10/21/1969 - City Council RegularMIPIUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THL T30ARD OF SUPERVISORS T0ol~J~? OF EAGAN, DAKIDTA COUPTPY, MIt1I~iESOTA October 21, 1959 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Town of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota was held on October 21st, 1969 at the Tawn Hall. All members were present. The Clertt regortad that at 3:00 P.li. the Board received and opened bide for Project ~-5 consisting of Phase 2, Valley View Village Apartments, water and sewer extensions. The following bids were submitted; Feter Lametti Construction Co. $30,762,02 Austin P. Keller Constr. Ca. $30,3$1.59 Northdale Construction Co. $34,103.50 Hoffman Bros. $35,740.80 Arcon ConstruC~fori Co. $41,974.11 The Bawd opened Che hearing an the application of Investors Communication Ctrrporation to rerone 40 acres near Yankee Doodle Road and Pilot Knob Road consisting of the t~W~ of the P1W~ of Section i5, froaa A, Ag. to C-l, Light Co~erelal. The APC recommended approval excluding pro- posed I35E. There wexe no objections to the application. Mr. .Tames Dogger appeared on behalf of the applicant. It was coated that 2.5 acres would remain after proposed I35E is installed West of the prapoeed I3S~s; 17.5 acres would remain Sast of I35E. It was proposed that an office boil ding, motel, and restaurant be built East of I3SE and filling station be proposed Went of I35E, It tat noted thsst setback ree~uirements for filling station would be determined at the tune of development end that no construction would take place until the location of the right of way of I35E is determined. Upon motion by Klein, seconded bq Uselmann, aye Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the application be approved subject to all ordinances in effect at the tiaee of the development including park requirements. ~lr Mr. E. E. Parranto ~d Mz. Ken Appelb~~~t appeared on behalf of the application of Kenneth l~.ppell~aum to rezone Lots 1 through 11, Block 1, and Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Robert Karatz .fyddition from R-l, Residental to R-4 fnr townhouse purposes. The A1'C recommended approval. Numerous neighboring property o~mers appeared obj®cting to the application. Discussion also centered as~ouc~d the proposed water and sewer utility line on Donald Avenue. The developers suggested that the neighboring property owners Went of Donald Avenue include a 40 year restriction in their titles to the efff:ct that they would no subdivide for that period and that the deveiaper would pay for all utility asaessmeats on Donald Avenue but in the event that the property owner did subdivide that he would then pay his proportion of the assessment together with interest to date. After considerable discussion upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn, aye Uselmann, it was RESOLVED that the application be denied on the basis that the developers zoned the property R~»I less then one year ago; that the developers had knowledge of the po~kentiel uses of the land and also that the axes Would serve as a good buffer cone to the R-1 to the Weat. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Uselmann, aye Rahn, it was RESOLVE that the application of Carl Olson to rezone 51 acres in Section l0, South of LeMay Lake continued from the Qatober 7th meeting be referred back to the A1'C in light of the proposed street; and further Chat the public heariag be continue8 until November 4th. Mr, 8111 Schultz appeared on beht~lf of the Fire Department relative to the purchase of fire equipment. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Uselmann, aye Rahn, it Was RESOLVED that approximately $2,340 from the 1969 Fire Fsquipmeat Certificate Fund be used toward the purchase of the communi- cations equipment sad that the balance be acquk+ed from the general fund within the Fire Departmc3nC allocation; it was FURTI~R RESOLVED that the Town Purchase the radio equipment from Aircom for the suss of $4,744.0© as w2- the law bidder an the cquigc~nt with the understarding t;zat other s-~q~.~ests of the Department for purchases might be affect~i by thi3 purchase. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Uselmann, aye Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the Town purchase and install 30 stop signs to be located at the exits from industrial and commercial locations within the Town at a Brice of about $30.00 each. