06/06/1969 - City Council SpecialMINUTES OF A SPECIAL 1~iEETING, BOARD OF SUPr:RVISORS Eagan Township, Dakota County, Minn. June 6, 1g6g The Board of Supervisors of Eagan Township held a Special Meeting at the Eagan Town Hall on June 6, 1g6g at 7:00 o'clock ~'.M. at which all members were present. Chairman Rahn announced that he wished to resign as Chairman effective immediately. Upon motion of Supervisor Klein, seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, it wa.s RESOLVED that l~,r. Rahn's resignation be accepted. Supervisor Klein was duly elected Chairman and thereafter presided at the meeting. Mr. Bernard Sievert appeared with a request for a building permit in Section 36 on the Moletor property. It was noted that a variance as to acreage requirement was granted October 2g, 1g68 on this property. Upon motion made by Chairman Klein seconded by Supervisor Rahn it was RESOLVED that a building permit for a single dwelling ~+g' x 35' in the amount of X30,000 be approved. The Board did point out that neighboring property would probably be zoned heavier than R-1. The Board interviewed applicants for the Public ~Jorks Dept. and also for a Building Inspector. Upon motion of Chairman Klein seconded by Supervisor Uselmann it was RESOLVED that Mr. David Linnerson be employed by the Public Works Dept. at a starting salary of ~p600.00 and serve a probationary period of six months. Nir. Jean Parranto and l~Ir. Mike McCue appeared in regard to their application for a building permit for a slide in the Cedarvale Shopping -1- Center. Mr. Bohn had appeared before the Board at their afternoon in- formal meeting and indicated that the merchants were backing this 100J hoping it would help to bring in business to the area. Supervisor Usel- manri stated he had visited the Phalen Center and merchants indicated they were not in favor of the slide in that Center. He also felt the area was not zoned for recreational facilities and that the slide would not fit in with the present shopping center. Supervisor Uselmann then moved to deny the building permit for the above reasons. Said motion died for lack of a second. Chairman Klein stated that he felt that a property owner had a right to use his property under the existing zoning regulations, that the merchants unanimously requested that the permit be granted and that the Board noted that these slides are appearing in many of the major shopping centers throughout the country. Chairman Klein then moved to grant the building permit and a Special Use Permit renewable yearly subject to an agreement being drawn up and signed by the a~~plicant setting forth certain conditions as to the operation of the slide, Supervisor Rahn seconded the motion and Supervisor Uselmann voted nay. The motion carried and the Clerk was authorized to notify the Attorney to draw up the necessary agreement. Upon motion of Chairman Klein seconded by Supervisor Rahn, aye Supervisor Uselmann, it was RESOLVED that Mr. Branch be authorized to purchase a rotary cutter for the Park and Sewer and Water Departments. Chairman Klein a=ppointed Supervisor Rahn Acting Chairman in his absence. Upon motion the meeting adjourned at 10:00 o'clock P.M. Dated: June 6, 1g6g r A. Bolk , Clerk -2-