09/23/1969 - City Council SpecialMINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF BtaARD OF SUPERVISOR5 TOWN OF EAGAN, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNE50TA September 23, 1969 A special meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Town of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota was held at the Eagan Town Hall on September 23, 1969 at 7;OQ a~clock F.M. at which all members were present together with Mr. Branch, Superintendent of i'ublic Works. The purpose of the meeting was to interview applicants for maintenance work. The first applicant interviewed was Jeroms Gulsvig, age 46, who had worked for Mendota Heights Road Department pare-time and is currently employed by the Railroad. Mr. Joseph Kulhanek and M,r. David Wen2e1 were also interviewed. Upon nation of Supezvisor Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Uselmnnn, aye Chairman Klein, it was RESOLVED that Mr. Gulsvig be hired to start work immediately and Nir. Kuihanek be hired to start approximately October 13. They would both serve a probationary period of 6 months. Upon motion by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the Board accept the payment of $6,150.00 from Parranto Bros. inc. according to the agreement for the dismis,sa3. of the Blackhawk Road-Kayser condeairtatian action which sum was 7S~ of the Commiesione7c~s award and previously paid by the Town and FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk be directed to fozward a check in the sum of $2,040.23 to the County of Dakota as part of its 25°1, agreed amount fox moving earth across Hfghway X13 for Blackhawk Road. The Town Attorney and Town Engineer indicated that they had met with members of the Minnesota Department of Conservation concerning the acquisition of a permit fax establishing the lake Level of LeMay Luke in Section 10. The Conserv'stion Department is requesting easements -1- running to Eagen from property owners having fee title to property under LeMay Lake before the permit is granted. lifter discussion and upon motion duly made by 5upervisox Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor Rahn, aye Chairroan Klein, it was RESOLVED that the Town Attorney be directed to acquire the easements from property owners under the lake and to provide a credit to the property owners far trunk sanitary sewer assessments for the portion of their land lying under the lake. On motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, aye Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVEp that the contract with Haffmsn Bros. Inc., covering Project #29, part 3 in the sum of $157,294.86 be, and it hereby is, approved and ordered executed. The Chairu~an then submitted a proposed agreement between the H--Fr B Pollution Control District - Metro Council and the B-E-B member municipalities concerning the construction of the B~-E-B plant and also acquisition of the plant by the Metropolitan Council Sewer Board. No action was taken pending further study of the agreement. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, aye Supervisor Uselmann, it wag RESOLVED that a Utility Permit fox Peop1F:. Natural G£s be approved for work in Eagandale No. 3 subject to final apr proval of the Engineer a€ the plan. Upon motion of Chairman Klein, seconded by SuperiTisor Uselr~mnn~ aye Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the Clerk be authorized to writ:: the Dakota County Highway Department and request a speed survey pas County Road X32 (Cliff Road) from the Weat Boundary of the Tawas to County Road X31 (Pilot Knob Roads. Upon motion of Chairmen Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that Martin Deslauriers be authorized to hire William Henley as a full tiros patrolman. There being no further businesa~, the meeting adjourned. Dated: September 23, 19b9 ~f'~r~ ~.... ~ww.~..rrrww it rr~r~r r ~ ~rm.~.+ lyre Bolke, Clerk _ry_