06/01/1971 - City Council RegularMINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF EAGAN, DrAKOTA COUNTY, MINti SOTA June 1, 1971 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Town of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota was held on June 1, 1971 at the Town Hall at 7:30 P. M. at which all members were present. Chairman Klein presided. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, the May 18, 1971 minutes of the Board of Supervisors were unanimously approved with the amendment to provide for four assessment hearings on June 15, 1971 which hearings are specifically enumer- ~ ~~~,, ~' v"-~J .~i Jp~' aced in the May ltth minute There was no Fire Department business. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, it was RESOLVED to request the Dakota County Board of Commissioners to authorize the posting with no parking signs on both sides of County Road .... ~~30 from Cedar Avenue to Rahn Road for the fourth of July, 1971 only,-for the planned parade and picnic. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Itieia and seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the Utility Department be, and hereby is, authorized and directed to post signs on Lawrence Avenue off Highway ~~55 between the Spruce Motel and the Airliner Motel reading "No truck parking allowed anytime". Mr. Bill Branch appeared to discuss the bumps in the Valley Bank Road and indicated that he would work with the Minnesota Highway Dep&~ent and the Town Engineer in an effort to rectify this situation. He indicated that the Minnesota Highway~~Department had agreed to cuC the mat and remove the old base and install a new base if the Town would flo the blacktopping. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Klein and Seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the Utility Department be, and it hereby is, authorized to do the blacktopping as outlined by Superintendent Branch subject to the approval of the Town Engineer and the worlc being done by the tii.nnesota Highway Department. There was no Park Committee Business. Tide following building permit applications were applied for: 1. Mr. Hu~senp~ruit, 3120 Pilot Knob Road, appeared requesting a varwanc:, under~Zoni~rg Ordinance ~k6. He was referred to the Advisory Planning Commiti:ee and told to apply formally for the variance desired. 2. Arnold Carlson, 4350 Pilot Rnob Road appeared on behalf of his application for a residential building permit to construct a residence 26 ft, x 72 ft. at an estimated cost of $30,000.00. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, it was RESOLVED that the building permit application be, and hereby is, approved and ordered issued subject to payment of appropriate fees therefor. 3. An application by Mark Jones and Rauenhorst Corporation for a building permit to put a b,000 sq. ft. addition onto the .Concord hrdustries building in Eagandale Industrial Park was presented, Upon motion duly made by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, it was RESOLVED that the l+uild,ing permit application be, and the same hereby is, approved and the perx:?.~~. ordered issued subject to payment of the appropriate fees therefor. Mr, Jack Lawrence appeared on behalf of the application of Nelson Tire Company -for a sign permit to erect two signs on its building in Sibley Industrial Park. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, it was RESOLVED that the application for sign permits for Nelson Tire Company be, and they hereby are, duly approved and ordered issued upon the payment of the appropriate fees therefor. - 2 - Mr. Norman Hagen representing the Eagan Jaycees appeared with regard to the 4th of July celebration requesting use of Cedar Park for this purpose Upon motion duly made by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Uselmanr_,- it was RESOLVED that the Eagan Jaycees be, and they hereby are a;athorized to hold a G.th of July celebration in Cedar Park. The continued public hearing regarding Improvement Project #73 and the application of Kenneth Applebaum to rezone Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Robert Karatz Addition from R-1 Residential to R-6 Multiple Residential and the application for a front foot variance and division of lots in Letendre Addition were jointly considered by the Board. Mr. Kenneth Applebaum appeared on behalf of the request for imp~tovement project ~k73 and applications for rezoning and variance and Mr. Marvin Green, an attorney, appeared on behalf of residents opposing Improvement Project ~k73, the rezoning and the variance requested by Mr. Applebaum. It was noted that an error had been made in the Notice of the Public Hearing for Improvement Project ~~'~3 by not including certain areas-which would ultimately be subject to assessment for the projectp Upon motion duly made by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was R.GS~LVED that the Town Attorney be, and he hereby is, ordered and directed to republish a correct Notice of Hearing setting the hearing for public hearing on said Improvement Project ~~73 for July 6, 1971 at 8:00 P. M.; and further RESOLVED that the public hearing on the rezoning application be continued together with the variance request until July 6th, 1971 for joint hearing and consideration. The public hearing on Improvement Project 460, Part II, for street improvements proposed in Harvey Addition ~~2y continued from the May 18th Board meeting was again entertained. Mr. Bruce Lager, 3312 Roll Lane,- and David Breske, 3309 Wren Lane, appeared in opposition to the improvement project. Upon motian duly made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Super- - 3 - visor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that Improvement Project ~k60, Part II, be, and the same hereby is, ordered in. Rev. E. t1. Borchert appeared on behalf of his application for a bt~ild:~z~ permit and variance in Section 29,27-23 on Blackhaw~s Road.