10/19/1971 - City Council RegularI~:iFitTJ~ES OF }~EG~i'IAk ~i~E;':Z.~G Oy BOARD OF ;UPERVISOi2S TOWN OF EAGASi, DAICATA COUNTY, MINNESOTA Octobe* 19; 1971 A regular meeting of the Boards©f Supervisors, Town of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, was held on October 19, 1971 at 7:30 P,.M. at the Town Hall at which all members were present. Chairman Klein presided. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uaelmann and ascended by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the previous meeting be, and they hereby are, approved as presented. Mr. James Olson of Juran & Moody, the town fiscal consultants, appeared at the opening of the bids for the $98f1,000.00 General Obligation Imp. Bvnda. The bids were opened and Mr. Olson reported that John Nuveen and Company, Inc. as manager was the low bidder for $980.000.00 of Improvement Bonds and a total interest payment of $359,192.50 and set interest rate of 5.0132. Other bidders were as follows: First National Bank of Minneapolis, as managers, total inter- est payment of $359,618.00, net interest rate of 5.01909% Dain, Kalman, and Quail, Inc., as managers fox a total interest cost of $364,434.50 and net interest rate of 5.0863 ; Northwestern National Bank of Minneapolis for a ta!:al interest cost of $360,744.00 and a net interest rate of 5.0348%. Upon n:f~tion duly made by Chairman Klein and seconded Supervisor Rahn, aye Supervisor Uselmann, it was RESOLVED that the bid of John Nuveen and Company, Inc. on the $90,000,00 Imp. Bonds at the interest race of 5.0132% and a total interest cost of $359,192.50 be and the same hereby is duly approved and accepted and the bonds be preFared and issued. Chief of Police Martin DesLauriers appeared regarding the joint police facilities as proposed by Inver Grove. Upon motion made by Chairnan Klein and seconded by Supervior Hahn, it was RESOLVED that Chief Martin DesLauriers t:e, and he hereby is, duly appointed to a police facilities study committee for the purpose of determining the advantages and disadvantages of having ,joint police facilities with the Village of Inver Grove and Rosemount. Race Chief William Schultz s;-peared and requested additional Bose s be purchased at aA Qstimated Copt of $2,000.00. Upon motion duly made by ChaiL~cnan Klee, sru~ Aeconded by Supervisor Uselmann, it was RESOLVED that the request for purchase of additional hose in the amount o€ $2,fl00.00 which had been budgeted previously be, and the same hereby is, approved, and the Fire Chief authorized to purchase same. Chairman Klein then at the suggestion of Chief Schultz directed the Town Attorney to render a legal opinion on the design and construction bid to>"cept for the November 2 meeting of the Board of Supervisors. Upon motion made by Chairman Klein and Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that Fire Chief Schultz be, and he hereby is, authorized to purchase a rotating light, sike:~, and VHF radio for the 1966 Chevrolet vane truck which had been donated to the department for a rescue squad truck. This expenditure +ol8a also with the cur- rent equipment budget. The Board then unanimously directed the Clerk to send a letter of commendation to all the members of the Eagan Fire Department for a fine job in promoting the new Fire Hall Bond Issue. Superintendent William Branch appeared on behalf of the Utility Depert- vent and requested that he be authorized to purchase a meter testing bimc#t s~: ~n estimated cost of $1,000.00. Upon mmotion duly made by Chairman Klein any? seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that Superintendent Branch be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to purchase a aaeter testing bench at an estimated cost of $1,000.00. The Town Attorney presented the Board with a check in excess of $1,100.00 in settlement of additional defects in the Cedar Grove Utility S;~ctc-,: ss determined by the Eagan Utility Department in full and final settlement :~y the To~sahin of ail claims against the Utility Company. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor Rahn, i.t was RESOLVED that the 2 x check from Ceder Grove be, and teze same hereby is, accepted wi.~h the unue~standing that all claims as to defects in the systems at the Cedar Grove Utility Co. water and sewage treatment plant have been rectified or resolved through payment by the Utility Company to the Town. Mr. Dale Peterson, Building Inspector pointed out what appeared to be an amisaion of setback requiremaztb under Ordinance !