02/16/1971 - City Council RegularREGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF EAGAN, DAKOTA COUNTY, rIINiJESOTA February 16, 1971 The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Town of Eagan, Dakota County, Iinnesota was held on February i6, 1971 at 7:00 P. M;•'at the Town Hall at which all members were present. Chairman Klein presided. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor L:ahn and seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, it teas RESOLVED Co approve the minutes of the previous meeting of the Board on February 2, 1971 with the following corrections: Striking from the second paragraph on pace 3 the sentence "No ane appeared in opposition to the application"; inserting at the end of the second paragraph on page ~i #t $: DO p. I•I."; and changing the second sentence of the last paragraph on page 2 .from ';-~ to "R-6". Fire Chief idm. Schultz appeared on behalf of the Fire Department and presented a cost analysis of the new fire station in the Rauenhorst . area which was discussed with the Board. Fire Chief Schultz then requested $3,000.00 for additional fire equipment. `Che Board acknow- ledged the request and informally advised Ch~,ef Schultz to go ahead with the $3,000.00 purchase under the previous budget. Police Chief Martin DesLauriers appeared and announced the low bid for the 1971 police station wagon to be ~d Allen Dodge at Savage, Minnesota with a bid for $3716,98 for a Dodge Coronet wagon. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Uselmann, and seconded by Supervisor Hahn, it was RESOLVED that the bid of Ed Allen Dodge, Savage, Minnesota, being the low bid, be and t~be same hereby is duly accepted and the vehicle ordered purchased. Chief DesL~uriers announced that the Dalcota County Sheriff's office will have four new emergency phone lines after Plarch 21st. There was no utility Department Business tgr. Neil Coates and Barbara Schmidt from the Park Committee were present buC there was no formal Par! Committee Business. Ted tlachter appeared with a building permit application for a new house, 26 feet x 50 feet with a 24 feet x 26 feet garage at an estimated cost of $30,000.00. The house according to the proposed site plan would set back 150 feet from the center line of County ~aed ~~30. Upon motian duly made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor P.ahn, it was P.ES(?LVED that the building permit application be, and the same hereby is granted upon the payment of the appropriate fees therefor. A sign permit application by Cedar ~::ove Construction Company was presented end it was noted that the Chfei or nolice recommended on ?ebruary 9, 1971 that the proposed sign would be no traffic hazard at the location requested. The sign proposed is 10 ft. x 40 ft. illumin- ated, to be situated at the intersection of B~BCkhawk Road and Highway #13, advertising for home sales only. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Uselmann it was P,ESOLVED that the sign permit application be, and the same he reby is, approved and ordered issued upon the payment of appropriate fees therefor on an annual basis. rlr. '•lilliam Merritt and Pir. Kermit rlacl'.ae of the Minnesota Highway Department appeared along with attorneys t]illiara Baie and Paul Spooner and design Engineer Tom Tigen of Bel Isar Builders to discuss the time schedule for acquis3.tion to complete the H:.ghway ~~13 and X36 complex in the SW~ of Section 19-Z7-23. `4he time schedule called for ate hoquisition probably until 1973 and construction several years thereafter. - 2 - Nir. Merritt and Mr. Y~iacl:ae then discussed the schedule for interstate 3SE and indicated that acquisition would begin duxing the summer of 1971 and that construction would commence in 1973. It was suggested that a meeting be arranged between the Board, the Town Engineer and the I~Iianesota Highway Department for the latter part of March and that it would be scheduled through the Town Engineer's office. NIr. Prank Reese, architect, appeared on behalf of the application of Beure Co. for preliminary plat and site plan approval for part of the Skl'~ of the SEA, Section 20-27-23 along B1aclchawlc P.oad for apartments and townhouses. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, it was RESOLVED that the application be, and the same hereby is, approved subject to appropriate parlc dedication under Subdivision Ordinance ~r10. Chairman Klein next convened the public hearing on the preliminary report covering Improvement '?roject ~~64 consisting of street improvements in areas covered under Improvement Project ;'~49 and other miscellaneous streets. IC was noted by the town attorney that the legal notice had not been published in time through inadvertence and that although the hearing could be held the formal action as the result of the public hearing would have to be continued until the next meeting of the Board of Supervisors on March 2, 1971. The Tovm Engineer thereupon made his presentation covering Improvement Project ;~60 regarding improvements in the Ridg+a~riew Acres and ~'ohn Croft E;cres areas; Harvey addition DToe.'1 and 2 and Burrview Acres; Past Addition; iollofski Addition; Country Home Heights; Blacichawlc Hills; and Poppler Homestead Addition. It was noted that there were a number of residents who appeared and categorically opposed the Ridgeview - 3 - Acres