08/24/1971 - City Council SpecialMINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF TIC $OARD pF SUPERVISORS TOtJ~t OF EAGAN, DAKOTA COUNTY, MiNNE50TA August 24, 1971 A special meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Eagan Township, Dakota County, Minnesota, was held on liugust 24, 1971, at 7:00 o'clock p.m. at the Town Hall at which Chairman Klein acid Supervisor Uselmann were present and fiupervisor Rahn was absent. Chairman itlein presided. The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting of the Board of Supervisors was unanimously waived. Mr. and P4rs. Flogstad appeared on behalf of Cheir applica- tion for a special use permit to conduct a Day Care Children's Center at the fit. Calvary Lutheran Church on :uahn Road and submitted to the Board written approval from the State Fire Marshall and from the State Department of Public `L~elfare. Chairman I~lein then directed the Town Attorney in accordance with a previous resolution of the Board to prepare and submit prior to its next special assessment meeting on August 3I, 1971, a legal opinion that the applicant was in compliance with all state and local rules, regulatioas, and statutes regarding the operation of such a center. Town Engineer Robert Itosene appeared requesting approval for Public improvement Projects Nos, 64 and S1. Upon motion duly ioade by Chairman itlein and seconded by Supervisor Uselmann it was RESOLVED that the plans and specifications for Public Improvement Project No. 64, Trunk Water and unitary Sewer, be, and they hereby are, duly approved; and, FURTHER IESOLVED that the Town Engineer be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to advertise for bids to be received and open- ed September 20, 1971, at 2:OQ o'clock p,m. at the Town Hall -1- Upon motion duly made by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Uselmann it was RESOLVED that the plans and specifications for Public Imp;:avement Pro3ect no. 31, :street Improvements, be and they hereby are, duly approved. ^auperintendent [lilliam Branch appeared with regard to pro posed wage increases for Public [;corks Department employees. The Town t:ttarney advised the Board that under the President's wage freeze no salary or wage increasesscould be made during the frozen period. The wage increases proposed, nonetheless, were discussed in detail and the Board agreed informally that at such time as wage increases could be legally made, the Board would be competitive with the surrounding comm- unities and the existing union contracts, bearing in mind the previous- ly negotiated union contract for Eagan which wag never finally eonsum- ated for lack of a bargaining unit. :also, discussed with Superintendent Branch was the matter of whether there should be a separate Building and Inspection Department from the Utilities and Public Works Department or whether the Building and Inspection should be under the one department of Public i:corks. The Board agreed to study the matter and to futher discuss it at the assess- went meeting scheduled for august 3I, 1971, when `'upervisor P~ahn would be present. Police Chief Martin DesLaurier and Office Peter Popplar appeared regarding wage reQuests for the Police Department. .: wage increase proposal was submitted to the Board which was diacussed fn detail. The Town s:ttorney again advised the Board about the Federal wage freeze and the Board expressed the same thought to the Police Department, Chat is, that it will be competitive wit~r surrounding communities at such time as wage increases can be mace - 2 - Chairman Klein directed the Town Clerk to check with the Toombs Insurance Agency regarding liability coverage for on duty police officers to see if such personal protection can be afforded the individual officers for claims made against them while on duty under the broad form liability coverage now carried by the Township and other alternatives if this is not possible. The Town !>ttorney indicated to the Board that at such time as the President's Tlage Freeze Guidelines are printed and distributed to the legal profession, a copy of these guidelines along with an opinion would be forthcoming from the Town Attorney to the Board. The Town Attorney then discussed his letter regarding the new County Court System in his meeting with Judge Gerald Carlson. Police Chief DesLauriers then discussed with the Board the possibility of joining with Inver Grave in having a central dispatch- ing system for 24 hour fire and police service and, also, the housing of the facilities for this commugication center in some central loca- tion between the two communities. Chief DesLauriers indicated that he thought Federal funds would be available for this purpose. The Town Attorney was directed to determine if, in fact, Federal funds would be available for this purpose. Chief DesLauriers then discussed with the Board his proposal for using a fund of approximately $200.00 in donations for the purpose for offering a reward leading to the arrest and conviction of any person selling or suppiying narcgtics ox drugs in the Town of Eagan. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor LTselmann, it was RESOLVED that the Chief of Police be, and he hereby is, author- ised to offer a $100.00 reward to any person giving bone fide informa- tion to the Police Department leading to the arrest and conviction of -3- any person selling ar supplying narcotics or drugs to any other person within the Town of Eagan. Upon mot3.on of Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman Klein it was RESOLVED that a building permit for a garage 20 feet by 22 feet in the amount of $1900.00 be approved for Edward Lsinkert, 2868 South Lexington, The garage to face McKee Street. It was ~ FURTHER RESOLVED that said garage be located 5 feet frogs the neigh- hors side tot line when written permission from Mr. Formanack is placed on file. Upon motion by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Uaelmann it was RESOLVED that a building permit for a pale type machine shed 25 feet by 35 feet in the amount of $2500.00 be approved for Mrs. Anna Heuer, Pilot IZnob Road. The machine shed will be built on 37 acres of her property on Deerwpod Drive. There being no further business, upon motion the meeting adjourned. DATED: ~~ugust 25, 1971 ~" -L ~~~Town Clerk