08/05/1969 - City Council Regulart~Q:~1tITES OF A REGULAit NL~TIt3G OF TfIE B1bAttB Gfi SUPERVISORS EAGAN TQif~It2SH7:P, ;~II~G'rA COUTITY, MXAdtyESc7TA August S, 1969 A regular meeting of the 3oard of Supervisors of the Trtan o£ Eagan, Ua?cota County, 2~itxnesota ~•ras held on August 5, 1969 at the Tcnan Hall. 1i~3 ms,nbers were present. At Ss04 P. Ai. the Dakota County Assessor, Robert Meyers, appeared YeY.~ri:v=. to eight abatement requests covering real estate abatements an Eagan Township. Hie reviewed the abatements for Francis R Burns, James irJil:~.:.ms, Joseph A. Adelmann, Bloomington-Eagan-Burnsville Pollution Control Di~tricc. Eugene Slater, TrJilliana Brueatel, Albext Lauer, and 47. 8, and Jewel. tJhii_~:. tie re~commers3cd that all abatements be allowed with the exception oy ~''-"3i1~.:7.$ R, Burns, alx pursuant to the schedule of abatements attached to th.~e minutes. Upon motion by K1®in, seconded by Rahn, it was RESOLVED that r',e. recommendation of the County Assessor be followed and rhzt the seven requests for abatement be allowed and that the request aE Francis R, Bt~--r~ t~s dFniRd. Tee Town Engineer reported that the law biddex for Eagandale i:er.,r.~~r. Ibdustrial Park No. 3, storm and sanftary- sewer water exten~aions, Pr,jec~. A1o. 41 had been received at 3:.00 P.rL aril had been opened with the f.^llcnai;:,, bids. received= Hoof faEan Sros. , Inc $486, 6bZ ~ t10 Erickson & Ericlcsan 506, 6I7, Oi! Barbaross$ & Sons 525, 9~~-. ~+:1 Austin p. Keller Constr. Co. 515,31ti.L4 The-.gngineex recommended that Jbffntan Bros. , Inc. Iaw bid be acc~~ ter. :.~,x~ that the at~t^d noC be made until after the sale of bond~e on Auoasi: y~~. ~.`~: and after the public hearing an the pra~ect on August 19, 1969, purs~.~ant ::, -1- reconanendatian of the fiscal agents. No action wets taken, The Chairman then convened the hearing on the preliminary report far street improvements in Eagandale Center Ind~astrisi Parlc No. i, project #2B, Phase 2, covering certain streets in Country Homes Heights Addition also. .'fifer presentation by the i'own Engineer, upon moticn by t~tGi.^, secon~~o~l l;y iuse].m,ann, ay® Rahn, it was R'ESOL~D that the hearing be clacert anti ti1:~ ~: i.he project be ordered. Upon motion by Klein, seconded try Rahn, a3%f: ~celmann it was FURTHEF. ItE80LVF.~ that the Board approve tote en$inPF~r~.^ I~tans for Pro jest #2H, Phase 2. Upon further motion duly made F r:ct s~~a;.;+r~;l~;; it was FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board ratify the Tocaz Clerk's a^tio~~ ~~:~: June I7, 1969 of advertising for bids far Project 2$, I'1^ase 2.. Ut,~,, further motion by Klein, seconded by Uselmann, aye Rahn, it eras RFSc~I,VE~ ti~:~t the low bidder far Project No. 28, Phase 2, na~tGly Rauenliorst P~ve'Lc%I.~r~l:r~: Corporation pursuant to bids rr.~eived and opened on July 15, l:iJ~ i~:~ a~~arded to Raueahorst Development Corp. is the sum of $22,440.t-J, The developers of Blackhawk Estates appeared concezning the h_~~:~.: ~.:~~ ~'ar preliminary plat apprnval for Blackhawk Estates that had been d~f~rre~I rr-sm ecra previous meetings. Mr. Don Campbell., surveyer, also appe -:.>.~~ ai,.a discussed the plat, The Roard discussed potential water liizes sti~;~,1~.~i_; inzn t::e property, the possibility of sanitary sewage in the area <~+?~~ t?~? proposals for park land around the lake ar within the platted are<, y!' was also indicated that Iarge amounts of storm water may be drain..<:~ ~.<<~-:- -.n® lalc~ to brings the lake up to a higher level, Na action wac tatC':°+. ~a:~ ~ °:~_::: mattex was held aver until the August l2, 1969 meeting at 8:G0 ?'.Ti, Mr, James Fee appeared on behalf of his application to r~:Qen, f±-.rr a, Agricultural to Tt-I and A-6, the fast '~ of the NEB of Se;.t.^: ti ]~., ~- .. , to?.ns.ng 39 scree. Numerous neighboring property owners appearrc: ~t~,-i.