~ Clerk - 7 -