~6 in industrial areas. The Board directed .the Town Attorney to look into the matter and report back to the Board on November Z and if necessary to prepare an appropriate ammendment to Oxciira~ce 4~6. Secretary Barbara Schmidt appeared oa behalf of the Park Committee who reported the forthcoming public meetings to be held for informational purposes :Lout the park acquisition program, previously noted in the minutes of the Board meeting. The Committee requested that the Town Attorney be authorized to purchase the leased McKee Park plus approximately foz additicnal sexes in addition to the other proposed park acquisitions under the HUD application. Upon motion duly rarde by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman Klein, it was RESOLVED that the Town Attorney be, bpd he hereby is authorized and directed to include the a+,quisition of McKee Park plus approximately for additional acres in ttie proposed Park acquisition program under the existing HUD application. Upon motion made by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, it was RESOLVED that $400.0% he appropriated for amending a portion of the HUD application fox acquisition ~^,nci developments of these park lands. Mr. Steve Selisky, 4432 Stevens Avenue South, Minneapolis, appeared cn behalf of his request to move a single family house onto Lot 7, Block 5, Coun_ry biome Heights from property at 3939 East 46th Street, Minneapolis, the house be~.r~g a model home 28' by 40' and a 24' by 24' double garage to be attached with full i~a:.eme:.t. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor Rahn, 3 it was RESOLVED that the building permit application be, an3 the acme hereby is, approved and ordered issued upon payment of the appropriate fees therefor. Chairman Klein next convened the public hearing on the preliminary report covering Imp. Project #87 consisting of sewer and water service to service Briarwood Addition. No one appeared in objection to the proposed project. Upon motion made by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Rahn, aye Supervisor Uselmann, it was RESOLVED that the project be ordered in and that the Town Engi- neer be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to prepare plans and specifi- cations for the project and the Clerk to advertise for bids to be received and opened on November 15, 1971 at 3:00 P.M. Chairman Klein then convened the public hearing on Public Imp. Project tlo. 63 covering sewer and water to the Ballantrae Apartment project which concern the assessments. No one appeared in opposition to the public hearing concerning the assessment of Public Imp. Project No. 63. Upon motion by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor Rahn, aye Chairman Klein, it was RESOLVED that the a3sessment roll for Publie Imp. Project No. 63 as presented be, and the same hereby is, duly approved and adopted. Chairman Klein next convened a public hearing concerning the assessment of Public Imp. Project ~~68 covering sewer and water improvements to McCarthy Ridge. No one appeared in objection to the proposed assessment. Upon motion trade by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor Rahn, aye Chairman Klein, it was P.ESOLVED that the assessment roll as presented fer Public Imp. Project ~~6~ be, and the same hereby is, duly approved and adopted. Dir. James Bever appeared on behalf of the application of Instant Ho'.a~s for a Aign permit for a mobile home sales area South of Highway ,1k55 in the McKee area. The company also requested the use of ane mobile home as an office without necessity of hooking up to sewer and water and requested a variance under Ordi- narice ~E20. It was noted that the APC recommended approval of the sips permit. 4 Upon motion duly made by Chairman Klein and ,~gconde~ try Supe~isor Uselmann, it was RESOLVED that the sign permit application bet and the same hereby is, approved and the same ordered issued sutr~ect to t1~ check and approval of the Chief of Police and Superintendent of p}tblic tiJorka concerning the safety factors involved with the erection of the pxoposed sign. N'o action was taken on the request for variance and the matter was referred to tl}e Building Superintendent for study and report. The application of Osmon Temple for a building permit ;for a storage facil- ity at the Lost Spur Country Club was next consid,sred. Upon motion made by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Uselmanp, it was RESOLVED that the application be, and the same hereby is, approved and ordered issued upon payment of the appropriate fees therefor subject Co the Town Engineers approval as to the location and height of the manhole and a site drainage plan. Mr. Robert Johnson appeared on 'behalf of the application of R. L. Johnson Investment Company for approval of an excavation for a future building on Highway 13 near iCankee Doodle Road. Upon motion made by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Uselmann it was RESOLVED that the application be, and the same hereby is, approved subject to coordinating the site planning, grading and draingage with the Town Eig inee~ and obtaining his approval the re~~ a