~::rirr. t„ thz application indicating the R•6 zoning crould not be appr:~pr:tat`.~~. ;~.a,~~;c,~..• t•~ R-1 zoning already existing in the area, The Chairman read a l.e.r.Ar ~~,~r. •2- Mr. Elroy Brandtvold, a resident of Inver Grove Heights, objecting to the application, upon motion by Uselmann, seconded by Rahn, aye Klein, it was RESOLVED that the matter be taken under acltiisement and xeconsidered a:: tae regular Board meeting September ,2, 1969. Mr. Pete Parranto appeared on behalf of the application of I'arrar.*•o '~-:~>r Tnc. to rezone the Pond and Kaysen property vn Blackhawk F.c~sa fr=gin RT1 to R-b and C-2. It c~as noted Chat there is a proposal for 380 multi; i~ t~n~i:: , M--, Reuben 3ohnson appeaxed ob jetting to the action at this ti.m. tc tLe _;ta.ti~k ~.t=.-a that action be deferred to give tints to consider the impact upon tho ~~p~ g`~ boring R-1 zoned area. After considerable discussion, up.xn tnatioxt b~ R-~?~n, seconded by Uselmann, aye IClein~ it was RESOLVID that said applicationx br--: granted. The final plat for Eagan-Metro Centex near Blackhewk Road was prt•:~ei~~•s=d., Upc+n motion by Uselmann, secor~'ed by Rahn, aye Rlein, it was RE;~OLVFD tn<:f tF:~ final plat be approved and that it be executed by appropriate Trim Officials. Upon motion made and seconded it was RESOLVED that the minutes of tr~:- ccrious meeting be approved as mailed. Thew were no building permit applications presented. The final plat of Eagacldale Center Industrial Park No, 3, pursuar~.r r, a?plicatian of Rauenhorst Development Corporation was next presented. Tb~ Board discussed future roads running to the South anti recc+smended that. cnxisideration be made at this time for such roads.. Upon motion ~v "_^i-, secoxxled by Rahn, aye Uselmann, it was RESOLVED that the final £~?.a'. be approved with the understanding that Neil Armstrong Boulevard be. cont~.~r,:_-~+ and that utility easettteats be installed along all streets. M*. Jgan Parranto and several objecting property owners appea_t'~`~ c~~icerning the application of Skelly Oil Company for building gcrr•+i.* .>::% -3- special use permit for SIce11y Oil station on Beau d'Itue Drive. The taatte.• had been continued from an earlier meeting.. After considerable discusst.'n. concerning new matters and upon motion by Usel~na!-.r_, eecorded by Rahn, aye Klein, it was RESOLVED that the application be ~,*pro•~ed sub~j~ct to F3:i approved final layout by the $oard, the grant of the requir:.c: easefient: consisting of approximately 440 square feel far propaged Sil~~ex ~+>?~; R.~s? improvements, and further pursuant to all proposed exterior plans aua c+.: ~ -i-.L- acid fences as submitted and presented at e4tlier meetings be instu:,.lad .; _:,~.~:: to the proposals and requiremeats of the Board, 5 puS~~, II4r, Harold Olson of Harry S. Johnson and Assoc. appeared on behalf of_ f-rL . a~t~~tO`"~ application of Hillcrest Development to rezone props•ty near Cedar Avenues anc. Cliff Road. The matter had been deferred from the July 1st meeting, Itum~:•-~u:- property owners interested, appeared relative to the application,. Tta~ ae~rers were read by the Chairman, one from the Mayor of Burnsville, expressint ?,s concern relative to the rezoning. The applicant submitted a revised desori~~4i lion as to the ~.ocation of the proposed Gedar Avenue and requested that the coning application be amended to provide that the zoning be subject to t',~ change in location of Cedar Avenue. The adjacent property owners ;ores4r~: irn3icated the importance of preserving the tree line and further suggesl~:. two rows of R•2 development and $ 40O ft, set back of R-2 from the Burr.:-° residental zoning, Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Uselmann, ago Rahn, it was RESOLVED that in light of the meeting with the objecting prop~~:.ty owners