12/03/1968 - City Council Regular HlNUTES OF A REGULAR ME!':TING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF TOWN OF EAGAN, DAKOTA COUNTY. MINNESOTA December 3, 1968 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Eagan Township was held on December 3. 1968 at 7:45 P.M. at the Town Hall at which all members were present. Chcirman Klein preSided. Upon motion duly made by Chair~#n Klein and seconded by Supervisor Rahn, the minutes were unanimously approved I'1S ~r.esented. The application of Higo-Site Apartments for a building permit for 23 unit apartment building, estimated cost $166,000 was presented. Upon motion made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that the building permtt a~plication be. and hereby is, approved and the permit ord,rcd to be i~sued forthwith. there was no appearance by the Fire, Police or Utility Departments. the application of General Beverages Company for a building permit for an addition to their present structure on Highway 055 was presented along with a proposed agreement covering the utility easement over which the building is planned to be constructed. Upon motion duly made by supel~lsor Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, the building permit application was unanimously approved subject to the execut1cn of said agreement holding the tO~-1nship harmless for any costs or expenses in connection with any future repair or maintenance of the utility lines. the cost to be borne by General Beverages Company. The application of Gerald E. Frisch concerning request for ap?roval of his 4 story wooden construction concept for apartment buildings to be located on the U.S. Metro property on Highway U13 ~as presented. It was note~ that the Advisory Planning Committee r~corrmended approval. -1- The matter was discussed at length with the Board because of the potenti~l fi~e hazard and the matter was set over for consideration at the next meeting of the Board on December l7, 1968 with directions to applicant to confer with the Town Engineer about materials. M~. Henry Stenquist, Architect, and Mr. sabes, Presld~~t of ;,.::1ed.;:on Fruit and Produce Company, appeared on behalf of its appllcat1o:~ i'v.i." <l vel.dance under Ordinance /16 so as to permit the construction of a st:nlctUf.'e In excess of the height limitations appUcablii to Eagandale \:~nter In:luotrial Park. It was stated that the reason for the increased hp.ight war.: to house automated er:.uipment which would possibly be as h13h as 58 feet alt.h01.\gh the anticipated height is 44 feet. Upon motion du1y made by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, it was unanimously RESOLVED to approve the variance subject to the approval of the developer, Rauenhorst Development Corporation. The matter of rate increases by People'S Natural cas Company f0~ gas service tn the McKee and Cedar Grove areas was discussed. The ..i....,~-1n Attorney recommended that a letter be sent to Northern States PO""e": r:''")'";'i;'l2~\Y and People's Natural Ges Company requesting them to hol:.i off c::"\ D~y rate increases until the new ordinance now under consideration is n~g~~ia~ed as between the companies and the Township. The Board directed ::l,a To~l'., .\ttorney to proceed in this manner. Hl"S,. Donald Knight and thomas Monahan and other interested neiJnb?rs appeared regarding the proposed ice s.sting rink in Vall~y View Plateau. It ,;oas explained that the residents desire to grade the site for the flkating rink on lots in connection with the valley VieT..: W...te:c- wo=~;:s system but that the private corporation could not b,~c.:,:, the COiit of the site wC\;:k nor accept responsibility for any inju':'les or da:nage occurrlr.g 0:' the rink by users thereof. Upon matlor. d'..lj.y ..,:1(b by Su?ervioor -2- Ra1':n and seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, it was RESOLVED that the To',"\ a~ lts expense prepare the site for a skating rink and also determin'~ if it did have adequate liability insurance ~overage for the use of the rink, this resolution being subject, however. to submission by the Vall~y Vi~w lllaterworks Company of a resolution of this Board of Dircctoro LoxmaH;' r~qu~sting the Township to provide this service. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Klein and seconded by SU1:'Gt'vLG Jacobsou, it was unanimously RESOLVED that all of the applications for T~2ouing ;'ncluding the following: 1. CUff Road Properties from At Agric1..l::'\l;:.-, to R-I, C.2, Ro6 and P, Public facilities 2. J & K Company to rezone from P, Public FacUlties to a-I ,-...."" R~6. 3. Beure' Co. to rezone from A, Agricultural to R-6 and C-2, 4. J & K Company to re~one from R-l, Residential to R-6. ~roltiple residential, 5. Superior 11400" Oil Company to rezone from R-4 to C-l. 6. Investors Communication Corporation to rezone from R-6 aDd I~../.. ~o C-l and R-6. ~e set f~r public hearing commencing at 7:30 P.M. on December 17, 1908 at the Town Hall; and FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk be, and hereby is, ~tr.ectec and authorized to publish legal notice of hearing forthwith. Upon motion of Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Jaco~son, it was RESOLVED to refer to the Town Engineer for study and pre,:,nration of preliminary reports on the request of Rauenhorst CCr'?O~:.:l:-.'o..... foT. utili ties and street improvements in Eagandale Industrial Pa-:,~, E~<;"I~1.'" da~e Ind~strial Park No.2, Co. Rd. 26 and property South of Ce. ?u, 20 and also the r~quest of J & K Co. for utilities and otreet imp~ov~m~~~s in the !1. H" K.:>.ratz Addition in Section 9. _'1_ Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn and seconded by Chairman Klein, it was RESOLVED to purchase fill dirt in the amount of $1.000.00 fro~ Al~xander Const. Co. delivered to the town Hall site at 3795 Pilot Knob Rberl~ Upon motion of Supervisor Rahn and seconded by Chairman Klein~ t~'l.? 'Eollowing change orders were approved: Change Order No. 1 for Project 15C covering deletion of the 4" well at the utility building. contract credit - $2.285 in Loosen P1umblnz ......d Heati ng Corr.pany contract. Change Order No. 2 on Project #12 for payment of sales tax in l'!p amount of $2,354.67 to Peter Lametti Construction Co. Upon modon by Supervisor Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Jacobson) the Road Agreement Contract with George Ohmann, Jr. for snow plowing was approved and properly executed. Upon motion, the bills were ordere& paid. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. 93ted: December 3, 1968. ., ,~ . ;~I ""; ~ ~, .l,.."~ :A. Clerk -I.-