07/22/1969 - City Council SpecialMINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETINs OF Tur ~.A:~ OF SUPEY.VISOP.S OF EAGArt TOWIdSHXP, DAKCTA Ca"T°II~Y, MLNNESOTA July 22, 1969 A special meeting of the Board of Scepervisors of Eagan To',arship, Dakai;a Oounty, Minnesota was held on July 22, 1969 at 7:00 o'clock P. M. at the ry'o=,~i1 Hall with all u~~aebers present. Mr. James Olsen, the fiscal consultant, made a presentation concernir.~~; a proposed $2,040,000 Bond Issue fof improvements. After conaiderab~.e discu~::~.^~.: and review of the projects required to be financed within the next two to trra.s: months, upon motion by Rahn, seconded by Uselsnann, aye Klein, it was RESt~,VF?D that the Hoard authorize the sale of the bonds and advertisce for bids for $Zi040,000 of Imgrove~aent Horcis to be received and opened August 13, 1969 at 7:00 o'clock P.M, at the Towne Hall. The Hoard then discussed the prcpus.d change in assess:Lzeg connection chargeF ;:oz sewer connection for multiple residental units. It was determined in light of the fact that single family units are required to pay connection charges at the time of connection that there would be :.a change in the policy far ~:'..lt~rging sewer connection costs at the time of connection, Chairman Klein presented a Supplemental Joint Co~-perative Agreement of Eagan-Burnsville-Eloamington for Establishment of SEwagP Treatment Wc+rks, It was noted that an identical agreement had been presence~'i to the Elowmingtoa anti pu.~;:~sville councils for approval, xlee purpose would be to grant tk:~~ BrE-8 Hoard the authority from the governing councils to adveztise for bids anti to award a contract for the ir.3,tia1 stage construction of the B-E-B rlazeL. Af t~:r discussion, upon motion by Rahn, seconded by Uselmann, aye K1ei~., it was RESOLVED that said Agreement be approved and that the appropriate officers hs a~xtnorized to execute the Agreement and forward it to the B^8.g Board, -1- The Town Engineer presented th~a plate and sp~~cifl.cati.ons fog: L-h~ g'-^*~a{:~ci i~~*provementa for Silver Belle Roau consisti:~g ~:;f Pro,~ecC ~~A ~tlpan fi~>i,i^r. by U3elmann, seconded by Rahn, aye Klein, it was FFrS4LVED that t_?ie ~l.~a.r: at' spfcificatior_s be approved and that tt~e Town Clerk be a~~thc~~°i,~.^...-i t:~ ~~~,~F~-~S. %U-~ b~.ds to be opened August l9, 19b9 at 3;00 o"cl~:cc P.2. at l},~ '.i~~,i Il°~-:~,.., i:yQ To*sn Engineer then distributed a preliminary report fv;~ i~::~~ ;tn<.r 'F:3°;> ~.:~ance°ning pro jects in the Mustang Development Project near Yar+~cee ~^:~dle Y.~ -~:. > *~~~ =action was ta~Cen on the report. A new site plan for the building permit for a!~ incinerator fnX For°=~~~~ ~cni ~., .tr..., was submitted showing the incinerator attached to the building a:~~3 iL;; i,•~ln inside the building. Upon motion of Uselmann, seconded by Rahn, ayr k:3.~,a.~?,. it u~as RESOLVRD that the building permit be approved sub jwct to the approt=a~ uL t:he Dire Chief. The Board met with Dale °Pf:v::son i'c?latice to his work as Build are, :~'x~~•rc'-~,- Fr_ •y ~hc~ Township. The Board met with Karl Burandt, business admin:i.strator and t4?e ,:~:.vc-- .-:c„'e: Council relative to their request that certain areas in Tnvor Groi~~ L;~:re~~. re;-red with ~,agan sewer. It was indicated that the sewcr_ was not e:~~.a.:.r ~.~ ~. a~~ L Sectio, l3, :pagan Township, which is adjacent r:o r_~,~ t.:roperty i.Y_ q~~~;icio:. ::-ttiZ 1911, Both communities agreed that Chey weuld be willing tc e:nte_ iitt^ _. jois..t agreement in this coAirtectiot., T?.*'. Gene Fischer of Fischer Const^u^tion a::d ~'Z~~, A:<~y B~:4ke of kau:~;iri:s?^s~. ;:orpexation app~:ared in xegai-d to a violation of Ordinance 9, i~ix„ x~s.s::71^.~ r;:questad that they be alxoraed to operate a crusher. for L~c~a S-hoar. ~,:~.`i:;~; L'po:t notion of Klein, second of Uselmann, aye R?hn, i~: was RL~C~t~ED ~.,:..~r. ::its _~;:n=.?est be ~teraie3 an3 that Fischer Construction Corapary op~xare w~.t::9~+. `:-^ _~.~ .:_s designated in Ordinance 8. -2- The application of Peter Shaffer for a trailer permit on his property in Section 3G was next reviewed. Upon motion of Klein, seconded by Rahn, it was RE50LVEA that the trailer permit be granted. Upon motion of Rahn, seconded by Klein, aye Uslemann it was RE^OL9ED that the contracts for sewer and water extensions in Cedar Grove ~7, Project No,3b .. be approved and executed. Upon motion the meeting adjourned, Town Clerk