that the application be approved with the understanding that str.ic~ rFquirements and standards will be imposed by the Eagan Board and ihx?t generally a 150 ft, set back from the WesC line of the property to the proposed buildings be maintained; that the style of buildings simi?ar its the Byrnamwood style be used; that the trees be saved and natural t`r.r~z2. and other factors included in the discussion be maintained to the fullPSr ' extent possible. P4r. Stinar appeared on behalf of the Stinar Coyparation application for building permit in its property on Highcray ~r`~.3. The Board discussed ~.i.s concern relative to the exterior of the building and the need to lardscap~. and 4stprove the appearanceof the outside of the building, Upon mcsti^:1 by Rahn, seconded by Uselmann, aye Klein, it was RESOLVED that the bui?diu~, permit including the building addition be granted consising of a 7~~ ~c::~+~ addition and a 30' x 80' office, total of $65,000 be approved upon tha xecommexuiation of the Town Engineer concerning landscaping, with the uno.er~ standing that Lhe applicant will improve the exterior appearance and fu~.thAY, that in the event that the cost of the building exceeds $65,000 that thr additional permit fee be pa~.d to the Town, The apYlication of Egan Realty Com&nny far building permit for lrrsf x ?00~ co~rete building, 8a8t of Higl:uray #49 was next considered. Upon motia~:.~ '.•y Itlein, seconded by Uselmann, it was RESOZVEp that the applica~on be a~~prc-v~rl and it was noted that the rezoning of the property directly East of ~;:~.ghway ~9 had been accc-mplished as of May of 1967 and that the zoning map be chi. ;: to reflect this; It was understood that the approval was subject to thf approval of the fiua2 plans and specifications by the Town Engineer, `~.''t.: total consideration was $178,000, The application of Hi-Site Inc. for building permit for two garages :~_ r_heir apartment complex an Rahn Road, $22,5Q0.00, was upon motion ty I~~.:...~x_ seconded by Rahn, approved. The application of Don Christenson for building permit for launar~~mnt in Cedarvale Shopping Center behind the Pizxa I~tt was next considered, :L:: was noted that the APC recommended approval. The Town Engineer recom~::.i~: ~~~' a;proval of the building permit sub ject to water main being extender t_,, ~.'-~ ws• site, but no further until the water line is longed through the area. It was rued that the A1'C recommended approval. Ugcn motion by Rahn, s£Cr1r:).- . by Uselmana, aye Klein, it was RESOLVED that the application be approved in the sum of $23,000 after considerable discussion concerning the r.~axirrn~ capacity of the Cedar Grove Utility Ca. water system which would servF. t'~~ 7aundromat. Mr. Pete Perranto appeared on behalf of the application for Parrau'.:.~ Bros., Inc, for bu~,lding permit for ir~3ustrlal. building on the William O'Neill property on Dodd Road for James Imre, $29,000. It was ncted that a site layout for the property was required, The. Board discussed the lack e~" an acchitect approved plan due to the fact that the applicant indicated hat the cast of the building would be $29,000. They further discussed site problems concerning outside storage and were told that there would be no ~.xt. side storage. The APC had reco*±miended approval. Upon motion by IClein, seconded by Rahn, It was RESOLVER that the application be approved in respecr to excavation and foundation only and that the applicant submit further plats for the building after the contractor had prepared the plans, which fine?. will be approved at a later date. ~ The application of Cedar Grove Baptist Church for building additto.., 20' x 30' in the amount of $7,000 to its church on Rahn Road was next presented. It was noted that the APC recommended approval. Upon motion *.:ade and seconded it was RESOLV® that the application be approved, The Town Engineer was requested to contact UCR Company indicat":n~ th~~- the Board was considering holding ug further building permits in Ceda~-vale Shopping Ceder until the area is hooked up to the Township water system in light of the shortage of water by the Cedar GRove Utilities Co„ It eras ~c?:,'• that the APC recommended this action. