09/03/1968 - City Council Regular MINUTES OF A REGULAR 11EETING OF tHE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS mm OF EAGAN, Df,KOTL COUNTY, M!NNEGOTA September 3, 1968 A regul~r meeting of the Borrd of Supervisors, Eagcn Township, Dakota County, Minnesotc wes held at the Town Hell et 7:30 P.M. on September 3, 1968, at which all members were present. ht 7:30 P.M., the Chtirman announced the convening of en assess- ment heering covering street improvements in McKee Addition. It wes noted that the charge per front foot WES $4.45 for surfecing End curb improvements. Certain residents [ppeared questioning the Bssessment, but there were no WYitten or oral objections. Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn snd seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, it waS RESOLVED that said assessment roll as presented be, and it hereby is, approved and that the hearing be closed. Upon motion, the minutea were approved. There were no building permits, no Fire Dep~rtment business nor Poltce Department business~ Upon motion by Cheirmcn Klein snd seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, it wr.s RESOLVBD that the application of Hm~srd Gelb ~nd Haldor Goetzke to rezone certrin property in Section 10 from A, Agricultural to a.6, ~N1tlple Residential be set for public he~ring for 7:30 P.M. on October 1, 1968 at tbe town Hall. Upon motion by Supervisor JrcobsoD and seconded by Cbairm2D Klein, it wes RESOLVED th2t the applic~tion of Independent School District #191 to rezone from A, tgricultur~l to P, Public F.cilities part of the SEt of Section 30 for the proposed Rahn ElementEry School be set for public hearing on October 1, 1968 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall. -2- Upon motion by Supervisor J€cohson and seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was r~SOLVED thet the application of Anthony Kraft to rezone fro~ A, bgricultural to R-6, Multiple Rcsidenti~l cert~in property in Sect~on"9 and YEnkee Doodle Rotd be set for public herring on October 1, 1968 mt 7~30 P.M. Upon motion by Chai~an Klein and seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the contrect with Berbarosss and Sons, Inc. covering Improvement Project No. 18 in the sum of $298,161.75 beJ end it hereby is, Epproved and ordered executed. Mr. Leo B. Shew eppe~red on beh~lf of the final plrt for the approval of Lekeside Estates in Section 25. It was determiriedthet the mata:eI'"lCl1ould be continued until e determin('tion is nude concerning the use of the leke and the protection of property owners in the area. Upon motion by Cheirman l<lein and seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, , it was RESOLVED that the assessment hearing for Eagsnda1e Center Industrial P~rk, ~hn Road Extension and Lenghoven areas covering senltsry sewer, ., water and street improvements in Eagandale Center Industrial Park No. 1 and No. 2 and stonn sewer, wDter and sanitary sewer improvements in part of Langhoven Addition and miscellaneous properties including parcels along Rahn Road be sat.for September 24, 1968 at 7:00 P.M. The Town Attorney presented certain resolutions requested by Cedar Grove Construction Company concerning im~rovements ~nd assessments in Ced~r Grove No.6. No action WlS taken o~ the resolutions. Residents on LeMEyLtke Road tppe~red requesting that the private roed name be ~hsn8ed .to Tower View Road. The Boerd indiceted it had no objections to the change of ntme, but that it wee E priv2te street .rnd the Town had no jurisdiction over this street. -3- The Chairmtn indicated that tTilliems Brothers Pipeline Company h~d requested easements over the two Efg~n temporary sew~ge treatment pond sites for purposes of the proposed Williams Pipeline Comptny g~s line. Upon motion by Supervisor Jacobson and seconded by Supervisor Rrhn, it was RESOLVED thEt seid e~sements be granted including necessrry permits provided that the north side include an easement of no more then 10 feet flong the ersterly border of the site ~nd thtt the soutb site be no gre,-tcr than 15 feet Elong the eesterly line with E 10 foot wide e~se- ment; it Wes FURTHER RESOLVED thrt ell 1egtl, engineering fnd edminis- tr<tive fees be paid prior to issutnce of the efsements. The Board discussed the proposed requisition by the Township of e~sements for the improvement of Y2nkee Doodle Road during 1968. Infor- mEl1y the Board requested thet the To~~n Attorney and Town Engineer be autho~lzed to require eBsemcnts on the County Road with no pfyment rnd no assessments. Upon motion duly made rnd seconded, it was RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be, end she hereby is, authorized to preprre E Notice directed to Mrs. Lorrrine Clarkson and Herbert Clarkson directing that ~ permit for dumping trfsh ~nd refuse on tbeir property on Trunk Highwey No. 3 according to Ordinance No. 1 be rpp1ied for to the Board of Supervisors. The T~ln Engineer indic.ted