08/19/1969 - City Council RegularMINUTES OF A REGULAR d~ETING OF THE BOARD OF SU1"ERVISORS pF EAGAN TCl4JNSHI},', DAR3TA COLTi~iTX, A4IIN '~ SOTA August 19, 1969 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Taste of Eagan, P~~cota County, Minnr~sota was held on August 19, 1469 at the Town Hall. L'hairman Klein and Supexvisor Rahn stare present, 1'he following bids on Project No.38, consisting of Sliver Belle Road impr4veameats were received and opened at 3;40 P.M. dy. 0. Pederson $103,057,00 Marvin Rehbein 83,172.80 Solberg Construction 69,923,.50 Fischer Construction 81.,787.70 The Chairman a$dced for building permit applications and the following requests were submitteds 1. Carl Casa, request to move a house onto the Tone Dfffley properry on a five acre parcel in Auditors Subdivisia:e 42; upon motion male aeui seconded it+vas RE30LVED that the permit be granted. 2. Dal Sachwits, request to esDVe a neobile homes far rental purposes on one«half acre on Wescott Road and Highway #63.. The matter way deferred to the SQptember 2nd. meeting. 3. Fred Wessell, request for trailer permit during construction of s Name a+ttd building permit request for a home in Section i4 on Wescott Road, $50,000. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn, it was xi:~SG1_''~,~ that the trailer permit and building permit for a home be granted, subject, however to dedication of an easement to the Township'fox street improvements by the applicant according to the Town requiremea~L. 4. Mrs. Bert Olson, request for mobile home pertt-it on Cliff Road.. The matter was deferred to September 2nd. The Chairman then announced the opening of the public hearing concern.ng ,~ preliminary report for water atsd sgwner laterals for Project ~f4S to sense tihe CarrBon«Nel Apartment eras an Rahn Nflmi,; ridge View Addition, and ,Ton ~`roft Acres. It was noted Chat there were no appearances an behalf of CayKd3or~+Ne1 and em objections to the project, and further no objections from the owners in the Ridge View Addition area. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded by Klein, it was RESOLVID that the project be ordered and that the Town En- gineer pre}~re Che plans and specifications for the project. The Chaia~-an then announced the opening of the hearing concerning proposed installation of laterals along Blackhawk Road and Silver Belle Road consisting of 7mpravement Project ~k44. Several property owners appeared, the only questions being from Pfr. Reuben Johnson but no objections were made either in writing or verbally to the project. After presentation of the proposal by the Town Engineer and after discussion and upon motion by IClein, seconded by Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the project be ordered. Upon further motion by IClein, seconded by Rahn, it was FURTHER RESOLVED that the Engineer's plena and spec- ifications be approved as submitted and that the Town Clerk be authorized to. advertise for bids to be opened August 29, 1959 at 3;00 P. M. at the Town Hall Stld SUCK I1QtiCe Co be ratified in all ~resgects. The Chairman then convened the hearing concerning the road improvemeint$ OCl Pine Ridge Drive and McCarthy Road in the Timberline ezea consisting of Im- provement Project X46. Several property owners appeared but no objections Mere raised verbally or in writing. Upon motion by IClein, seconded by Rahn, it was . RESOLVED that the project be ordered and that the Town Engineer prepare plans to be submitted at a later time. The public hearing concerning the application of Cedar Grove Construction. Co. to rezone from A, Agricultural to R-1, Residential and for preliminary plat approval of Cedar Grove ldo. 8 was next presented. Mr. Busch and Mr. Dielentheis appeared for the applicant. Of the 57 acre plat, 5.7 acres are intended for parks, Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the applies cation be approved including rezoning and platting with the understanding that the developer will pay the Haswell Longs for acreage included in the right-of« way of Silver Belle Road in case of exercise of the option with the Longs; further that the developer will pay the assessment for Blackhawk Road improve« ments on proposed park property along Blackhawk Road. It was further under- stood that Cedar Grove Construction Co. wi21 complete the grant of easements for Blackhawk Road and Silver Belle Road extensions. Upon further motion duly made and seconded, it was FURTHER RESOLVED that building pe rmits for Cedar Grove Construction Co. and other developers in she area will be renewed with the understanding that easements far construction of Silver Belle Road and. Bl~ckhawk Road will _. (Substitute in August 19, 1969 Board min.) ~2•• the owners in the Ridge View ,Addition area. Upon motion by Rahn, Sec.