01/07/1969 - City Council Regular MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF !.BE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FAGAN TOWNSHIP. DAKOTA COUNTY. MINNESOTA January 7. 1969 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Eagan Township, Dakota County, Minnesota, was held at the Town Hall at 8:00 p.m. on January 7, 1969 with all members present. Upon motion, the minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. T~~ waze no building permit applications. Mr. Fred Hairsekorn of Economics Lab<r.r,atory, Inc. appeared on behalf of its application for variance under ordinance No. 6 for height restrictions for industrial building near Lone Oak Road and Lexington Avenc~ on the Rauenhorst property. After discussion and upon motion tDlJde by Chairman Klei~, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that said variance as recommended by the AdVisory Planning Committee Eor approval be, and hereby is, granted. Mr. Girard Minea appeared on behalf of his application to rezone 100 acres on Lexington Avenue from A, Agricultural to ReSidential and Co~ mercial zonings according to applicati on and legal description. Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn, seconded by chairman Klein, it was RESOLVED. that thepubl1c hearing to consider the rezoning be i:iet for February 4. .1:969 at 8:00 p.m. Mr. Oscar Soderlund--ancLNl:..-llarol<LLeVander._J.r.appeared..ott behalf of Dakota County Electric Co-op in regard to electric service in Eagandale Center No.2. The Board reviewed its minutes of February 20, 1968 and January 11, 1968 concerning areas to be covered by thE> two electric sup- pliers along Lone oak Road. Mr. Soderlund indicated that Villaume Box companj~~~. ftquested service from them on the North side of County Road In6. Mr. LeVander indicated that it was the understanding between the two companies that the two companies could compete for industrial areas ad- jacent to Lone oak Road. The Board set a tentative meeting with N.S.P. and D.C.E.C. on January l4, 1969, at 8:00 p.m. at the Town Hall. The Town Attorney submitted revisions to Oertain ordinances and certain DeW awdtnances for the Board's consideration and approval. The Board reviewed Ordinance No. 9 and suggested changes to Section 9.02, Subd. 3. A. and Section 9.02, Subd. 4. uPon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOUVEO that all new, repealed; revised and amended ordinances as presented be, and hereby are approved and the Clerk be directe d to publish according to law according to the list attached to these minutes. An application was submitted by Cedar Grove Construction Company for a sign for its model homes in Valley View located on the Southwest corner of Blackhawk Road and Highway #13 which appeared to be on Blue Cross property. The matter was delayed until the exact location of the sign is determined. A letter was received and read from Mr. Donald Schroer requesting sewer and water utilities on part of Lot ll, Zehnder Acres. It was noted that the former owner, Harvey Olson, had requested services also and had been told that untU public access to the property wss obtained that ser- vices would not be permitted under the ordinance. The Clerk was directed to write to Mr. Schroer indicating this. Upon motion by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, Aye Rahn, it was RESOLVED that Change order #1 covering the utility building contract Project #lS-C in the amount of $85.00 be and hereby is approved. ...2.., Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, Aye ~L~1rman.Kle1nt it was RESOLVED that the request for extension of t~e by Peter Lametti Construction Company for its contract under Project #14 to January 15, 1969 and clean up until June 1, 1969 be, and hereby is, approved. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, Aye Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the sign standard in front of the fire hall be deleted from the Hillary-Caron contract by Change Order constituting a $75.00 credit, be approved. A request was received on behalf of Alex~nder Constroction Company to release the bond on the Eagan Realty gravel pit which is now closed. The Board determined not to release the bond until it is checked by the town engineer after the snow is gone and that the bond remain in effect untU.such determination by the town engineer that the pit complies with the gravel pit ordinance. Upon motion by Supervisor Jacobson. seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the clerk be, and hereby is, ordered to issue the new licenses for cigarette sales, plumbing and gravel pit permits upon submission of the required fees and bonds, etc. After considerable discussion and upon motion by Supervisor Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Jacobson, it was RESOLVED that sanitary sewer and water usage charges for apartment or multiple units in the township be, and hereby are, determined on the basis of meter readings at residential rates; it is understood that the sanitary sewer charges not be based on winter quarter w'ater meter'.;readings as is the case under single family dwelling rates. The town attorney indicated that Mr. Ralph Ostendorf had appealed the award of the Commissioners in the Cliff Road condemnation matter entitled - 3 - Dakota Cou.!!.~y vs. Ostendorf ~t:.?_" Th(. ',,;1.1 atto!'ney il.1dicated that the township on behalf of the county had alGo 8ppcd18G the decision and upon reotion by Supervisor Jacobson, seconded by Super.visor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that said appeal be, and hereby is, conHr:~ed~ It v1as FURTHER RESOLVED that in th~ eV,,",~: t~e matter of Dakota County VG. _~~~~~ concerning Cliff Road is appealed by the property Olvoer that the townshlp ~ttorney be authorized to appeal that decision also; it was FURTHER RESOLVED that tie town attorney be directed to settle the matter of Dakota Coun~s. Heinen et al in line with the propo::l::,~. fgr acquisition of the easement on Cliff Road including assessoen.ts. The town engineer indicated that preliminary studies are now complet~ including cost estimates for extension of sanitary sewer trunks und water mair~ over the following described property in Township 27, Range 23, Dakota County: Trunk Sanitary sewer: All of Sections 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 21 and 29 All of Section 17 lying South of Kylo Lane and East of Blackhawk Road All of Section 20 lying East of Blackhawk Road The West one-half ('H~) of the Northwest one-quarter (NW%); :th3 Southeast O~l -quarter (SE~) and the Southwest One-quarter (SW%) all in Section 30. Trunk Water main: All of the property abutting the following streets: Blackhawk Road from Blue Cross Road to County Road #30; County Road #30 from Blackhawk Road to Rahn Road; Yankee Doodle Road from County Road #31 to State Trunk Highway #49; State Trunk Highway #49 from Yankee Doodle Road to Wescott Road. After discussion and upon motion by Chairman KleJn, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, Aye Jacobson, it was RESOLVED that a public hearing concerning such extensions be scheduled for February 11, 1968 at 8:00 p. m. at t~e town hall. The clerk was instructed to send a letter to the Apple Valley Village Council congratulating them on the fo~mtion of the ne~ council indicating that continuing amicable relations be had beb1een the tT'IO municipalitIes. Upon motion the bills were ordered paid. Upon motion the meeting adjournGr... Dated: January 7, 1969. ./.- C lede.