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn, Bye Uselmann, it was RESOL`JE'L3 that the Town Attorney request of the Minnesota Highway Depatment that a traffic speed check be made in Eagandale No. 1 and No. 2, Cedar Industrial Park and Sibley Terminal Industrial Parks. The Police Chief recommended that a new part-time man be put on the force by November 1st and that a second radio for squad car ~2 be purchased. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Uselmann, it ryas RESOLVED that the Township purc$ase a radio base station for the sum of $400 for the Police Department office. The Park Board filed a proposed procedure for acquisition of park land in the Townshig. Upon motion made and seconded it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the October 7, 1969 meeting be approved, sub,~ect, however to a revision on page seven to change the aixe of the water tank from $S million to S million gallons; further that on page S that the minutes be reflected to indicate that Uselmann voted aye relative to the Imre building permit application on the O'neill property. The Board further accepted the minutes of the October 14, i9b9 special Board meeting as mailed. Mr. Laurent made a request to locate a house trailer on a 5~acre parcel owned by him in the NGi~ of Section 28. It was noted that Mr. Laurent did not intend to live in the trailer until next spring at which tuna he intended to build a residence on the property. The Board indicated that na w~r permit is necessary until he inhgbits the trailer. Mx. Keneally appeared relative to a building permit fora garage on a 2.13 acre parcel in Wutheriag Heights Road. It was noted that one garage wua already located on the property. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn, aye Uselmann, iC was RESOLVED that the application be granted for a 40' x 30' garage, $3,600, provided that the applicant acquire consent from all affected property owners on Wuthering Heights Road and Silver Belle Road and that such consent be delivered to the Town Clerk, Upon motion by Rahn, seconded by Klein, aye Uselmann, it was RESOLVED that the request of Cheney Truck Leasing Corporation for the location of a txa filer for office purposes on Highway~49 be granted for a period of one year with the understanding that the applicant will construct a permanent structuxe at that location. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Uselmann, aye Rahn, it was RE50LVED that a sign permit be granted to Chase Furnitureland at 1975 Seneca Road, Mx. Oscar Sodexlind appeared on behalf of the request of Dakota County Electric Coop for location of an alternate electric transmission line location on BlaiElchawk Road. The Board discussed the bb ft, right of way and thc~ applinaant indicated that there would be A60-280 feet between the poles and that the gales would be located 2$ feet from the centerline. The Board also discussed the location of the guy wire asmhors. Upon motion by Uselmann, aye Klein, Rahn abstaining, it was RESOLVED that the application be granted, Three residents appeared on behalf of themselves and other residental owners on Bluestone Lane requesting that Borson Construction Co. be asked to erect a privacy fence between the Valley View village Apartments and the back lot lines on Bluestone Lane. The Board requested that Town ACtorc-ey prepare a lettex to ba signed by the Board Chairman requesting that Borsoa Construction Co., far safety and privacy purposes consider erecting ..lr.. ~ si:c f,sot fence on the line. Upon motiom by IClein, sacoc~c~d by Rahn, a3ce Uselmann it was RESOLVED to reluctantly accept the resignation of Charlotte McPherson from the Par1t Board and that a letter be forwarded to Mrs. McPherson complimenting her an her contribution to the Park Board, fine Board furthez requested heat the Park Board contact a member of the Metropolitan Council staff to moat with the Park Board concerning future parks in the township. Mr, Arnold Carlson appeared concerning assessments on Lots in gvergreen Park Addition. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Uselmann, aye Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the total cost to Mr, Carlson for assessments for the water line extension to Evergreen Park Addition be computed on the basis of $30,000 together tiri.th 7'~ for administrative services and interest. The Board continued the review of a proposed bond issue for the B-E~B plant site constructfin and miscellaneous improvement projects. Upon caotian by Klein, seconded by Uselmann, aye Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the Iow bid for Project #45, Phase 2, consisting of water and sewer extensions in Valley View Apartments be awarded to Peter Lemetti Construction Co, in the sum of $30,752,02. