03/18/1969 - City Council Regular MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF EAGAN TOWNSHIP, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOtA March 18, 1969 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Eagan Township, Dakota County, Minnesota, was held at the town hall at 8:00 o'clock p. m. on March 18, 1969 with all members present. The Chairman announced the continuation of the hearing concerning the application of Metro U. S. Corporation for approval of preliminary plat covering property be~een Highway #13 and Blackhawk Road. The Board also reviewed the proposed East"West Road between 81ackhawk Road and Highway #13. Mr. Howard Dahlgren and Mr. Bernardi represented the applicant. Other property owners appeared. Mr. William Busch appeared representing Cedar Grove Construction Company to 1Dd~eate, oace opposed the location of the road because the plans for development of the property to the south of the proposed road are not complete. After considerable discussion and upon motion by Supervisor Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, aye Klein, it was RESOLVED that said preliminary plat be, and hereby is, approved and further that the Board hereby determines that the collector street be located on the Section line with a later detetmination as to the assessment procedure. The Chairman then eonvened the public hearing concerning the application of Dan Gustafson for approval of a trailer coach park permit and for rezoning the Soutb 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of Section 13 from A, Agricultural to 1-1 Light Industrial. Mr.. Pete parranto and Mr. Dan Gustafson appeared on behalf of the applicant and explained the proposed trailer park area. It ~as noted that under the Eagnn ordinance a requirement of 1-1 zoning is tequired. Mr. Vance Grannis appeared representing Mr. Strozinski, a neighboring property owner, noting certain objections relative to meeting the Eagan ordinance, questions of tax revenue to the township and the question of zoning in the event of sale of trailers,ete. Other property owners appeared objecting to the application.. Mr. Parranto indicated that the original p~posal did not meet the new ordinance requirements but that revisions have been made to meet the amended trailer park ordinance. Questions involved whether once the property had been zoned to I-I zoning and tbe use abandoned for trailer park purposes, would the 1-1 zoning be continued or could it then be used for another lndistrial purpose. The issue whether tbe 1-1 zoning fits into the 8urrounding ares for future uses of land in the area was raised. The question of maintai.ning the quality of the trailer park was brought into issue. Upon motion by Supervisor Uselmann, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, aye Klein it was RESOLVED that tte public hearing be continued to April 15th at 8:00 p. m. aad thet further study be made in the interim. The bid opening for surfacing Raba Road south of County Road 130 and beau d'Rue Drive from Old Rahn Road to New Rahn Road consisting of Projects #27 and 119 was stricken and will be rescheduled at a later time. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as mailed. The application of the Airliner Motel for an addition to the Motel on Highway 155 in the SUlll of $50,000 consisting of an 18' x 106- addition was upon motion by Supervisor Rahn, seconded by Chairman Klein, approved subject to the town engineer-s approval as to plans sad specifieations. Hr. Max Norton requested a residential building permit for a residence 32' x 69', $26,000.00, on Cliff Road on a 10 acre unplatted parcel using the driveway cut in by the County. No action was taken by the Board in order that the Board could review the proposed location of the home for drainage purposes. Hr. Jean Parranto appeared on behalf of the application of loCo-Mat Corporation for a building permit for a Kodak Drive-In stall in the Cedarvale Shopping Center. Questions that arose concerned the appearance of the building in relation to the Other buildings; the size of the building in relation to other buildings in Cedarvale Shopping Center and potential traffic problems created by the building. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor U8e1mann~ it was RESOLVED that the matter be tabled until further examination of the application can be made. Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, aye Chairman Klein it was RESOLVED that the town engineer be instructed to prepare a preliminary report for road improvements for the ful1length of Silver Bell Road between Blackhawk Road and Highway 113 and further for sanitary sewer am water services to the Metro U. S. area primarily to Lot 1 of the proposed plat for Metro U. S. Corporation. Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, aye Chairman Klein it wae RESOLVED that the bid .of"HDff'man Brothers, Inc. for water and sewer cxtensiops in Eagandale Center Industrial Park consisting of Improveaent Project /J:28 be, and hereby is, accepted and awarded in the sum of $332,332.32 as low bidder. Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, aye Klein it was RESOLVED that tlB bid of Solberg Aggregate Company in the sum of $26,408.50 for street improvements in Eagandale Center No.2, Improvement Project 131 be, and hereby 1s awarded. The Board then dis~ussed the matter of the Dakota County Electrie Co-operative and Northern States Power Company franchise for electrical utilities in the township. The Board requested that the town attorney eontact the companies and request more information concerning the layout of electrical services in the township including areas of alreement and disagree. ment throughout the town and that the matter be asain seheduled for April 1, 1969. It was noted that the parties were not able to agree as to -,3- a line for electrical 8ervices~ because of the preVious understanding between the companies; becau8e of pressure on the Board to make a decision and for the benefit..,C'if future developers and customers in the area that it was deemed advisable that the Board prepare a franchise agreement and determine a franchise area for each company. Upon motion by Supervisor Uselmann, seeonded by Supervisor Rahn, aye Klein, it was RESOLVED that the final plat of Robert Karatz Addition be, and hereby ls, approved. Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, aye Klein it was RESOLVED that the request of J & K Company for sewer and water services for Jade Lane commencing at Rahn Road and easterly 1,312.33 feet be referred to the town englneer for preliminary study and report to the Board. The Board discussed the proposed acquisition of Cedar Grove Utilities Company relative to condemnation or arbitration. It was noted that April 20, 1969 would be the end of the second five year period of the franchise at which time condemnation could be made under M. S. A. 300.03 etc. No decision was made concerning the lSuy-out. A proposed incorporatio.D bUl was submitted as drafted by the town attorney and discussed by th~ BOard relative to the resolution of the town electors at the annual meeting concerning incorporation as a HOme Rule Charter City. After considerable discussion and upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, aye Chatrman Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the draft be submitted to the Dakota County legislators for submission to the 1969 Legislature. Chairman Klein noted that his motion was not in support of the bill but rather conforms witb the resolution. Ob March 19, 1969, the Board confirmed the submission of a revised wording for the bill which -4.. upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn was ordered to be drafted and submitted to the 1969 Minnesota Legislature on March 19, 1969, a copy of which bill 1s attached and ~e a part of the minutes of the electors at the annual meeting. Upon motion all bills were ordered paid. Upon motion the meeting adjourned. Dated: .mrch 18. 1969. d7 4!,,- oL.~. Clerk -5-