^_nded by Klein, it was RESOLVED that the project be ordered and that the Town Engineer prepare the plans and specifications for the project. The Chairman than announced the opening of the hearing concerning proposed installation of laterals along Blackhawk Road and Silver Belle Road consisting of Improvement Project #44. Several property owners appeared the only questions being from Mr. Reuben Johnson but no objections were raflo hither in writing or verbally to the project. After presentation of the proposal by the Town.Engineer and after discussion ami upon motion by Klei.o seconded by Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the project ire ordered. Upon furtho motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn it was FURTHER RESOLVED Chat the sngineer's plans end specifications be approved as submitted and that the Town Clerk be authorized to advertise for buts to be opened August 29, 1969 at 3,00 P0M, ?t the Town Hall and such notice be ratified in all respects... The Chairman then convened the hearing concerning the road improvnarr; on Pine Ridge Drive and McCarthy Road in the Timberline area consisting o.i bprovement Project #46. Several property owners appeared but no objections ':?are raised verbally or in writing. Upon motion by Klein, Seconded by Ram Lt was RESOLVED that the project be ordered and that the Town Engineer prr" pare plans and specifications to be submitted at a later time. The public hearing concerning the application of Cedar Grove Constructioz;. Co.. to rezone from A, Agricultural to R`1, Residental and for preliminary c4 $ .... plat approval be approved; It was further understood that Cedar Grove Cw' structbn Co. will complete the grant of easements for Blackhawk Road and Silver Belle Road extensions; Upon further motion duly made and seconded it was FURTHER RESOLVED that building permits for Cedar Grove Construction Co, and other developers in the area will be renewed with the uuderstading i:hct easements for construction of Silver Belle Road and Blechhawk Road .1.31x. be acquired from the deve'!oper3, The Chairman tt~ announced the opening of the public hearing cc~xcerning street improvements in the Xankee Doodle Road Apartment area consisting of ~xnpravemeat Project #39, Numerous property owners appeared in Letendre dddition oa Donald Avenue objecting to the improvement of Donald Avenue. 3~L: Arnold Bellis, attorney, appeared far James and Helen Kennedy with yr rb-x. az~d written statements in oppc;sition,. It was noted that about 12 propart~.Ps ?ie along the West side of Donald Avenue. The Town Engineer indicated ti.-si ~>>onald Avenue could be excluded from the pro jest at this tip but the Cha..I.rs?•a~ u<ar~d that eventually Donald Avenue wi11 hgve to be improved because of dev~ ~.lopment on the East side sad that aasess~nts against the benefitaed property crtaners will be required. The property own®rs elan indicated thaC the speed of the trucks on Donald Avenue and dust are creating a hazard and requeste3 ttie Board to take action to abate these speedsand dust problems Aster considerable discussion, upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn, it wary I.ESQI.VED that the project be ordered with the exception of improvement 1?~r+~7.d Avenue and that the Town 8nginAer be authorized to prepare plans ,:,d specifications pursuant to the preliminary report with the abut*e exca ~.. The hearing on the greliminary report concerning Project ~1 consisLir-~ ~~~ ~-star, sanitary and storm sewer improvements in Eagandale Center Industria" Paxk No. 3 was next coam~enced. There being no objs~.tions, upon motion by k"!ei.n, seconded by Rahn it was RESOLVE that said project be ordered; any? ug:ra further motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn it was FURTHER RESL~IVED Chit the Board approve the plans and specifications for the project. Upon motion the minutes of the psevfous meeting were a_~g~roved as wiled. The Board then accepted a petition from the home awnexs in Cedar Cr:*e '~~tc~een- Highway x`30 and Cliff Road requesting that speed limit signs be i~r• stalled in that acres. Upon motion yy Klein,. seconded by Rahn it wan 1~:~;BCL~J?~ that stop signs be installed at 3.~sp~r D.~ive and Shale Lane and "30 mile pax hour" signs be installed where necessary. UQon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the public hearing concerning Proj®ct X47 consisting of roml improvements nFar Rahn Elementary School be and it hereby is set for hearing on September 9, 19.,3 .zt: 7 s 00 P.M, at the town hall., The Town Attorney advised the Board that the minutes of March 18, 195 clo ~~ot show that the Board directed the Town Engineer to prepare a preliminary s:eport for Project X39. Upon motion made by Klein, seconded by Rahn, it w~:.