07/15/1969 - City Council RegularMINUTES OF A RrGULAIt MEETING OF THE 23UARD C+i* SUPERVISORS EAGAPI TOWNSHIP, DAKOTA COUNTY, P~III~SOTA July 15, 1969 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Eagan Tacanship, Da?coCa ~:uunty, Minnesota was held on July l5, 1969 at 8:00 o'clock P.M. at the To~ra hall.. All members were present. Chairman Klein presided. The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting were unanimo+asly waf'.~~.d ~n,i the minutes were accepted as presented. The public hearing on the application of Parranto Bros., Inc. to re~ore the ~z of the NWT of Section 15-27.23 containing 80 acres from A, Agricultural to =C and C»2 ®as convened, Ren Appelbaum acrd Pete Parranto appearing on behalf of applicant. There was no opposition to the application. Upon~acotion by Klein, seconded by Uselmann, $t was RE50L~'FD that the hearing be cios~ad acid the applic,:ticn as presented be and hereby is, approved and granted. The public hearing on the application o€ Wayaa R. Winsor was contin~.:t~d to the :!~.Igust S, 1969 Board of Supervisors meeting for lack of appearance on the part ~~: the applicant. Mr. Earl Doehling, 1S4S Deerwood Drive, appeared on behalf oi+ his appli~ati.:+~: ~'or a buiidin~ permit to remove a house at said address and move another house ~:~to the present lot, the substitute house to be 56' x 26' o£ an estimated coat ~f $I.2,000,00. Upon auotian by Klein, seconded by Uselcnarn, it was RESOLVE to ~xant the building permit upon the condition that the applicant provide the log:;. ~.r;~;:h a suitable site plan. The application of Ske11y Oil Cac~pang for a building pert~~.~ and sp.:cia1 use ~~~n1.C for a Skelly Oil Station to be located at the iatersecticn of Esau d'R~;:~ ~ri•~e sad Highway X13 etas continued at the request of Mr, Pete Parranto u.:': ~1 f:}i? ~_:;;-~3t Sth, 1969 Board meeting. Mr, Harald Olson of Harry S. Johnson Associates appeared on behalf of the -Z» application of Hillcrest Development Cori~oration to zezone the SW~ of Sectio;z 30-27-23 an Cliff Road and Cedar Avenue from A, Agriculture) to R••2, R-6 snd C-~~~ It was noted that the application had been deferred from the July ly 195'. :A~::t?':::,`;, ;~Q~ause of the magnitude of the proposed development, Klein movAcl, arty ~,ahn r'F,~;onded that the application be further considered and deferred from any ,T3;;.~x~. aci.xon until the August 5th meeting of the Board, A discussion was held concerning the hearing on the preliminary rep~r~: ;'~~ improvements to Silver Be21e Road between Highway X13 and Elackaawl: Roar'.. Upon motion byy Klein, seconded by Rahn, aye Uselmann it was RESOLVED that the Tows Attorney be, and hereby ~.s, authorised end directed to acQuire the n~cesa~.~;y ^asements for the construction of said Town road between Beau d'Rue Drive at i;ighway X13 and Blackhawk Road, along the South Iine of Section 17; and FUR`?lIi~,?'.t RESOLVED that the plans and specifications of the Town Engineer be approred ~~:~~, ~:har t'Ae road be ordered constructed according to said plans. Mr, Larxy Wenzel appeared informally regarding his claim of double r~r,:~"~.c ~~.~es at1d High-Site sewer and water billing8. No formal. action was taken. The Town Engineer reported that bide on the following prajects as hey-c.+~~~^r ~-tescribed weze received and ogened at 3100 P.M., July 15, 1969 at the Town ii~il ~. Project No. 29, Part 1, Trunk Sanitarq Sewer: Austin P. Keller Co. $258,664.9$ Peter Lametti Constr. Co. $251,Ot'3,50 C. S. McCrossan Inc. $267,~i3.10 Associated Contractors $258,464,00 Hoffman Bros., Inc. $270,414.25 Barbarossa & Sons $283,882.0 Project No. 25, Blackhawk )lead Street Improvements Solberg Constr. Co. $131,261.56 Riegger Roadways $144,002.02 Shaffer Constr. Co. $168,701.I?_ Fiocher Constr. Co. $179,572.10 3erryRochel 8~ccavating Co. $1.98,175.36 r ~- Project No. 28, Phase 2, Eagandale Center Industrial Park Street Im2ro-r:~• meats; Rauenhorst Development Corp. $22,440.00 Fischer Constr, Cv. $35,100.40 McNamara-Vivant $37,795.00 Solberg Constr.... Co. $39,265.00 After review and upon recommendation of the Town $nglnee~r and upon motion by Klein, second by Rahn, aye Uselmann, it was RBSOLVED that the low bidder, Austin P. Keller Ca. in the sum of $258,664.95 , €or Project No. 29, Phase 1, trunk sanitary seweaC, be and it hereby is, accepted and awarded the contract, Upon motion by Rlein, seconded by Rahn, aye Uselmann, it was RESOLVED to set the advertisement for bids for sewer and water extensions for Eagandale No. 3 to ae opened August 5th, 1969 at 3s00 P.M. at the Town Hall. The proposed adoption of the Uniform Mechanical Cade on Che recommendat3.or~ of the Town Enginner~eas deferred for consideration until the August S, 1969 meet;slg of the Board. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Uselmann, aye Rahn, it was RESOLVE to set the public hearfng on the preliminary report for street improvements on McCarthy 1t~.3ge and Pine Ridge Raads for August 19, 1969 at 8:00 P.M. The matter of the proposed Blaekhawk Road Project for street improvements z~as brougtt before the Board for discussion in view of the opposition to Che chan~. in road layout as proposed by the Town 8ngineer. My. Harry Ray, attorney, appaax representing a ninaber of property owners along Blackhawk Road. The Town Enginpe~ indicated that they would do everything possible to make the road layout reasoi:.~.~.'.~ in view of the closeness of homes to the present right of way and th;;t F~~ior to any construction commencing on the road, the abutting property owners would have a further report on the matter at the next meeting of the Board August 5, 19f> ~t 7:30 P.M. Upan motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn, aye Uselmann, it was RESOL~1rD to ;c-': -3- a hearing on the preliminary report for street improvements it1 Eagandale Center Industrial Park No. 1, known as Project No, 28, Phase 2, for August 5, 19b9 at 8:00 P.M. Mr. Ptte Parranto appeared regarding the Kaysen property and the $6,OOO.Ui; escrow money to be paid to the Town in settlement of the pending condemnation appeal. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded by Klein, it was RESOLVED to authorize the Town Attorney to prepare and file an appropriate dismissal of the appeal in c::~~••• sideration of the payment by Pgr. Pete Parranto to the Towhship of the sum of $6,000.00 and, FURTHER that the appellants simultaneously file a dismissal of file appeal and cross-claim. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded by Uselmann, the request of Rauenharst Derelop- went Corp. to have certain "Yield " signs erected in Eagandaie Center Industrial Park was approved, subject to the approval of the Police Chief.. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Uselmann, aye Rahn, it was RESO'LC~ t:har the connection fees for a single family dwelling through fourpiexes be $170..00 per unit for water connection, plus the cost of a meter per unit, and $200.00 per unit for. ,s~:-aer connection; and FURTHER RESOLVED that the suer and water rates per ~~nit ne based on the same rate schedule as single family dwellings, and that the appropriate ordinance be amended to show these changes. Upon motion all bills were ordered paid. Upon motion the m+e~eting was adjourned, Town Glerk ~~- -4-