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn, aye Uselmann, it vas RESOLVED that the preliminary report for street improvements in Eagandale Industrial Park No. 3, Project #48, be accepted and that a hearing on the preliminary report be set for November 4, 1959 at 8:00 P. M, at the Tawn Hall. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Uselmann, aye Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the plans and specifications for street improvements in Eagan- dale Center Industrial Park No. 3 be, and they hereby arQ, accepted and that the Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids for the project, to be opened on November 25, 1969 at 3:00 P. M. at the Town Hall, The Chairman then read a letter from Mr. Jaaties Hetland, the Chairma*.; rS~ of the Metropolitan Council, concerning n request of the Eagan Town Board to clarify the financing of the proposed B•E~B plant by the Metropolitan Sewer Board. The Chairman futher subimitted a proposed resolution relative to awarding the contract for the B-E•B sew,age plant, Upon motion made by IIsel.mann, seconded by Rahn, aye Klein, it was RESOLVED that the contract for the $•E•B plant be awarded to Youhg Construction Co, and R. R. Young, a faint venture, in the sum of $10,794,336.00 pursuant to resolution to be prepared and completed by the Town Attorney. Upon motion by Itlein, seconded by Uselmann, ape Rahn, it ions RESOLVED that the Town purchase a flag pole to be installed by the Utility Department at the Town Ball. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn, aye Uselmann, it was RESOLVED that the Town Attorney be authorized to act together with Mr. Ilselmann on behalf of the Board relative to malting cosamitments for the vacation of old Blackhawk Road and acceptance of the new Blackhawk Road at a meeting with the affected property owners on October 23, 1969. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn, it was RESOLVED that any Board member be authorized to attend the seminar sessions on Municipal Planning in St. Louis Park. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn, aye UselmAnn it wns R8- SOLVED that the State of Minnesota be requested to use its Land an South Lexington near the McKee area for ~a'kating rink purposes during 1969.70. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Uselmann, aye Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the request of Rauenhorst Development Corp. for installation of sanitary sewer, atorta sewer end water improvements upon proposed Mike Collins Road between Yankee Doodle Road and Apollo Road be accepted and xeferred to the Town Engineer far preparation of a fesa~bi~lty report, •6- Upon notion by Uselmann, seconded by Rahn, aye Klein, it was RESOLVED that a public hearing to consider the wcation of Old Blackhawk Road in Che vf,cfnity of Blue Cross Addition to HighFiay No. 13 be scheduled for Tuesday, November 28, 1969 at 8;00 P, M, at the Town Hall and Chat the Clerk be directed to publish and post notice of the hearing according to law. Upon motion by Klein, secaruied by Rahn, aye Uselmann, it was RESOLVII? that the plans and specifications for street improvements in the vicinity of Timberline ,Addition consisting of Improvement Project No. 46, be and they hereby are approved and accepted and further that the Clerk is auttwrized to advertise far bids to be received and opened en November 25, 1969 at the Town Hall. The Board then reviewed the request of Fred Post to revise the area of his property on H3.ghway #13 relative to 2969 assessments fvr utility purposes. The Town Engineer recommended that no change be made and upon motion by Uselmann, seconded by Klein, aye Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the Board deny the request to shange the area to be assessed. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded by Uselmann, aye Klein, it was RESOLVED that the following additional mill levy requests be submitted to the Dakota County Auditox; $12,$60 for Fire Warrants, $1,300 for 1968 Town Hall Bond Retirement Fund, $2,60a for Rahn Road Band Qetiremsnt, 2 mills far road and bridge purposes to assist in payment for the utility building as the portion of the building used for rnnd and bridge purposes. Upon motion by I:Iein, seconded by Rahn, aye Uselmann, it was RESOLVED that the bid of Charles Olson and Sons, Inc, in the sum of $1,564 for V,P1aw plus attactms~eas be awarded. Zt was noted that Cedar Grove Baptist Church is constructing an entrance to the church 134 ft. North of Casty. Road #30 on Rahn Rand at their Cos C. Upon motion the meeting adjourned. Dated: October 21. 1969 -~- ~~~ ~ `'~°~~' ~ ~'`~/