~ 'tESC~'GVED that the Board confirm the fact that the Town Engineer was authorixe~~ by the Board to prepare a preliminary report covering the construction of a new major street in Section 9 from Yankee Doodle Road to T.B. ~~13. The Board received the report for Project X34 oa July 22, 19&9. Upon motion of Rahn, seconded bq Klein, it was RESOLVER that the cantracta for the West Trunk Sanitary and Storm Sewer Improvement, Project No.~ 29, Part 1, be approved and executed. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded by Klein, it was RESOLVED that the :lt:'ra.t with Robert Glenda Construction Co., Project x`29, Part 2, be ~:,~; roved and executed. The Town Attorney advised the Board that there is an error an papa 10 of• `hA Board minutes of August 5, 1969. The minutes incorrectly state that a cn<x_ract for Project X25 in the sum of $137,961.00 is granted to the Solu~.tg c;o;i:~tructioa Companq. The correct amount of this contract is $131,261,56. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Icahn it was RESOLVED that the paragraph on Page 10 of the minutes of August 5, 19b9 concerning Proj~:ct X25 be amen~icd ~o read as follows: "Upon motion by Uselmann, seconded by Klein, aye Mahn, it was RESC~,vf:i? that the contract for Blackhawk Road improvements as outlined in Pr~jec.t ~~25 ~'..i the sum of $131,261,56 be and hereby is granted Co Solberg Con3truct~~:? Co., the low bidder pursuant to the bids received on July 15, 19u~. Upon m otion by Klein, seconded by P.ahn it was RESOLVED that the bi.d of Hoffman Bros., Inc in the sum of $486,662.00 covexing Eagandale Center Industrial Park No, 3 water, storm and sanitary sewer extensions consisting of Project #41 be, and hereby is accepted and awarded to Hoffman Bros, Inc. An application of Naegele Outdoor Advertising Company for location of a billboard on the North side of Hightray #13 and East of Cedar Avenue, 5~ ft. East of the service station road was next presented. The Board deferred the natter to September 2nd and requested that the applicant stake the location of the proposed billboard. The Town Attorney submitted a proposed letter to Mr,. Norman Vogelpahl, th-=. owner of property East of Highway #13 near the proposed new Silver Belle Road indicating that no assessments would be levied against the small triangular piece abutting Highway #13 upon grant of an easement far Silver Belle Road to the Township. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn it was RESOLVER that the letter be approved and mailed to Mr. Vogelpahl. The Town Attorney then presented a letter to Mr. Severson, a resident on Bl~ackhawk Road relative to replacing bushes and yard on his property in retur.~ °~~x a slope easement, upon completion of the Blackhawk Road improvement, U~:•~ ~•~~tion by Rahn, seconded by Klein, it was RESOLVED that the letter be mailed _. Ms. Severson. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the public herring to consider sanitary sewer trunk assessments relative to Project 4'29 u~ se t for September 15, 1969 at the Town Hall at 7; 30 P,M. ; It was FtTRTHFR RESOI:~:; that the following assessment hearings also be scheduled an the same date and time: Improvement Project #24, Piiot Knob Road Water Main Assessments; Improvement Project 4, Airliner I~tek water improvements; Project #14-A, yslley View Plateau No. 1 and 2, sewer, street ~r~d water 3mprov~ents; Project #27, Rahn Road Street Isspruements; Project #31, streets in Eagandale Center Industr`al Park, No. 2s Project X28, sewer, water and sanitary sewer improvements on Lone Oak Rom and Country home Heights ,Addition; Change Order to Project X28, Warner FIardware, extension of water, sewer and sanitary sewer. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded by Klein, it was RESOLVED that a buildin application for garage addition by Henry Franz on Deerwood Drive, 24' x 24', $2,000 be approved. It was determined that the Board meet on September 9, 1969 at 7:30 P.M. ~o consider flood plain zoning in the Township. Upon motion by K].ein, seconded by Rahn, it was R88ciL'~ that building permits be renewed upon application oa Pine Ridge Drive in Timberline, now tha? the street improvement is complete. The Town Attorney was requested to write to the Chicago, Northwestern Railroad concerning certain fires in the Township along the right of way as directed by the town clexk. The Town Attorney r~aviewed the acQuisition of slope easements along B1ack~ hawk Road and indicated that it may be desirable to hold a public hearing concerning replacing trees and shrubs on several parcels of property. Upon ,~tion by Rabn, seconded by Klein, it was RESOLVED that a notice be served x•. ':hose property owners on Blaclchawk Road whew easements required have not beE.. acQuired and where bushes, shrubs and fences need to be removed and replaced. Upon ration all bills were p$id. Upon motion the meetiag adjourned. .,~~~,~,.tic.. _~ ~,:.:.< _Z , n `. N -6-