03/09/1971 - City Council RegularN:INUTES ANNUAL MF~TING, MARCH 9, 1871 Eagan Township, Dakota County, Minn. Notice being duly posted and published, the Annual Meeting of the Town of Eagan was held on March g, 1971. The Annual Town Election was held in the four polling places. Polls opened at 7:00 o'clock A.M. and closed at 8:00 o'clock P.M. with the results canvassed thereafter. The results were as follows: For Supervisor; 3 year term: Paul J. Uselmann x+62 votes Joseph Krisnik ?95 " Gordon Kill 66 " William T. Heine 12 " For Treasurer; 2 year term: Herbert H. Polzin 7~+2 votes There were several write-in votes. Mr. Uselmann and Mr. Polzin were declared elected. The business meeting was held at Northview Elementary School at $:30 o~clock P.M. Clerk Alyce Bolke called the business meeting to order. The Pledge of Allegiance was given. Nominations were requested for a Moderator. Herb Polzin nominated Donald Chapdelaine, seconded by Barbara Schmidt. Tom Monahan nominated Joseph Harrison, seconded by Mr. Lundsten. Mr. Polzin moved that the nominations be closed, seconded by Ted Wachter and motion carried. A hand vote was taken with 91 votes for Mr. Chapdelaine and ~+2 for Mr. Harrison. Mr. Chapdelaine was duly sworn in as Moderator and thereafter presided at the meeting. Joseph Harrison moved to dispense with the reading of the annual meeting minutes of 1970. Copies were available for distribution. Mr. Polzin seconded the motion and the motion carried. Neil Coates moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the Regular Meetinks for the past year inasmuch as the minutes are on file with the Clerk and open for inspection, seconded by William Schultz and motion carries,: 2 Chairman John J. Klein spoke on the "State of the Township". He stated that the biggest event during the past year was the Charter City vote in which the people decided to remain a township. We also went into arbitration proceed- ings to purchase the Cedar Grove Utilities system. As of April let all mail delivery will be made through the St. Paul Post Office and negotiations are in progress for a postal station in the Rauenhorst area. The 1970 census was 10,398• The Police Dept. was expanded and new equipment purchased for the Fire Dept., more lines of sewer, water and storm sewer were installed and the Metro Sewer Board took over the BEB plant and the two treatment plants. Legislative bills are being introduced in regard to truck licensing, to allow us to issue liquor licenses and to bond for all buildings. A Bill to allow us to have village powers is also being introduced. Mr. DesLauriers, Chief of Police, discussed the activities of the Police Department for the past year. He stated they have 9 full time men and will be appointing a sergeant from the present officers and hiring a part time officer. They had a total of 5,616 calls during the past year, traffic accidents are increasing and juvenile cases are also increasing. They purchased a radar unit and presently have two marked and one unmarked car. William Schultz, Fire Chief, talked on the activities of the Fire Dept. for the past year. They have recruited men and are training them for the second station whicYi will serve 9 sections previously served by the Mendota Heights Fire Dept. 3erry Adams was elected District Chief fvr Station No.1 and Wilber Palm was elected District Chief for Station No.2. They had 70 fire calls and 58 first aid calls during the past year. Vince Kennedy of Westdale Ford donated a 1966 r^ord Station Wagon to the Fire Dept. for use as a Chief's car. Full time dispatching service is one of their goals for the future. Robert Ferguson, Park Board members spoke on the activities of their committee during the past year. The major accomplishment was the preparation -3- of the Park Development Guide with the help of John Voss of Urban Planning and Design. The first phase will be the purchase of 8 park sites and partial development. They were instrumental in having two combination skating and hockey rinks, one at Rahn Park and one at Rahn School and several volunteer rinks. They had a summer tumbling and dancing school for the girls. The Park Board has also been working with developers to obtain donations of land or money for park site acquisition. Luther Stalland, Town Attorney, discussed the Cedar Grove Acquisition. The arbitrators were Robert Bell, Mr. Kennedy and John Daubney and an award of X1,256,000 has been granted for the system. We will be appearing in District Court in regard to Grants in Aid. Depending on the outcome, it may be necessary to ~,o to the Supreme Court to appeal the decision. Ted Wachter moved to accept the Clerks Annual Audit Report, seconded by Joe Harrison and motion carried. The Clerk read the proposed budget for 1971 and discussion followed. Dir. Krisnik felt the allotments for Park and General Expenses were excessive. Mr. Dembroski stated this is a ~F2,J increase in Township taxes and he felt it was too much. Mr. Villelli stated that the Rosemount School District had reduced their levy and he feels Eagan Township taxes should level off instead of increase. Mr. Krisnik felt the park referendum wouldn~t have a chance with this increase in taxes. Mr. Harrison stated that park expenditures for the past years were very low and it is necessary to do more in that area. He moved to accept the budget as proposed, seconded by Don Knight and motion carried. Jerry Adam moved to retain the three posting places, Town Hall, Lone Oak Tree, and Applebaum's, seconded by John Myser and motion carried. Jerry Adam moved to open the polls for the March 1972 Annual Election at 7:00 o'clock A.M. and close them at 8:00 o'clock P.M. The motion was seconded by Dan Schultz and carried. _1}.. Jerry Adam moved to have the 1872 Annual Business Meeting at Northview Elementary School at 8:30 P.M., seconded by Rodger Weiercke and motion carried. There was no additional business, and. Jerry Adam moved to adjourn, seconded by Tom Monahan and carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Dated: March 9, 1971 ~ ~ ~~--~~ Alyce Bolke, Clerk Eagan Township, Dakota Co.