01/20/1970 - City Council RegularMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BGARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF EAGAN, DAKOTA COUNTY, MII~SOTA Januttty 20, 1970 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Town of Eagan, Dakota County, Idinnesota was held at the Town Rall on January 20, 1': 7i, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. All members were present. At 7:30 P.M. the Chairman announced that the receipt of bids covering the $230,000.00 B-E-B bond issue and the $174,000.00 utility bor_ci issue be closed and ordered the opening of the bids. Mr. James Olsen, fiscal consultant, reviewed the bids opened by the Clerk pursuant to the extract of minutes attached to these minutes and made a-'part hereof. After reviec~ and upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn, aye Uselmann, it was RESOLVED that the bids of American National Bank of St. Paul be, and they hereby are accepted covering the $280,000.00 B-E-B bond issue and the $171+,000.00 utility bond issue, American National Bantc of St. Paul being the low bidder on each. After the pledge of allegiance to the flag the minutes of the previous meeting were approved as distributed. The Town Attorney presented a proposed revised Fire Service Agreement forwarded by the attorney for Mendota Heights, covering the serv~.ce by the MendotaQ.Heights Fixe Department in Eagan Township. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Uselmann, it was RESOLVED that the Agreement be referred to the Eagan lire Chief gor review and report to the Board on February 3, 1970. Supervisor Uselmann reported on the Park Committee meeting of January 19th. He indicated that the Park Committee will meet the second Monday of each month. -1- Mr. Dan Gustafson appeared on behalf of the application of Sher~.a~.r Investment Company to re2one from A, Agricultural to R-6, Multiple Residentis.. the South 1/3 of the E~ of the NWT of Section 30, consisting of the Bolkeom property on Cedar Avenue. He indicated that 332 units are proposed, 664 parking units indoor and out; that the gross density is proposed to be 17.26 units per acre; that about 20 acres would be deveioped outside of the proposed Highway ~~36 and that the streets were proposed at 24 feet. The Board noted the Planning Committee's review resulted in a 2-2 tie vote with one abstention. After considerable review and upon motion by Rahn, seconded by Useimann, aye Rlein, it was RESOLVED that the application be approved provided however that the park requirements in effect at the time of the development be met by the developers; that the streets in the development be acceptable to the Town at the time of development, and that they be not less than 30 feet in width; and that the distance from the street to the building lines be sufficient according to the Board's requirements, It wr_s noted that the applicant indica€ed that development would commence as soo7 as utilities were available and at such time as the Minnesota Highway Depart- ment has determined the exact location of revised Highway X36. Mr. Frank Haas, ].539 McCarthy Road, Timberline Addition, appeared concerning complaints concerning the Northern Natural Gas and People°s Gas Company meter device on his property on McCarthy Road. He indicated that the odor and noise from the gas meter device had become an extreme nuisance to him and certain neighbors. He submitted a letter the the Board expressing his concern and requested that the Board contact Plortiaern Natural Gas and People°s Gas Company. The Town Attorney was~equested to write a letter to the two companies requesting that persons in authority be present at the next Board meeting to discuss the matter, -z- Mr. Ellsmore, 2F51 Highridge Terrace, appeared questioning the outside burning requirements in the Township. He favored action by the Bcara concerning adoption of the Water Pollution Control Ca~mutias~.on's standards concerning outside burning. The Board discussed the problem in certain industrial areas in the Town concerning tagging alleged violators of the urban truck license law requiring urban licenses for trucks operating in Eagan Township. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Uselmann, it was RESOLVED tt~et the Town Attorney review the matter and request an opinion from the Attorney General concerning the constitutionality of the urban plate law as it relates to a township in the metropolitan area. It appeared that the statute has no relation to the form of government within the municipality and that it possibly discriminates against industry in unincorporated areas. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn, it was RESOLVED that a temporary directional sign for Bunker Hill Apartments on Yankee Doodle Road be permitted to be erected near the Valley Lounge near Yankee Doodle Road and the Highway X13 intersection. The Board then discussed the assessment problem on lands acquired by the Minnesota Highway Department far right of way purposes. The Town Atfcirney was requested to write the Dinnesota Highway Commissioner requesting the Highway Department to cooperate in enforcing payment of the assessments during acquisition of right of way by the Highway Department. After discussion, upon motion by Uselmann, seconded by I;1ein, it was RESOLVED that the Town Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance increaeiug the minimum penalty for ordinance violations from $100.00 to $300.00, according to the 1969 State Legislation. The Town Board discussed the recent decision of the Municipal -3- Judge in South St. Paul concerning tl~ Minnesota Implied Consent Law. The Town Attorney was requested to review the matter and if appropriate request an opinion o~ the Attorney General concerning its relation to the Eagan Police Department. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn, aye Uselmann, it was RESOLVED that the Pilot I'.nob School be established as a voting location fcr Precinct ~~2. Upon motion the bi11s were ordered paid. Upon motion the meeting adjourned. Dated: January 20, 1970. Cleric -~-