09/14/1971 - City Council SpecialSPECLAL I•~ETING OF BOL-.RD Or UUPEI.VISORS TOI:~J OF EI.GAN, DE.KOTA COUIITY, P2INPIESOTEi ^eptember 14, 1971 There was a special Board meeting of the Board of Supervisors on ,~eptember 14, 1971, at which all members were present. 'ihe Chairman announced -that the main purpose of the meeting ivas to consider the assessment rolls cover- ing various projects that had been completed du:-ing the past year. The Town Engineer and gown Attorney together with the _,~sessment Cleric assist- ed in explaining the actual information concerning each project and numer- ous property owners appeared in response to the published and mailed notices. The Board considered the following projects in the following order: 1. Improvement Project ;;F 49, Part 1, concerning sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer improvements in numerous areas including Harvey <:ddition, Harvey Addition ~,~2, Burrvie~•1 acres, Rollofski Plat, part of P.obert O'Neill Homestead addition, and seve:-a1 other areas. There were no objections to the assessments but questions from several property owae~s. 2. Project ,F 49, Part 2, included sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer improvements in Country Homes Heights addition, Treffle llcres, part of Zehnders ~'.cres, Riley's ~ubdivi~ion, Post rddition, Popplar Homestead, and several other areas. It was noted that the Board had set a maximum of $225.00 and a n?,L~n~mum of $125.00 frontage for lots to be assessed in Country Homes Heights ~iddition. Numerous property owners questioned gssessments on their lots in Country Homes Heights ._ddition and the Board sugg- ested that they appear at a meeting of theassessment Committee to be held at 4:00 p.m. NIonday, ;;eptember 20, 1971, at the ~~'own Hall to go over their assessments in detail. The Board further indicated that after the hearing the ..ssessment Cleric would be available to give further information concerning individual assess- ments. 3. Project ~~ 49, Part 3, includi~ sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water improvements in Blackhawk Hills Addition, Blackhawk,Acres, Jon Croft Acres, and numerous other parcels acaprding to the notice. 4, Improvement Project ~~ 51 consisting of street improvements in Cedar Industrial Park, Si~aley Terrace, Sibley Terminal Industrial Park, Eagandale Center Industrial Park No. 3, including miscellaneous parcels according to the notice, There were no objections to the improvements. 5. Improvement Project ~~ 57, Part 2, water and sanitary sewer to Trinity Lone Oak Lutheran Church and School. There were no objections to the assessment. 6. Project ~~ 61, sanitary sewer and water Bunker Hill, Fox Ridge Apartments, and Coachman Heights Apartment area, There were no objections to the assessments, and the assessments were spread over a 3 year period in the Fox Ridge area, 10 years in the Bunker Hill and 10 years in the Coachman Heights areas. 7. Sanitary sewer and water services to Mount Calvary Lutheran Church Pastor's residence on P.ahn Road in Section 20. There were no objections to the assessments. 8. Area water assessments to Texaco Service Station in the Cedarvale Area. There was no objection. Several property owners requested that work be completed by the contractors in their area for clean-up purposes. Upon motion made by Klein seconded by Uselmann aye Rahn it was RESOLVED that •the hearing be continued until September 21, 1971, at the regular Board meeting. Upon motion by Uselmann, seconded by IClein aye Rahn, it was RESOLVED That that contract covering Project ~~ 60 with Fischer Sand and Gravel Company bey and hereby is, approved and ordered executed by the appropriate town offic- ials. The Board then reviewed the request bf Mrs. Claron Ottman, 2033 Carnelian Lane., Cedar Grove, requesting that a 30 day extention be granted for payment of the Cedar Grove Utility Assessment for the reason that her husband is on stri'~e with Minnegasco. The Board indicated that it could not grant an exception because of the problem of setting a precedent for other property owners in the area. Upon motion the meeting adjourned. Clerk