07/01/1969 - City Council Regular?LCN'JTES OF A REGULAR I~'ETITIG OF THE BO.'s,RB f't~ SUPERVISORS EAGAN TOCITISH'[P, bAICOTA COLtNTY, MZL ? -QTA July 1, 1969 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Tim of Eagan, ~Jacata County, Minnesota was held at the Town Hall on .7u1y 1, 1969. Chairaa~, '.'.2~Ln and Supervisor Rahn were present. At 8:00 P,M. the Chairman announced the convening of the hearin;; cnncazninb rhA application of Hillcrest Development Corporation to rezone the SW's of Bection ~~ on Cliff Road and Cedar Avenue from A, Agricultural. to R-2, R-6 and C-2. Tho FJ'C recommended approval. Mr. Haxold Olson appeared on behalf of the applicant and explained the project. A representative of Midtaest Planning and Researck~i representing the Village of Burnsville appeared in objection to portions of the ar~~Iication. Those objections were the potential traffic to be generated in the ?ti~~er Hills area adjacent to the ,yea to be rezoned and also suggested ttingle family zoning adjacent to Burnsville. Mr. ,Tames Hi11 of Pemtom also appeared ;n orposition to a portion of the application. Other property owners in River tti2ls adjacent to the Wiest voiced objections to R-2 abutting R-1 zoning in Burns- .ti•i .',.1.e. Mr. 3oe Harrison of the Eagan Paric CommaLttee requested information as tc locsrion of parks and was told that the po:td area would be used as open-apace area. There would be 10 to 12 units per acne on thg Weft side of proposed Hight~ay X36 covering about $0 to 90 acres with three naople per unit on the average. After considerable discussion and upon motion by Klein, scc_~~3ed by Rahn it was Rf;SOLVED that hearing be closed and that the mat+:er ~ro~?d be taken under advisement with a decision to be made at a future time, The Chairman then announced the opening of the hearing nn the prelisir,ary plat covering Blackhawtc Hills Addition in Section I6. Upon mc'~tion by ;';t:ir~, L+e..C(3:''.ded by Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the hearing be continued to 3~.~'.v 15-:h F•~ca+ise of lack of appearance by the applicants, The hearing concerning the preliminary report relsr.:sve to Project ~3G consisting of storm sewers, sanitary sewers, water and storm sewer iaagrc~;eaQ^ts in Cedar Grave No. 7 Vras next commenced. The Town Engineer explained r..,~~ project and thexe were no objections. Upon motion by Klein, seconded. by r~ahn 3_t was RESOLVED that the hearing be closed and that the project be approved, thnY: the plans and specifications further be approved as presented by the Town Engir..,~~: and that the project be ordered to be constructed. The Chairman then announced the comtening of the hearing concerning the preliminary report relative to Silver fielle Road improvements consisting of Project X36. The Town Engineer presented the proposal. Property owners on Silver Belle Road near I3ighway #13 requested that concrete curbs and gutters be installed and the representatives of Petro U. 8. Corporation also indicated interest in concrete curb and gutty-.r. on the North side of proposed road. I!i:. Bill Busch appeared on behalf of Cedar Grove Construction Company requesting that the matter be delayed for about two years. After considerable discussion a~ upon matian by IClein, seconded by Rahn it was RESOLVED that the hearing be .~.osed and that the matter be tatcen under advisement and the decision be made at a further time. The minutes of the previous meetings were approved as presented. The application of Rauenhorst Development Corp, for building permit oa 2.61 acres for LaBelle Stoxsge and Transfer Co. on Lot 14, Block 1, Eagandale No. 1 was next presented. The APC reccmuaetxled approval, Ul+on oration by Klein seconded by Rahn it was RESOLVED that the application in the sum of $125,000 bs approved subject to the Town Engineer's approval end proper identification as to Iot and block. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn it was RESOLVED that the aN;.y.ice;.ion of Rauenhorst Development Corp, for building permit on 2.Ob acres for. c~ax~:hou.^~.: 1'~r Rauenhorst Corp., $70,000.00, 100 ft, x 140 ft., in the W'~ of ire ~I~ of ti-_.~ NEB of the SE's of Section II, be and hereby is approved, After cfltisiderable discussion and upon motion by Klein, seconder b; Ra~~.:~. it o~as RESOLVED that the application of Car•Bor-Nel, Inc, far buildir.L~ p ~.;uit for 8 apartment buildings and review of plot plan for developnsnt oa Rahn Rr:.