12/17/1968 - City Council Regular MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETUIG OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BAGAN TOWNSHIP, D:iKOTA COUNTY, mNl\liSOTA December 17, 1968 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Eagan Township, Dakota County, Minnesota, was held at the Town Hall on December 17, 1968 with all members present. The meeting convened at 6:30 P. M. Mr. James Gablou, Dakota County Engineer and Mr. Louis Wachtler, Chairman of the Dakota County Board of Commissioners, appeared concerning the proposed tmprovement of Yankee Doodle Road. Discussion was held cen- cerning the proposed contribution of the Town, the County and Gopher Smelting Company concerning the lowering of the gas line on the Gopher Smelting Company property, and it waS determined that a meeting with the Gopher Smelting Company officials be held early in January. At 7:30, the Chairman announced the public hearing concerning the application of Cliff Road Properties, Inc. to rezone property in Sections 20 and 29 along County Road #30 from A, Agricultural to R-I, C-Z, R-6 and P, Public Facilities. It was noted there was 84.7 Commercial acres, 161 acres of R-6, 51 acres of R-I and about 54 acres of park land ultimately with 357 acres now proposed for rezoning including a small amount of Public Pacilities area. Upon motion by Chai~n Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rehn, Aye Jacobson, it was RESOLVED that the hearing be ordered closed and that the application as submitted be approved. The Public Hearing concerning the applieation of J & K Company tc rezone a parcel in the NW~ of the ~~ of Section 20 along Rahn Road from P, Public Facilities to R-l and R-6 was present~d. Mr. Pete Parranto and Mr. Ken Applebaum appeared on behalf of the applicant. The parcel consisted of 10 acres requested for 1..6 aad 5 acres covering~S lots for a...l. Dis- cuss ion was held concerning proposed dedication of a walking path for park purposes on the East line of the property. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it WqS ordered that the hearing be closed and that the appllcation be granted subject to a grant by deed or easement of the 20-foot strip on the East line of the property for park purposes. Supervisor Jacobson voted aye. The Public Hearing concerning the application of Beure' Co. to rezone 60 acres in the SE~ of Section 20 along County Road #30 from A, Agricultural to R-6 and C-2 waS next presented. Mr. Harry Johnson appeared for the applicant. He indicated that originally there were 60 acres but that the proposed 35-E would take about 17 acres with a balance of 3 acres on the East side of the Road and 40 acres on the West. Upon motion by Cha1~an Klein, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, it was RESOLVED that said hesring be closed and the application be granted as presented with two exceptions to the description for 2 parcels not owned by the applicant. It was noted that Supervisor Rahn withdrew from any decision on the appl~cation. The Public Hearing on the application of J & K Company to rezon~ 4 acres in Block I of LeTendre's Addition from R-I to R-6 was next commenced. Mr. Applebaum and Mr. James Diffley appeared for the applicant. Also, Mr. LeTendre, the owner, appeared for the applicant. Numerous property owners in LeTendre Addition appeared objecting to the rezoning on the basis that they had purchased the property with the understanding that the Addition would remain single family resIdential. After considerable discussion, upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, Rahn voting Aye, it was RESOLVED that said application for rezoning be, and hereby is, denied for the reasons that the original developer still owns the property, that there has been no substantial changes to warrant the rezoning in the sub- dlvl~ion, because of objections from property owners and because property owners in the area had been assured that the property would remain single family dwelling. -2- The Publ1c Rearing on the application ~f Superior "400" Oil Company to rezone from R-4 to C-l part of the NE~ of the SW~ of S~ction 10 on Lone Oak Road was next presented. Mr. David Kasell of Superior Oil appeared on behalf of the applicant. The Board also considered the appli~a- tion of Investors Communication Corporation to rezone from R-4 and R-6 to C-l and R-6 part of the NE% of the Nt-T~ of Section 10 on Lone Oak Road con.. i:iguous to the Superior "400" Oil Company application at the same time. Ur. James Dugger appeared on behalf of Investors Communication Corporatbuc Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLvc~ that said hearings be closed and that both applications for rezoning be granted. Supervisor Jacobson voted aye. Mr. Pete Poppler also appeared ill realtion to said applications with no Objection. It was noted that the street on the proposed plan will be dedicated upon submission of tha final, plat. At 8:00 o'clock P.M., the Chairman announced the closing of the bids on the two-way mobile radio units for the Police Department and announced the opening of bids as submitted: Broadcasts & Consumer Products Department of RCA - no bid. General Electric Motorola Atrco:n ~ Mobile Radio unit $ 1,095.00 $ 1,025.00 $ 1,169cc2 Installation 40.00 43.50 45.00 Portable Hand Set 668.00 872. 