03/10/1970 - City Council RegularMINUTES OF THL ANAIJAL MEETING TOWN OF EAGAN, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA March 10, 1970 The Annual Meeting of the Town of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota was held on March L0, 1970. Polls were opened at 7:00 o'clock A.M, at the three polling places, Precinct I - Eagan Town Ha11, Precinct II - Pilot Knob Elementary School, Precinct III - Eagan Fire Ha11 to elect one SuF2 rvi.sor for a terns of three years; ane Clerk for a term of two years, and two Justices of the Peace for two year terms. Polls were afficialiy declared closed at 8:00 o'clock P. M. and the judges proceeded to canvass the votes and deliver the results to the C1crk, The results were as follows: Arthur F. Rahn -Supervisor 3 year term 224 votes 4 write in votes Alyce Bolice -Clerk Dorman W. Atwood - Justice Helen M. Kennedy - Justice 2 year term 223 votes 3 write in votes 2 year term 195 votes 2 year term 167 votes 4 write in votes The business meeting was held at Northview Elementary School, County Road ~~30 at 8:30 P.M. Clerk Alyce Bolke called the business meeting to order. The Pledge of Allegiance was given. Nominations were requested for a Moderator. Herb Folzin nominated Joseph Harrison, seccmded by Don Knight. Don Schultz nominated Robert Bratland, seconded by Arnold Lucke. Mr. Knight moved that the nominations be closed, seconded by Bill Milliron. Motion carried. A hand vote was taken for moderator with 41 votes for Harrison an3 34 votes for Bratland. Mr. Harrison was duly sworn in as Moderator and thereafter presided at the meeting. Arnold Lucke moved to dispense with the reading of the annual meeting minutes of 1969, Copies were available for distribution. John Myser seconded the motion and the motion carried, Neil Coates moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the Regular Meetings for the past year inasmuch as the minutes are on file with the Clerk and ogee for inspection, seconded by Herb Polzin and motion carried. Chairman John J. Klein spoke on the "State of the Township". He explained the progress made in the sewer and water program during the past year. He also explained the progress being made in the construction of the BEB plant in the Cedar Industrial Park. He explained the most recent raise in taxes in Eagan Township and the effect of the Green Acres on taxes. He posted charts in this regard for viewing. Mr. Klein told about completing the new additions to the Town Hall and Fire Hall and the new fire truck which was purchased and delivered during the past year. He also stated that all the Eagan residential district is now under Class 8 which will represent a savings of approximately $20 per year in fire insurance per residence. He explained that we will be having a vote an a park acquisition program and also a possible vote on incorporation during the coming year. He discussed the possibility of acquiring the Metropolitan Zoo in our general area and the progress made in acquiring the Cedar Grove Utilities Company assets. Martin DesLauriers, Chief of Police, spoke on the activities of the Police Department for the past year. There are presently seven full time and one part time officer. The Police Department traveled 134,000 miles and answered 4,244 calls during 1969. ICenneth Aszmann and Jay Berthe have been assigned to Juvenile work and Donn Smith and Peter Poppler have been doing criminal investigation Mr. DesLauriers also explained in detail -2- the types of calls and the lang range plans of the Police Department for the next four years. Fire Chief i~Jilliam Schultz spoke on the activities of the Fire Department for the past year. The VHF radio system was installed in December, the Fire Hall on Rahn Road was expanded in 19b8, a new pumper was purchased in 1969, and the area served was expanded in June of 1968. Land has been promised for a station in the north end of the Town but the exact location has not yet been determined. They will need to train men and purchase equipment for this Station. It is their objective to serve the whole Town. There were 48 fire calls and 40 first aid calls during the past year. Richard Thorpe, Chairman of the Park Committee, discussed the activities of the Park Board during the past year. An overall park plan was formulated and nine major sites and three playground sites were selected consisting of 575 acres which they feel will be needed by the year 2000. The Town Board approved the concept of the plan and approved having the land appraised. They are proposing that a park planner assist them in preparing a guide, and a Park referendum is planned for the fall of 1970. The Clerk read the Audit Report. A copy is attached hereto. Robert Bratland moved to accept the Clerks Audit Report, seconded by Jae Krisnick and motion carried. The Clerk read the Proposed Budget for 1971; a copy is attached hereto.. Discussion was as follows: Joe Krisnick; What was the mill rate last year? Answer; 22.89 mills Ruth Smith: Does the $10,000 in Park Maintenaace &'Equipment cover park acquisition? Answer: No, just equipment and maintenance. -3- Joe Krisnick: How can the Fire Department exist on $19,000 when last year they spent 2E,000? Answer: $19,000 is the levy but additional revenue is also spent for that purpose. R. Bratland, a resident of the Cedar Grove Area and a member of District 191 Board of Education discussed the need for parks in that area. He feels we need a good park program and this will assure a little prevention so far as juvenile delinquency is concerned. He feels the Board should give more support to the Cedar Athletic Association. Jim Ingalls spoke in favor of parka in the Cedar Grove area, John Myser, Timberline area, said he had a copy of the Park Plan and felt the people should commend the Park Committee for their excellent work in this regard. He also feels that we should look at Parks for Ea an and not just for one area. John Klein, Chairman, discussed the possibility of a teen center for Eagan at some future date. Don Anderson and Mrs. R. Johnson expressed their willingness to have a greater tax levy for park purgoses. Mr. Klein explained that we are limited to a 17 mill tax Levy. Don Chapdelaine moved to accept the budget as presented. Tom Monahan seconded the motion and motion carried, Mr. Polzfn moved to retain the Official Posting Places, namely, Town Hall, Lone Oak Tree and Applebaums, seconded by Arnold Lucke aad motion carried. Herb Polzin moved to open the polls for the Annual Election in March 1971 at 8:00 o'clock A.M. and close at 8:00 P.M, After discussion the motion was withdrawn. Mr. Tilstra then moved to open the polls at 7:00 A,M, and close at 8:00 P,M„ seconded by John Myser and motion carried, Don Chapdelaine moved to have the Annual Business Meeting at Northview School at 8:30 P,M., seconded by Ted Wachter and motion carried. -~+- Ruth Smith discussed the amount of land presently zoned for R-5 purposes. She read the Zoning Guidelines recently adopted by the APC and stated; "We, Eagan Residents, commend the Eagan Advisory Planning Commission for developing and approving the Zoning Guidelines and X hereby move to urge the Town Board to study and adopt them as a Town Ordinance." Discussion followed. Mr. Klein stated that he felt that nine square miles is too large an area for single family, Mr, Lucke stated that he felt most were in favor of the intent of the guidelines, Mrs, Barbara Schmidt seconded the motion and the motion carried. Mr. Bratland moved to adjourn the meeting and Mr. Polzin seconded the motion. Motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 11:15 P,i~i. Dated: March 10, 1970 _ .. ~l r.~ Aly-~ Bolke, Clerk Eagan Township, Dakota County -5-