~d be atzd it hereby is approved. The Board recommended widening of the str.zets s_~c~ 3L ft, and 25 fC. covering those streets according to thF recom~n~ndati~n of the Town Engineer. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn it was RESOLVED that the applicatioi: of Coca-Cola Corporation for building permit for footings for addition to Coca-Cola pleat on Lots 9, 10, ll and 12, Block 7, Eagandsle Center Industrial Fork, $350,000, 125 ft. x 240 ft. be and it hereby is approved. Yt was noted that the APC recoa~ended approval. Upon motion by Klein, second^d by Rahn it was RESOLVED that the application of James Fee to rezone from A, Agricultural to R•I and R-6, the E~ of the R'E~ of Section 12 containing approximately 39 acres be and hereby is set for public hearing on August 5, 1969 aC 8:00 P,M. at the Town Ha11. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn, it was RESOLVED that a public hearing concerning the application of Ferrante Bros., Inc, to rezone the Pond and Kayser properties on Blackhawk Road from R«1 to R-6 and C-~2 be and it hereby is set for August 5, 1969 at 8:00 F.M. at the Town Hall, 14~e Town 8ngineer presented the bids far Project No. 3b consisting of sanitary sewer and storm sewer improvements in Cedar Grove No. 7 Addition, It was noted that the bids had been received and opeaced at 3:00 P,M. cn July 1, 19C-~~ at the Town Hall. The following bids were submitted: Walbon Excavating Co. $437,5b5.C~0 C.S. McCrossan Inc. 394.IS9.C0 Barbarossa & Sons 413,555.00 Hoffman Bros. Ync. 412,5?.2.85 Austin P. Heller Co. 338,923.00 -~- Upon anotion by Rlein, seconded by Rahn it was RE54LVED that the bids sa s..;bp witted be accepted and that the receipt of the bids be closed; further that. the contract be awarded to the low bidder, Austin P. Keller Constructior. uo. i.:~ the sum of $339,923..90. The Town Engineer then presented the bids concerning Project #29, Yart 2 consisting of trunk water main extensions Yankee Doodle Road. It aas noted that the bids has been xeceived and opened at 3:00 P. M. on July 1, 1369 at t~.c. Town Hall. The following bids were presented: Hoffpaan Bros., Inc $19$,023.75 Walbon Excavating Co. 243,050.00 3. & T. Contracting 200,958.50 D.P~I, Noyes Constr. Co. 233,x97.50 Harbarossa ~ Sons 231,385.00 R. D. McLean 196,6tu+.00 Sandstron & flafner, Inc. 202,635.00 Austin P. Keller Co. 188647,00 Robert Glende Constr. Co. 177,842,54 Orfei & Sons 193,157.02 Pater Lametti Canetr, Ca. 209,806.82 Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn tt was RESOLVID that the bids be acceptea and that the contract be awarded to Robert Glende Construction Company, the low bidder in Che sum of $277,842.50. The Town Attorney presented the contract with Arthux McCue concerning the slide in Cedarvale Shopping Center. It was noted that the contract had been signed by Mr. P4cCue and the Attorney was directed to return a fully es:ac,r' copy to the applicant. The Town Attorney presented a proposal as to the settlement o~ the Ostendorf condemnation action an Cliff Road. Upon action by Rahn, seconded by Klein, it was RESOLVED that the Attorney be authorized to recommetul a total settlement of $2,000.00 to Mr. Ostendorf. The petition of 4Tilliam R~ Sell, 3920 Bleckhawk Road for sancta ry sewer and water services to that property was referred to the Town Engin~~•ar. -4- Upon motion by Rahn, seconde8 by Klein, it was RBSOLVED that the requs.st of Timberline, Inc. and property owners on McCarthy Road for completicn of road improvements on Pine Ridge Drive and the baiance of McCarthy R~.;d Westerly to Highway ~i3 be referred to the Town Engineer for. prelin±iaar-~ report and the Taws Attorney for determination as to whether easements erisL covering all of McCarthy Road to Highway #13. The Town Clerk read a letter from Inver Grove Heights' Manager concE:;:;:~.i ~-g a proposed meeting relative to the dQVelopment of a 70 acre parcel adjacent to and Bast of the Eagan Town line and for proposed sewer and water services to serve that parcel. The Town Engineer was instructed to contact the I:~vcr Grove Manager. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded by Klein it was RESOLV'LD that a contxact with Solberg Construction Compa:;v for black-topping the tcwn hall parking lot in the sum of $ 925.75 be and it hereby is approved. The bid of Weirke Trenching Coaopany to remove stumps in the Cedar Grove pond area in the sum of $354.40 was presented. No action was taken. