09/17/1968 - City Council Regular tllNUTES OF A REGULAR NEETING OF THE BOAIU> OF SUPERVISORS OS EAGAN TOWNSHIP, DAKOTA COUNTY, liINNISOTA September 17, 1968 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Eagan Township, Dakota County, Minnesota was held at 8:00 o'clock p. m. at the town hell with all members present. The Chairman announced the close of receipt of bids for construction of pump house and utility building, Project IISC. The following bids were submitted: GENERAL CONTRACTORS G. A. Anderson Const. Co. o leon Company Lieberg Construction RE Co Const. Co. Rilary Caron Const. Co. $35,300.00 42,950.00 33,220.00 40,575.00 43,350.00 MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS Loosen Plbg. & Rtg. Harris Plbg. & Htg. Edward T. Kolar Company Healy Plbg. & Htg. Co. D. H. Hickey & Co., Inc. 21,800.00 22,717.00 23,822.00 23,700.00 21,930.00 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Kostka Electric Co. Gopher Electric Co. Hunt Electric Co. 15,300.00 16,318.00 16,900.00 Upon motion of Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, it wes RESOLVED that the bids as submitted be referred to the town engineer for tabulation and further report. The Chairman then announced the closing of receipt of bids for deep well project #15C. The following bids were submitted and opened: Ley~M1Qne80t8 Co. Keya Well Drilling Co. E. H. Renner & Sons McCarthy Well Company Tonka Equipment Co. 8,447.00 8,579.00 9,997.00 9,2.86.00 8,124.00 " . ~ . . Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, it was RESOLVED that said bids be referred to the town engineer for further tabulation and report. Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the previous meeting were approved as mailed. The following building permit applications were submitted: Gayle Myhre, 4070 Olivine for Lot 8, Block 11, Cedar Grove No.5. Upon motion by Gnairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, it was RESOLVED that a variance from the 30' requirement from Carnelian Lane to a~26f set back for a double garage be, and hereby is, approved. Rodney Schaumberg, 3160 Pilot Knob Road for garage 24' x 24'. Upon motion by Supervisor Jacobson, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that said permit be issued. Mr. James Diffley appeared on behalf of }u. Howard Gelb and Crown Builders, Inc., the contract for deed buyer end developer of South Oaks Addition relative to dedicntionof certain lots.for park purposes. The developer had suggested dedicating Lots 12, 13, 14, Block 1, South Oaks Addition to the township containing 1.8 acres. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, it was RESOLVED that preliminary plat of South Oaks Addition be, and hereby is, approved subject to dedication of Lots 12, 13, 14, Block 1, South Oaks Addition to the township provided that the East line of Lot 11 abutting on Lot 12 be moved Easterly parallel with the Westerly line of the subdivision to a point 60' East of the NW corner of the subdivision. It was FURTHER RESOLVED that the town attorney be directed to prepare a restrictive covenant to be filed with the covenants covering the addition relative to use of the lake by all lots abutting upon the lake. - 2 - Mr. Alvin Lecocq appeared requesting permit for residence 34' x 56' on Lot 18s Block 4, ~~in View Manor. Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn, seconded by Chairman Klein, it weB RESOLVED that the permit be issued and that the applicant be permitted to use the platted road for access with the under- standing that the road not be taken over by the township for maintenance purposes but that the applicant install his own driveway. The final plat of Lakeside Estates was upon motion by Supervisor Rehn, seconded by Supervisor Jecobson approved and ordered executed by the appropriate town officials subject to the preparation and execution of a development contract and bond, the adoption of a restrictive covenant similar to thet of South Oaks Addition outlined above, and dedication of the designated lots. Upon motion by Supervisor Jacobson, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it waS RESOLVED that a letter from the Eegan Park Investment Company for sanitary sewer and water service in Section lO on County Road #31 for apart- ment building purposes be, and hereby is, accepted and referred to the town engineer for later report. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that Alfred Shadduck be, and hereby is, appointed as replacement on the Committee to Study the Merits of Incorporation to replace Marge Simicek. Upon motion by Chairmen Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED thet the application of H. J. L~1ieux, 2261 Pilot Knob Road be, and hereby is, granted subject to installation of a T shape easement for temporary turnaround end grading to be done by the applicant ard gravel to be furnished by the town. Mr. Richard LeMay appeared requesting grading and graveling work be done by the town on the 30' Jurdy Road leading off Pilot Knob Road which was ordered by the Board.v - 3 - Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, it was RESOLVED that six ti~es for the tank fire truck be purchased by the fire department at a cost not to exceed $300.00. The Chairmen read a letter from Independent Scho~l District #197 deted September 12, 1968, relative to the storm sGWer easements on the Pilot Knob Elementary School property on Lone Oak Road. The engineer was instructed to write the school district architect noting that a request had been made by the township for an 8" water line to the achool but that a 4" line had been installed and that the storm sewer easement be acquired before the grent of a building permit. It was noted that a building permit had not been applied for nor acquired. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that certifications 88 to utilities and assessments in Cedar Grove No. 6 as requested by the Cedar Grove Construction Company be, and hereby are, approved and ordered to be executed. Upon motion by Supervisor Rabn, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, it was RESOLVED that the application of Doody Plumbing and Heating, Inc., St. Paul for a plumbing license be, and hereby is, granted. Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, it was RESOLVED that the township hereby does, accept the completion of Project #l5A and orders final payment covering said project to Phelps- Drake Company and further that Ohange Order 4/1 be, and hereby is, approved. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, it was RESOLVED that the assessment hearing covering sewer and water laterals and water service and water trunk benefits in the Blue Cross area on Highway #13 be, and hereby is, scheduled for 7:30 p. m. on October 15, 1968 at the town hall. -4 .. Upon motin by Supervisor Jacobson, seconded by Chairman Klein, it was RESOLVED that a petition for streets on the Michael and Kraft properties in Section 9 West of the Univac property bet and hereby ls, accepted and referred to the t~~n engineer for study and report. The Chairman read a letter and reviewed a map of the proposed Dakota County Park site in Eagan requesting that the township not issue additional building permits in the a rea planned for the park. Upon motian by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, it was RRSOLVRD that the eontrac~ors using town water be}char~ed on the basis of $10.00 per use plus $.30 per 1.000 gallons and it was rURTHER RESOLVED that ~,water hydrant meter be acquired by the township. Upon motion all bills were ordered paid. Upon motion the meeting adjourned. Dated: September 17, 1968. Oeq t-<- / ~-Lz lerk - 5 .