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn, aye Uselmann, it was RESCI,~,r,, .~« that the Board receive the Engineer's preliminary report for improvement •?r43 consisting of sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer improvements covering Yankee Doodle Apartments. Upon further motion duly made and seconded it teas FURTHER RESOLVED that the hearing an the prelicc3.saxy report for Project #43 be scheduled fox September 2, 1969 at 8:00 P,M, at the Town Hall. Upon furthex motion by Klein, seconded by Uselmann, it was RE5ULVR~.1 that the Town Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids for Project ~+;, consisting of sanitaery sewer, water and storm sewer improvements covering the Yankee Doodle Apartaaent project and that bids be received and opened on August 29, 1969 at 3;QO F,M, at the Town Hall; and further that the Town Engineer be authorized to prepare the plans and specifications for said project. After discussion , upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn., Uselmann :zsy, it was RESOLVED that the Town Attorney be requested to acquire an opinion from the Attorney General Douglas Head, concerning the constitutionai:ity of the formation axed operation of the Metro Council Sewer Board. The Town Engineer indicated that he had now conned tip- two property owners near Lemay Lake, including Martin Shields and Donald Ga.•4nr and recommended that an 875 ft, lake level be established and indicated ~?~• a request of the Minnesota Conservation Commission had been made to set is ~.ake level. Upon motion by Uselmana~ seconded by Rahn, aye Kleia, it was RESCa:,V~~'' that the Beard receive the Engineer's Preliminary Report for Project ~~1 consisting of water, sanitary sewer a storm sewer improvements in 8sganda:~..~ Center Industxial Park No, 3 and that a hearing on said report be srhAdulc'` for August 19, 1963 at 8;04 P,M, at the Town Hall. Upon motion by Uselmann, seconded by Rahn, aye Klein, it was REa'[.UL:': •7r that the Board receive the L~nginaer`s Preliminary Report for Project ~~39 consisting of street improvements in the area North of Yankee Doodle Road and that a hearing be set for said project on August 19, 1969 at 8:00 P. M. at the Town Hall, Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn, aye Uselaaann, it was RESOi.VE7 that the Board acknowledge receipt of the Engineer's Preliminary Report for Project ,144 consisting of sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer lat::~~a~ on Blac&hawk Road and Silver Belle Road and that a hearing on said rep~r'. be scheduled far August 19, 1969 at S:flO P.M. at the Town Hall. Upon motion by Uselmann, seconded by Rahn, aye Klein, it was RESOLVED that the Board receive the Engineer's Preliminary Report for Project ~~45 consisting of water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer improvements to Valley View Village Apartments and Ridgeview Acres Addition. Upon further mctioa duly made and seconded it was FURTHER RESOLVED that a hearing on the reps°:t for Project ~4S be scheduled for August 19, 1969 at 8:00 P.M. at the Town Hall. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn, aye Uselmann, it was RESOLVEn that the Board receive the Enginasrs Preliminary Report for Project ~~6 . consisting of street improvements on Pine Ridge Drive and McCarthy Roaa. Upon further motion duly made and seconded it was FURTHER RESOLVED that a hearing on the report for Project ~+S be scheduled for August 19, 1969 at 8:00 P. M. at the Town Hall, The Town Attorney informed the Board that the Board mi-:utes do na+_ show a formsl receipt of the 8ngineer's Preliminary Report for Project ~~'2~a This project involves Blackhawk Road improvements. Whereas an oral retort concerning this project was given by the Town Engineer at a regular meetir,.