that CarBorNel Corporetion hed certain objections to the Essessments for water connection eharges in its apartment complex on Rshn Ro~d. It wrS determined thEt the mrtter would be diacussed concerning weter connection cherges for E.prrtments on October 1, 1968 at 7:00 P.M. -4- Upon motion by Supervisor Jacobson and seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the application of Northern States Power Company to lay a buried electric cable in McCarthy Road and Red Cedar Road in Timberline Addition be, and it hereby is authorized, subject, however, to the filing of necessary fees and documents and further that no damage be done to the streets or the area proposed for future sidcwal~. The Board discussed the dedication of certain property in S~ath Oaks Addition by Mr. Howard Gelb. and the Town Attorney was requested to contact the owner requesting that three lots of average value be donated to the Town at the Town's selection, which lots t~ould be contiguous to one another. The Town Engineer presented the payroll schedules for McWilliams Construction Company and indicated that additional work was necessary to complete the requirements for the Federal grant. The Engineer presented a bill in the sum of $2,517.37 from Peter Lametti Construction Company relative to Project No. 12 which contract was dated July, 1967 aa a sales tax reimbursement to the con- tractor for items purchased after January 1. 1968. Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, it was RESOLVED that a change order in the sum of $1,617.37 with Peter Lametti Construction Company which included two deductions be, and it hereby is, approved. Upon further motion by Supervisor Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, it was P~SOLVED that the final estimate as submitted by the Town Engineer be, and it hereby is, accepted, that the Project is now determined to be complete and that final payment be made to the contractor. ..5- The Town Engineer presented a final estimate in payment of Project MG. 11 in the original sum of $525,926 with Peter Lametti Con- struction Company which final sum amounted to $517,298. Upon motion by Supervisor Jacobson and seconded by Supervisor Rahnt it was RESOLVED that said project be determined complete and that final payment be made. The Town Engineer was requested to write Bud Johnson, Inc. indicating that a 9-ton capacity road on Terminal Drive and Yankee Doodle Bxtonsion 1n Sibley Terminal Industrial Park would be provided for in that Addition. Upon further motion made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that the hearing concerning Preliminary Report IISC relative to proposed con- structlon of utility building and pumphouse and street grading and excavation at the Eagan well site on the above property be scheduled for September 24 at 8:00 P.M. at the Town Hall. The Town Engineer presented the plans and specifications for u~11ity building and pumphouse and for excavation and road building plans on the Town well site South of Yankee Doodle Road as Project I1Se, , wbic:hupon motion duly made and 'seconded, were approved as presented. I ;', Upon further Gotion made arid seconded. it was RESOLVED that the Clerk advertise fo~ bids for the excavation aCd road bui1dina portion of said Project #lSC which bids will be opened at 8:00 P.M. on 8eptember 24, at the Totom Hall. The Town Engineer presented Preliminary Report #27 relative to street improvements on Rahn Road South ofCaunty Road #30 to the South line of the Cedar Grove Additions'fQr a stretch of 1/2 mile with estimated cost of $31,500.' Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Jacobson -6.. and seconded by Supervlso~ Rahn, it was RESOLVED that a hearing on the P~~l~~AAr.v. ;$PO~~ b~ ~~Qedule4 ~o~ Octob~r 1. 1968 4t 8:00 P.~. ~t t~ Town Hall. It was FURtHER RESOLVED that the Tow~b1p propose to pay a total of 15% of the cost of the tmprovement. Upon motion by Supervisor Jacobson and seconded by Supervisot Rahn, the following trailer permit applications were approved: 1. George Gombos, temporary trailer permit on Lot 13, Carlson A~reS for a period of one year. 2. Tom Diffley, temporary pefmit for one year for a trailer to be located in Audito~'s Subdivision 42. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it t'1aS RESOLVED that th"l petition of Rauenhofst Development Co~poration as sole owner for sani~ary sewer, storm sewer and water extensions in certain streets in Easandal~ Cente4 Industrial Park and gravel base on Lone Oak Circle in Eagandale Industrial Park No. 2 be, and it hereby is, accepted and fUed with the '~':' Town Clerk, and the Town Engineer was ordered to prepare plans and " specifications. Upon motion by Supervisor Jacobson and seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that all bills as presented be ordered paid. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Dated: September 3, 1968. t' '/ "./ f.-- ., .. I /)~ (t: '.. C l(!L'k