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded by Rlein, it was RESOLVBD that Chanbe Ord~~- p:o. 1 to Project No, 34 consisting of Airliner Motel water improvements ixL r.:_.~ s~.:m of $500.00 be and it hereby is approved. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn it was RBSOLVkTD that Dale Petezso,. be hired as a half-time building inspector at $30J.04 per month to begin as soon as possible, which determination wss made on the basis of a ~~eighted von,=, taken at as earlier meeting of the full Board after screening several appiic~~t~*. It was noted that Peterson received 7 paints, Ted Wachter, 6 points, anal John Davis, 5 points. Upon motion the bills were paid. Upon motion the meeting ad,}ourned. ;~, j;'_ i Clerk ~~~~+ Pub~.ic Hearing - Notes July 1 , 1969 The Public Hearing on the applicationof H~llcrest Development Company for rezoning in Section 30 on Cliff Road ar.., Cedar Avenue from A to R-2, R-6 and C-2 was convez~c.. Chairman Klein presided. Mr. Olson of Harry S. Johr~"~~T: HSSOCiates representing Hillcrest explained the over-all plan. Questions and answers were as follows: John Darling, Midwest Planning and Research representing the Village of Burnsville stated concern over traffic through the River Hills area inas~r.uch as only two outlets on Cliff Road and none to the north. He felt the traffic would go through River Hills, and create a problem in the residential area. He also stated he felt the zoning should be Single Family adjacent to the River :fills area and then phased into R-2. He also felt an access road should go north from this development. Jim Hill, 8053 Bloomington Freeway, representing Pemtom: We have purchased the Hays property South of lVetcalf Jr. High School and North of NSP easement and platted it River Hills 9 (single family). River Hills 7, 10 & 11 are adjacent to this proposed area and he feels this zoning is premature inasmuch as Cedar Ave. will be upgraded and relocated. He also questions the availability of sewer and water to the site. He feels that they should consider R-1 zoning adjacent to the River Hills area a.nd phase into R-2 across the street, tYren to R-6. He feels that property owners take better care of their property than rental units. Dave Quanbeck, 3+05 Perrot Lane, spokesman for River Hills residents adjacent to this property, stated the residents had met on Thursday and had a petition. 1. Is this buffer adequate, or should we have R-1? 2. What will this do to District 191? 3. We do not know the kind, quality or ownership of units? ~. River Hills is the only developed property adjacent to this proposed development and we would like to request a buffer of R-1 of one to two lot depths and across the street one to two lot depths of R-2. Klein: Would you object to R-1 and then R-6? Quanbeck: Yes, because of the visual effect and also the owner- ship which would effect the care of the property. Joe Harrison; representing Park Committee: What is planned for recreation? lair. Olson: Around the pond and NSP easement are open areas and also there is green space among the buildings. There are 10-12 units planned per acre - approximately 1,000 units. '?o area is set aside for play area, but we will consider this when we present our plan. Klein: How do you feel about R-1 on the border of River Fills? P. 2 Gary Tankenoff, representing Hillcrest Development - We have purcYiased this land. We have been developers for 20 years and this land is not for resale. We built shopping centers and our last building was the Capitol Square Building. If we go into R-1, we would sell that portion as we do not build single family. GTe keep our property up. The R-2 would be rental, and we would control it. We would not care to go to R-1. Darrel Armbruster, 11705 Cartier: Has Hillcrest ever built double bungalows before? G. Tankenoff: No. Would you want a park adjacent to River Hills? D. ~,uanbeclc: I can't say how interested we are in parks but are willing to discuss this. Wayne Letters Harry S. Johnson Assoc.: All we ti~~ant a.t this time is the rezoning so that we can plan. We can provide for a road to the north and other details as necessary when we prepare a plan for the area. Chairman Klein declared the hear=ing closed and stated the Board would take the matter under advisement. '~/ ~ , ,~ ~.(, L. } 1Lr ~ It ~~ ~ ~ ~ L-~1~1.' l: /1...''