03/11/1969 - City Council Regular MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING FAGAN TOWNSHIP, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA March 11, 1969 The Annual Town Meeting of Eagan Township, Dakota County, Minnesota was held at the Town Hall, 3795 Pilot Knob Road on March 11, 1969. Polls were opened at 7:00 o'clock A.M. to elect one Supervisor for a term of three years, One Supervisor for a term of two years and one Treasurer for a term of two years. Other polling places were Precinct II - Heritage Methodist Church, Lexington Avenue and Lone Oak Road and Precinct III - Eagan Fire Hall, 3940 Rahn Road. Polls were officially declared closed at 8:00 o'clock P.M. and the judges proceeded to canvass the votes and deliver the results to the Clerk. The results were as follows: John J. Kle!n - Supervisor 3 year term 718 votes 23 write-ins Paul J. Uselmann, Jr., Supervisor 2 year term 452 votes Dwaine Greenwalt - Supervisor 2 year term 450 votes William Touhy Heine - Supervisor 2 year term 35 votes Herbert H. Polzin - Treasurer 2 year term 804 votes Martin Shields - Dist. Sup. of Soil and Water 171 votes Clerk, Alyce Boike called the business meeting to order at 8:30 o'clock P.M. at the Eagan Town Hall. The Pledge of Allegiance was given. Nominations were requested for a Moderator. George Clausman, Cedar Grove, nominated Cornelius Tilstra to serve as Moderator, seconded by Tony Verduce. Don Knight, 1455 Higbview nominated Joseph Harrison, seconded by Loren Maxfield. Herbert Polzin nominated Don Chapdelaine, however Mr. Chapdelaine declined the nomination. .-' -2- Mr. ClauSD8n moved that the nominations be closed, seconded by Herb Polzin and motion carried. Vote was then taken for Moderator. Mr. Harrison received 68 votes and Mr. Tilstra received 40 votes. Mr. Harrison was duly sworn in as Moderator and thereafter presided at the meeting. Cornelius Tilstra moved to dispense with the reading of the Annual Min~tes of 1968 inasmuch as copies were available to those attending, seconded by Loren Maxfield and motion carried. Chairman, John J. Klein spoke on the flState of the Township". He explained the progress made in the sewer and water program, the purchase of a 20 acre site, installation of a well and the building of a punp house and utility building. He also stated that the trunk sewer was being ex- panded to include 8 more sections of land. A Public Hearing had been held on the acquisition of the Cedar Grove Utilities and a recommendation received to purchase this syst~ He also explained the progress made in the BEB Regional District. Mr. Klein also told about the progress in the Police and Fire Departments, and what is planned for the Road Department and Park Department for 1969 and future years. He also explained the legislative bills presently before the State Legislature and the progress that Eagan Township had made in all areas during the past year and the optimistic outlook we have for the coming year. Martin Des Lauriers, Cht~f of Police, spoke on the activities of the Police Department for the past year, the acquisition of two Police Dogs and a hand-held radio which had been donated by area businessmen. There were a total of 3,598 police calls and 115,500 miles traveled in police work. -3- William SChultz, Fire Chief, spoke on the activities of the Fire Department for the past year and the future plans of the Fire Department. There are presently 44 Volunteer Firemen. Last year, there were 47 fire calls, 14 rescue calls and 19 mutual aid calls. He told about the new addition to the Fire Hall and the purchase of an additional Fire truck which will be delivered in June. Loren Maxfield, a member of the Park Board. gave a report on the Park Board's progress. A copy of this report is on file with the Clerk. Tbe Park Board bas been expanded to ten members with Mr. Richerd Thorpe acting as Chairman. The Clerk read the Annual Audit Report. Mr. Jerome Adam moved to accept the audit report as read, seconded by George Clausman and tOOtion carried. The Clerk then read the Proposed Budget for 1970, a copy is attached hereto. Mr. George Clausman moved to accept the proposed budget, seconded by Thomas Monahan and tOOtion carried. Mr. Jerome Adam moved to retain the 3 official posting places in the Township, namely, Town Hall, Lone Oak Tree and Applebaum's, seconded by Herb Polzin and motion carried. Mr. Cornelius Tilstra 1lDVed that the polls will open for the 1970 Annual Election at 7:00 o'clock A.M. and close at 8:00 o'clock P.M., seconded by George Clausman and motion carried. After considerable discussion regarding the place for the Annual Business Meeting, Mr. Clausman moved to hold the Annual Bustness Meetingfat Northview Elementary School at 8:30 P.M., seconded by Don Schultz and motion carried. -4- Don Chapdelaine presented the following Resolution: Be it RESOLVED that the people of the Town of Eagan desire that the Town Board of Super- visors shall immediately request that our representatives in t~ State Legislature submit a bill permitting the Electors of Eagan the opportunity to change their form of govertUDent directly to that of the Home Rule Charter City. And, that said legislation be contingent on the approval of the MMC and that said MMC be empowered through this legislation to take , the necessary steps to bring about an election to seek the approval or dis- approval of the Electors of the Town of Eagan. It is further RESOLVED that the Eagan Town Board request this legislation by the 19th day of March, 1969, in order that there be a reasonable period of time during the present session of the legislature for the bill to be enacted. Don Chapdelaine moved that the above Resolution be adopted. 'l1lere was conSiderable discussion both pro and con. Wally Pottel' seconded the motion. A shaw of bands was requested on the above motion with 86 votirig for the Resolution and 42 voting against it, the Resolution was adopted. Mr. Rueben Johnson moved that the annual 1Deeting coamend with gratitude the efforts of the study committee on incorporation and the Town Board be requested to mail a copy of the report to each registered voter in the Township. After much discussion, Bill Kavanaugh seconded the motion and the motion carried. Mr. Alfred Shadduck stated that the people have appreciated the work of the Town Board, and he would like to say a special thanks to them and to Mr. Klein, Chairman, for all his hours of service. -5- There being no further business, Mr. Shadduck moved to adjoarn, seconded by Don Chapdelaine and the meeting adjourned. Dated: March 11, 1969 ~a~ lyce BoIke, Clerk