• It was Hated that the Advisory Planning Committee recommended approval. Upon motion dt1ty made by Chairman Klein end seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the building permit application and variance be, and the same hereby are, duly approved and the permit ordered issued upon payment of appropriate fees therefor, subject to a SO ft. road easement being granted to the To-,an by the applicant. Mr. Jerome Hagemeister also appeared on behalf of the application of Pilot Knob Properties for final plat approval for Pilot Knob Heights, 1st Addition. It was noted that the Advisory Planning Committee recommended approval. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor UI~elmann and seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the plat of Pilot Knob Heights, 1st Addition, be and the same hereby is, finally approved subject to the payment into an escrow fund of the suns of $~0 per unit for Park Dedication purposes, Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor Rahna it was RESOLVED that the application of rletram Properties for a buildir_C permit for the construction of Towt~laouses 'and'"for pxeliminaxy .plat approval for Townview addition north of Silver Bell Road between Hight:ay ~~13 and Blackhawk F~oad be set for public hearing on June l5, 1971 at 8:00 P. M. Mr. Roger Sperling appeared on behalf of his application for a division of Lot 2, Highview Acres into two separate parcels fox residential homesites. Upon motion duly wade bg Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor Rahn it was RESOLVED that the application be, and the same hereby is~ duly approved and the applicant permitted to subdivide said Lot 2, Highariew Acres into two separate parcels. It was noted that Court action had been taken to remove deed restrictions. 4 Mr. ATason appeared on Uehalt of the request of 4lillm~rs Prc~xerties for a feasibility st:~dy covering property in Sections 2S and 29-27-23 South of H3,ghtaay ~~30 and East of 13SE, for water, sanitary sewer and streets ins th?.s area. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Rahn and seconded by Chairman IZleia, it was RESOLVED to refer the matter to the Town Engineer for prerar~t~~.+~~ of a feasibility study. The Town Clerk presented the canvas and report forms concerning the special park bo:id issue election held on May 25, 1971 with election results t~Lulat~d thereon. Ugon motion duly made by Chairman Klein and seconded b;T Supervisor Uselmann, it was RE50LVED that the canvas and report forms be eaeca.c~' as presented. The Town Attorney presented an opinion regarding the operation of bir.~a games in the Halfway House by the Mendota-Eagan Athletic Association on Sundays. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman Klein, it was RESOL~IED that Bingo be permitted at the Halfway House on Sundays provided thaC the Halfway House relinquish its Sunday liquor license; otherwis:: the application to conduct bingo is denied. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the Assessment Committee minutes of May 18, 1971 be, and they hereby arm, duly approved as preseaIIed. The receiving of bids and awarding of contracts £or Project ~~S8, Part 5, Fish Lake Sanitary Sewer Project was deferred to the June 15, 1971 Boy^.~rd ~neetir.; so as to permit the Town Engine~ar and Town Attorney to negot~.ate with Mr. Don Christe:zson regarding the improvements across his property. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman Klein it was RESOLVED that Improvement Project ~~75, Eagandale No. 4, street improvements be, and the same hereby is, duly set for public hearing on July 6, 1971 at $:00 P. M.; and FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Engineer be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to proceed with plats and specifications • 5 - t h, for the improvement project subject to being certain that the money was available for the project, the Town Engineer to check with Mr. Olsen of Juran and yloody regarding this matter. Mr, Chuclr Hall., Chairman of the Park Committee, appeared and presented a report on the bond issue and projections for future activity for acru:~5'iL"~.sr~ of pack lands. Ugon motion duly made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconde~3 t~y Supervisor P.ahn, it was RESOLVED that the Park Gommittee be, and hereby is, d~i1y •athorized to receive up to the sum of $7,000.00 for developmental activities in items 1 and 5 of the Park Development Plan; and FURTHE?t RESO:.~~'u;; that Che Toren Attorney be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to pre~~l::e a letter for the Board to be sent to the owners of partc property proposed fuz acquisition. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor P.ahn, it was P.LSOLVED that the aF?~Iication for an off--sale 3.2 beer license by Super America at the intersection of County Road X30 and highway #13 be, and the same hereby is, duly approved. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Use L-nann, it was PESOLVED to extend the trailer permit for one additional year from and after the date hereof, to George Johnson situated on Dodd Road south o~E County Road ~~30 due to a hardship. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Uselmann it was RESOLVED that all assessments be hbated.far Che'~a~an..To4mshl.p ~ium}Shouse lot in Lot l2, Block 1. :. Upon motion made by Chairman K1eia and seconded by Supervisor Uselmann it was RESOLVED that the separate resolution as presented approving Minnesota Laws, 1971, Chapter S21 relating to bonds for public buildings be, and the same hereby is, duly adopted as presented; and FURTHER RESOLVED that the Certificate of Approval of Special Law by Governing Body pursuant to Minnesota - 6 - Statutes, Sections 645.02 and 645.021 be completed as presented and executed and filed with the Secretary of State of innesota forthwith, and that copies of said resolution and certificate be spread upon the minutes of Via. meeting. Upon motion by Chairman Klein seconded by Supervisor Uselmann it was RESOLVED to approve the hiring of Pamela Hoppe for part time secreta~fal.~~k at $2.00 per hour in the Eagan General Offices. It was noted by the Clerk that a public hearing was being held regarding improvement of highway ~~SS on Juhe 10, 1971 in Bloomington, Minnesota. Upon motion duly made and seconded all bills were approved as presented and ordered paid, under warrant numbers 5929 through 5888 on Account No. ~,,. 12-01022. ".~-. ~`~ Upon motion 8uly:made and sec,ot~ded the meeting was adjourned. -~ bated Gl/ ~?/ ~.. E,c ~~-~_ .. CI rk - 7 -