06/17/1969 - City Council RegularMINUTf:S OF A REGUT~AR MEETING OF T'I~ BOARD OF SiJPERVISORS SAGAN TOWNSHIP, DAKQTA COUNTY, M[i~iv''R'S4TA June 17, 1969 A x'e$ular meeting of the Beard of Supervisors of Eagan Township, Dakota County, Minnesota was held June 17, 1989 at the town hall, at which Supervisor Rahn and Sup~,rvisor Uselmann were present. Chairman Kle:tn was absent. At ~':3Q P.M. the Board ~t with James Qlsen, the fiscal ccnsultant, concerning financing certain town projQCts. No actian was taken. At 8:00 P.M. Vice Chairman Rahn announced the opening of the heaxing concerning the application for preliminary plat approval for Eagandale Center Industrial Park No. 3, There were no objections to the application. The Board discussed the possibility of lacatix:g a rest center in the industrial park aaad using this as a precedent for future commercial. and industrial develop- went, No actian was taken on the suggestion, Upan motion by Uselmann, seconded by Rahn it was RESOLVED that the application be apgraved Upon nation by Uselmann, seconuc[ed by Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the md.nutes of the previous meeting be approved and that their reading be di3pensed with, Upoa motion by Uselmann, seconded by Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the application of Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church for driveway and parking permit on its shurch property an Rahn Road be approved, Upon motion by Rahn seconded by Uselmann it was RESOLVED that a public hearing concerning the application of Parranto Bxos. to rerone from A, Agricultural to R-6 at~d C-2 the S~ of the NWT of Section l5 be set for July ].5th at 8:00 P.M. at the town hall, Mr. Robert $oisclair of Car-Bor•Nel appeared on behalf of its request for building permit for eight apartment building$ containing 2~t2 units on Rahn Road, The Board noted that there were changes in the plot plan as it was axiginaliy submitted aed referred the matter to th$ APC for consideration of the changes ir, the plan and fox the building permit application Upon motion by Uselmann secandcd by Rahn it was Rk,SCLVED that the Uniform Building Code adopted by the I:zernational Conferezue of Build in? Cffi!:ial 1966 edition, Volume 1, includ%r~; all amendments tiiar.~to be and hereby are adopted ai~.d the town attorney be insrru=ted to prepare ;,:~ cr.Iinan~e to irco::p„ orate the Building Code ancl. amer~da~2nts "ry referenca. The aet3.ng Chairman read a letter trcm the Police ChiF€ concerning cert;+in alleged violations by wensman Construction Company of B~irnaville, c~~rccrni~~; the construction of a home in Evergreen. Mx. T:~d T;~achter appeare:~ ac tl::~ request of the Board after having inspected the construction on five accasians, Mr. ~Jachter also listed a number of violations that did not comply wa.tb. standard construction codes or with the Uniform Building Code adopted by nakota Cater-~y, It was noted that there were potentially other violations cot~itt?d by the same o~ ntractor in other development areas of the To4mship. After consic?erable discussion, upon motion by Rahn, seconded by Uselaaann it was RESOLVED as €ollows: 1. That Mx. Ted Wachter be authorized to inspect the home in P;oer- green Park being constructed by the contractor and report back to the $c±ard leis findings and also to inspect work being done by the same contractor in Lakeside Estates including the pouring of footings on two buildirtes, allegedly without __ building peru-its, Upon motion by Uselmann, secocsied by Rahn it was RESOLVED that the Assessment Comanittee minutes of May 27, 1969 be approved as presented Upon motion by Uselmann, seconded by Rahn it was RESOLVED that thz cantYa~:: between the Town of Eagan and Solberg Construction Company concerning si.:,ez.~. improvements on Raha Road South aml Beau d'Rue Road, Project X27 be fY~{~ru~.~::i and that the officials be authorized to ex,~cute the contract, .~.~ Upon motion by Rahn, seconded by Uselmann it taas RESdL•~'3~3 t:~.~r. rhP plans at~i specifications fh;. Project ~~'29, Part 1, cf~nsist~.ng o` Tr~a~..?s Sani.t:ary Se-~:: be accepted and approved and th~.t the town clerk b4~ authorise: ~.~ ?-iv~.~~rie:: for bias in tha legal net~spGper anti Construction fi:a:i.?~.l:i.n, whir.+.~ ~:~d~~ •~3~!.?. b accepted an3 opened an July 15, 19.59 at 3:(30 PAM. at t$r tc-•r:+. i~a1.1, The Tcnm AtCOrney presen. ad a proposed ccntrac:: b::t~aec~n c~1~-i:ktur. 1~.C<ar afxd the Township concerning the location of a slide in Ceda.r~•sle Sfiapning vGT~~.~~+:. The T.awn Attnrrey was instructed to forwward the a?reem~nt to Pi:'. 2~~Cue ':^•r. si.gnsture priar to ti:;: sign3.ng by the Township: After d:tscussion, upon motion by Icahn seconded by Usel.ma!Ln 3.t ~~as ~.~''<'=C~1~~/c~?7 that the zoning and platting ordinances, Ordinances Nos. hand lU be .~rv:~:.c?t.d to provide that the applicants, under each ordin~nee be req+ziz~d to pres~»?- e~~ idencP of title and approval b} Che Tc~,anship as to titi.e ~ ~ior to appra~~~+':. ~f a^Yl~cations under those ordinances. Upon oration the bills were paid. Upon motion the meeting adjourned. Cler.. -3~