~; of the Board of Supervisors on February 18, 1969; and Whereas the B~:~~•d received a copy of the Preliminary Regort in the mail on March 22, 1959, -8- '~ upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that the Board acknowledge receipt of the Engineer's Preliminary Report on Project #25, Whereas the Town Engineer recommended that the trunk water main and trunk sanitary sewer improvements described in the Preliminary Report to Project #29 can best ~e carried out by dividing the project into four parts, upon motion duly made by Klein, seconded by Rahn, aye Uselmann, it was RESOLVED that Project #29 be subdivided as follows; Part 1 of Project #24 shall consist of the Weat ~cunk Sanitary Sewer and Stoma Sews;.=• Part 2 shall ocasist of Yankee Doodle Road Water Trunk Improvements; Part 3 shall consist of 8lackhawk Road Water Main Improvements; Part 4 shall consist of trunk sanitary sewer improvements along State Trunk Highway #49 to Yankee Doodle Road. Whereas the Town Engineer recommended that the trunk storm sewer improvements set forth in the Engineer's Preliminary Report to Project ~r3'~, Part A, could best be carried out by installing the storm sewer extensions in conjunction with the West Trunk Sanitary Sewer, which is Part 1 of Project #Z4, upon motion made by Klein, seconded by Rahn, aye Uselmann, it was RESOLVED that Project #35, Part 1, be combined with and incorporar. into Project #29, Part 1. Whereas the Town Engineer recommmended that the trunk storm sewer improvements in Cedar Grove No, 7 as described in the Engineer's Prelimina_. Report to Project X35, Part B, could best be carried out by installing the e~ctensioas in conjunction with the water and sewer for Cedar Grove P1o, 7, which is Project #36, upon motion made by Klein, seconded by Rahn, aye Uselmann, it was RESOLVED that Project #35, Part B, be combined with and incorporated into Project #3b., The Chairman then discussed the proposal of the Assessiaent Comtr7..:tee at its August 5, 1969 meeting that building permits in the area of Silver msg.. Belle Road and Blackhatvk Road for developers in that area be denied until the construction of the proposed Silver Belle Road can begin, pursuant to the recommendation of Che Assessment CommitCee, according to its motion made at its meeting August Sth. Upan motion by Uselmann, seconded by Klei:~, aye Rahn, it was RESOLVED that said recommendation be approved and that building permits be denied until such action is taken. Upan caotion by Rahn, seconded by Uselmann, it was RESOLVED that the application for building permit for storage building 20' X 30', in the amount of $2,000 far Mt, Calvary Lutheran Church be, and it hereby is approved. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded by Klein, aye Uselmann, it was RESOLVID that the follswing sign permits be issued; Burnsville Realty at Cedar Avenue and Highway #30, a 4' x 8' sign; and Standard Oil service station sf¢n, Cedar Avenue acrd Highway #13, request to raise to 40 ft, be approved. Upon motion by Klein, ~canded by Rahn, it was RESOLVI~D that the salary for Lorne Olson be increased to $2.25 per hour effective July i, 1:'69. Upon motion by Uselmann, seconded by Klein, ape Rahn it was RESOI:VE?3 :.'~~ the contract i~sr Blackhawk Road Improvements as outlined in Project #25, in the sum of $137,9b1.00 be and hereby is graated to Solberg Construction Co., the law bidder pursuant to the bids received on July 15, 19b9. Upon otion made and seconded, the meeting adjourned. flown--Clerk •l0-