00 714.65 Battery Charger 30.00 78..00 31.2.';- $ $ 2,018:50 $ -.- 1,833.00 1,960.51 Upon~otion by Supervisor Jacobson, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it wa~ RESOLVED that said bids be turned over to the Town Engineer for tabulatlon. Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn, seconded by Chairman Klein, it was RESOLVED that the bids for the two-way mobile radios be granted to Aircom of Minnesota even though the bid from General Electric was low. lL was noted that the General Electric bid specifications could not meet the -3-. spee1f1eationrc<luired for' the E<lgan'PoHce Department. It was~ noted"that Supervisor Jacobson took no' part:ln the decision. The following building permit application was presented: JaD~G Diffley for Tom Stearns on a five-acre parcel near Dodd Road and County Road #30. It was noted that there was no public access to the property. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RES01~1u that said application be approved subject, however, to the acquisitiou bi the owner of an easement from the property to either County Road No. 30 C~ Dodd Road, a copy of which easement is to be presented to the Township. i'~ was further noted that the owner was advised that it is in his best inte!:\";;;" to prepare an overall plan for the property. The variance and building permit were granted for a 48' x 24', plus attached garage, $30,000 residenc3 Dr. Paul Griffin presented an application for a residence on a 2S..acre parcel on Hescott Hills Road, $36,000, 48' x 46' plus attached garage. Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, the said building permit was ordered issued. Mr. Charles Hall of Williams Bros. Pipeline Company appeared requesting approval and release on the bond covering the Williams Bros. Pipeline installation on Deerwood Drive and Blackhawk Road. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, Rahn voting Aye, it was RESOLVED that because the Town Engineer after inspection indicated that the road appears to be satisfactory, that the work be accepted, but that the bond not be released until adequate check can be made in the Spring of 1969 as to whether the work had been done satisfactorily. Mr. Howard Dahlgren appeared concerning the ~sed $treet on the South line of the Metro U. S. Property between Highway #13 and Black- hawk Road. No action was taken. -4- The application of Dahlen Sign Company for a sign for Veltey Vj(!~.' Villege Apartments and Homes on the Valley National Bank property on Highway #13 on a temporary basts wa~ upon motion by Supervisor JacObBC'l-.l~ seconded by Supervisor Rahn, approved. Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, it ~as RESOLVED tbat the sum of $450.00 presented by the B. C. A. o. fc\ Cedar Grove skating riak be, aod hereby is~ gratefully accepted and that the Clerk be directed to send a letter of appreciation to the organizatio~. Mr. Gervaise Kimm appeared concern1na the potent1al pur~hase of the Palmer Nursery on Cedar Avenue. No action waS taken. Upon motion made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that the request of Texaco Inc. for an extension of its building permit #159' at the inter. section of 1-352 arld Yankee Doodle Road be extended for one year. Upon mottOD by Chairman Klein, secorded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the secretarial compensation for Mrs. Bolke be raised to $550.00 per month effective December 1. 1968. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, aye Jacobson, it was RESOLVED to approve the use of State land in the McKee ar..- 14 Section 3 for an ice skating rink with the Town assuming liability for the premises. Upon motion by Supervisor Jacobson, secoL'lded by SuperVisor Ra~_r.t. it was RESOLVED that all bills 88 presented be ordered paid. Upon motion by Saperviso~ Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, it was RESOLVED tbat the Town Attorney be, and hereby is, authorized to negotiate an option for approximately 33 acres adjoining the Town Hall a~ a sum of not to exceed $1,800.00 per acre, which option would expire no sooner than April 1. 1969. The minutes were approved as presented. Upon motion, tbe meeting adjourned. Dated: December 17. 1968. -/ /A_': U Clerk