Mr. J. C. Sweeney and Mr. Nasim Qureshi appeared on behalf of the applica- tion of Mr. Qureshi to transfer the special use permit from Mr. Sweeney to Himself to operate a mobile home sales area on Highway 49. Application was also made for a sign permit and permit to occupy a mobile home as an office. Mr. Francis Savelkoul, ~~rtner of Qureshi, also appeared. Upon motion made by Chairma~r K~Qin and ~t~gonded by Supervisor Uselmann, iC was RESOLVED that 5 ~ ~ ~ ,1 a nets. a~t~cia~, use permit would be issued directly to Mr. Qureshi and Savel- t~o~~,,~ as individuals, upon the same conditions and subject to the same restric- Lions as the original special use permit issued to Mr. Sweeney; and further REBQL~kED th~4~ the .sign permit be issued subject to the approval of the Building Inspector and Chief of Police and that they also be permitted to occupy a mobile home as an office 'be approved. Upon motion made by Chairman Rlein and seconded by Supervisor Rahn , it was RESOLVED that the utility contract for Public Improvement Project No. 81 be, and the same hereby is, duly approved and the Chairman and Clerk ordered to execute the same. The-Town Attorney submitted a report on his preliminary meeting with representatives of the Metropa~t$n Sewer Board concerning the possible acquisition of the Cedar Grove ~e~ge".and treatment plant by the Metropolitan Sewer Board. The matter was discussed at same length and the Town Attorney advised the Board that tie would make a eharough study of the proposed acquis- ition from a legal viewpoint under the applicable statutes and report back to the Board before proceeding further with negotiations. Mr. Lloyd Jafvert ,Apache Engineering, appeared on behalf of the applica- Lion of Mr. Vogelpohl for a building permit to~e~onstruct multiple residential units North of Silver Bell Road and Highway No. 13. Mr. Jafvert pointed out that the only change from the original plans and specifications submitted earlier to the Board was that they now pro vided for underground parking in the first !+8 unit building.. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the building permit be granted subject to the same plan and site plan as submitted previously for the addition of underground parking, subj&ct to the approval of the Town Engineex and Building Inspecthf and the park dedication according to the previous agreement with applica nt Vagelpohl. b Mr. Ken Appelbaum appeared concerning a request for a change order to Public Improvement Project No. 58 part 5 to add sewer and water and storm sewer at an additi+~nal cost of $31,711.00. Upon motion made by Supervisor I~selmann and seconded by Supervisor Rahn aye Klein it was ~tES03.VED that the change order be, and the same hereby is, ~rd~res~_ ~ubjec~ #p '~taivers baing obtained from affected property owners and appr~,~l<by°thp Town Attorney. Mr. Robert Brandt appeared on beha3~~ df~Ce¢ar Grove ~onstrueC~ttn Company and requested permission to move .the townhouse model from the North side of ,,; _. Silver Be11 Road to the interior street South bf Silver Be11 RoaS which perm- n ission was granted. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman Kie3.n aye Rahn it was RESOLVED that the taking of bids for Public Improvement Project No. 70, Part A, Sewer and Water, be set for November 15, 1971, at 3:00 p.m. at the Town Ha11. Upon motion made by Supervisor Useimann and seconded by Supervisor Rahn it was RESOLVED that the insurance premiums be increased on the town plan to cover unwed mothers. Upon motion by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Uselmann it was RESOLVED that a credit of $125.00 be given Martin Sh3.elds against the water lateral assessment of $4.60 per front foot for the reason that no water tags was provided and there was difficulty in connecting to the min. It was noted that the rate was in effect in January 1971. Upon motion by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the warming house contracts as presented be referred to the Town Attorney for examination and rg-drafting if necessary. Upon motion made by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Uselw&cu1, it was RESOLVED to hire Lorene Lee at a starting salary of $425.00 per month, he 1f the ee'+rry to be charged to general office expense and thq other half to 4Jater and Sewer Fund, commencing November 1, 1973., for bookkeeping and ge~::- eral office duties. 7 Upon motion made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that the following warrants be authorized: 4~arrants Nos. 6704--6798-- a/c No. 11-01022 Garrants Nos. 915--919--a/c No. 1101073 Upon motion made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that all bills as presented be, and they hereby are, approved and ordered paid. Upon motion made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned. ~~T wn Clerk ~ 8