and John Croft acres road improvements; that residents of Harvey Additions 1 and 2, and Burrview ^cres opposed any such improve- ments during 1971 but Chereafter have no obJection; that the rss3de~ts froae the host Addition approved of the proposed improvement; no one appeared in opposition to the proposed -~ollofs'ci Addition improvements; residents from Country Home Heights objected in part but primarily were apposed to the proposed road improvements; residents from Blackhawl; I3ills favored retaining the present gravel road; and the residents from Doppler Homestead Addition opposed the proposed improvements. The Town Engineer next discussed Improvement Project lto. 66 for Talrene Road. Pesidents appeared both in favor and in opposition to the proposed project. U_~on Fiotion duly made by Chairman I:.lein and seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, aye ~,ahn, it was RESOLVED i:o reschedule the formal public hearinns for both project b0 and 66 ..for $: QO o`cloclt E. r1. on Piarch 2.,•19.71 so as to allow time to comply wiih notice requirements; the informal meetin~~with the interested property.otmers-was continued until that time. ~ihe' Town .attorney advised the Board that the :~ arl: Committee in conjunction with .its advisor, N1x. John"Joss,. recouYarended that the Board resolution accompanying' the HUD applica-%ion be~amended so as-.to conform withthe appraisal figures submitted by I;r. Edward T:unta. r^ram figuzes naw-oontatined in the reyalution to $5~?.,.745.00 'for a total acquisition cost at~d that the 5070 cost to the '.iownship be changed from the present figure to $291,374.00. t3pan motion duly Wade by Chairman RLein and seconded by S.upe.visor Uselmann, aye P~ahn, it was tE50LVED that the numbers be changed. in the resolution to reflect the total acquisition cos t.. to $552,74C.OQ with a 50%.cost. to• the 'Township of X291,374.00. ,. `i'he proposed amendments to Subdivision Ordinance ~~IO Section 10.05 from the advisory. Planning Committee andwrom the '.:own Attorney were presented to the Board. Considerable discussion was had on the two versions of the proposed amendment. "upervisor Uselmann then moved for the adoption of the amendment to Section 10.05 as recommended by the Advisory Planning Committee and Par[c Board but failed for a lacl: of a second. Whereupon the Board determined to call a special meeting on Larch 15, 1971 at 7:30 ~. A4. a~ the ".:oVm Hall to further discuss with the ~`,dvisory Planning Committee, ~'arlc Board and any other interested persons the proposed amendment to this ~ection of Subdivision Ordinance #10. the To~•~n Attorney then presented a proposed burning Ordinance Ito. 37. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Uselr.:ann and seconded by Supervisor Rahn it was RESOLVED that burning ordinance No. 37 as pre- sensed be, and the same hereby is duly approved and adopted subject to the approval of the variance to be reques~ed from the Pollution Control Agency, and upon said approval the ordinance shall be published accord- ing to law; and further P.ESCLVED what the resolution accompanyigg this ordinance, requesting a variance from E,ir Pollution Control Reg- ulation P1o. 8 from the pollution Control :agency, be and the same hereby is, duly adopted and ordered forwarded to the nallution Control t:gency. Upon Lotion duly made by Supervisor !;ahn and seconded by Supervisor Uselmann it was RESOLVVED that the Change Order on Project ;~55 in the amount of $560.00 requested by the 'g'own i;ngineer, for approval be, and the same hereby is, duly approved. Upon notion duly made by Supervisor "..ahn and seconded by Chairman Klein it was FESOLTIE;) that all Utility Department employees receive double time far worl: on holidays :crow and after ,ianuary 1, 1971. - 5 - Upon motion duly made by Chairman t'lein and seconded by "upervisor Uselmann, it was RESQLt~ED that the follot~~ing election judges be, and they hereby are, duly appoi,.nted to serve at the next annual election on March 9, 1971, namely: Name Time Political Designation Preciact I Lucille Atwood 7:00 - Closing D June Itetcham 7:00 -Closing R Pat Kaeder 7:00 - Closing D Marjorie Shadduck 5;00 - Closing R Pre-._-~~nCt II Carol Engebretson 7:00 -Closing D Genevieve Amundson 7:00 - Cioaing R Kathleen Cole 7:00 - 5:00 A Mary Harrison 5:00 - 8:00 D Precinct III Anna Lou Arneson 7:00 - Closing D Marlene Marble 7:00 - 4:00 R Marlene Krekelberg 7:80 - 4:00 D Carol Hoffman 7:00 - 4:00 R Donna Nicolay 4;00 - Closing D Sharon Cronk G:00 -Closing R Darlene Anfinsoa 4:00 - Closing D Carol Vihovde 4:00 - Closing R V Precinct I ` Eldoris Ohm 7:00 - Closing R Lorraine Danielson 7:00 - Closing D Ethel Groff 7:00 -Closing R Request was received from Clarence R. Payne, Staff Engineer of the N•et~ropolitan Sewer Board requesting water service to the BEB Sewer Plant by May 15. Upon Motion of Klein, seconded by Rahn this request was referred to the Tor~m Engineer for further study and recacaflnendation. Upon motion of Chairman Klein, seconded by Use Leann it was F.ESOLVED that the Town Clerlt's salary be raised $50.00 a month retroactive to January 1, 1971. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was RESOLVED that all bills be and they hereby are, duly approved as presented and ordered paid. Upon motion made and seconded the meeting was adjourned. ~~~ 1~ebruary 16, 1971 Clerk