03/14/1972 - City Council RegularPIINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING EAGAN TOT?NSHIP, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOT.1 March 14, 1972 Notice being duly posted and published, the t~nnual Meeting of t:1e Town of Eagan was held on March 14, 1972. The ~.nnual Election was held in ~.hP four polling places. Polls opened at 7:00 o'clock ?..M. and closed at 8:(10 o'clock P.M. with the results canvassed thereafter. The results were Hs follows: For Supervisor, 3 year term: William Rydrych 741 votes John Tancheff 209 votes John Klein (write-in) 4votes For Town Clerk, 2 year term: Alyce Bolke 877 votes For Justice of the Peace, 2 year term: Helen M. Kennedy 866 votes There were several other write-in votes Mr. Rydrych was p'~Fcted Supervisor, Alyce Bolke was elected Town Clerk and Hele~t M. Kennedy was elected Justice of the Peace. The business meeting was held at Northview Elementary ,School at 8:30 o'clock P.M, Clerk _ayce Bolke called the business meeting to order. The Pledge of Falegiance vas given. Nominations were requested for a Alodera~gr. Herb Polzin nominated Neil Coates, seconded by Ted tlachter. Neil Coates no:inated Joe Harrison who declined. Larry ;trohkirch moved Co Clese the nominations, seconded by Joe Harrison and mo*_:~on carried. Neil Coatea was named Moderator and duly sworn in and thereafter presided at the meeting.. Joseph Harrison moved to dispense with the reading of the ~~rnual Meeting Minutes of 1971. Copies had been distributed. Barbara ScH~nidt seconded the motion and the motion carried, Joseph Harrison moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes cf the Regu)ar Meetings for the past year inasmuch as the minutes are on file with the Clerk and open for inspection, seconded by Thomas Monahan and motion carried. Chairman Jahn J. Klein spoke on the 'State of the Township. He stated the bond issue for a new Bire Hall had been passed and was presently under construction which would serve the North end of the Town. The To~~n purchased a new pumper, and the Fire Department had equipped a Rescue Van ~;hich had been donated and a Chief's car. !~ new teletype had been installed and is in operation in the Police Department, two new officers had been added, and we currently are working on a joint facility with Inver Grove Heights and Rosemount. Two new trucks were purchased for the Utility Department, Cliff Road will be biacktopped this year, The Park Bond issue had passed and we axe currently working on land acquisition. Building Permits fox 1971 were valued at $17,900,000, there are $13,000,000 in uC~.lity lines and the Tom has sold 3p additional $954,000 in bands for projects under construction. There are currently over 2,000 sewer and water connections which includes the Cedar Grove Utilities Company facilities acquisition last .August. Eagan is in an e~:cellent position from•continuity of staff, personnel, consultants, etc., according to Mr. IClein. He indicated the Town is in excellent fisea7, ~~gPe and has a balance in the General Fund of over $30,000 and presen~+~y has'the rawest mill rate in the Metro l~rea, He thanked the people for giving him the privilege of serving them for the past 9 years and stated he hoped the ne~~ Board would take into consideration the total development and best interest of the whole community. Martin DesLauriers, Police Chief, discussed the activ~.ties of the -2- Police Department £or the past year. He stated the department had added two £uIl-time men and next month would have 11 full-time patrolmen. He stated the number of calls has increased and the number of miles traveled has increased. 3uvenile problems are increasing, traffic cases have increased and court time has more than doubled. He thanked the Board and all the residents for their cooperation and support. Fire Chief, tdilliam :~chultz, talked on the activities of the Fire Department for the past year. He stated that it is a total volunteer group with 70 Volunteer Firemen. Bloomington, which is the third largest city in Minnesota, has a volunteer department so he feels we can continue in this capacity. Training and fire prevention are impo-tant parts of the overall program. The new fire station in the North end of the Town is under consti~sc- tion with completion set for August, 1972. ;. van truck was donated and ~p~cue equipment was donated by the Lions Club. There will be a Uniform Fire Code effective July, 1972. He introduced the two -_ssistant Chiefs, Jerry edam and .'onny calm. Mr. Charles Hall, Park Board Chairman, reported on the activities of the Park Committee for the ps.st year. The greatest aceishment was the passage of the bond referendum in May and in February $700,000 in park bonds were sold to purchase land. HUD approved matching funds for acquisition in the amount of $295,000. He discussed the various land acquisitions, prog5~a~~s and activities of the past year. Joseph Harrison moved to retain the three official posting places ~~~ the Town, namely, Town Hall, Lone Oak Tree and Applebaum's, seconded by Ted i•Jachter and motion carried. Joseph Krisnik moved to set the time for the polls to open for the i:nnual Election 1973 -- polls to open at 7;00 o~clocl~ A.M. and close at u:00 -3- o'clock P.M., seconded by Larry Strohkirch and motion carried. Joseph Krisnik moved to have the 1973 '.nnual Business Meeting at Northview School at 3:30•o'clock P.M., seconded by Joseph Harrison and motion carried. The Clerk read the ~:nnual Audit ?report and copies were distributed to-those attending the meeting. Joseph Harrison moved to accept the E:udit Deport, seconded by [Jilliam Schultz and motion carried. The Cleric read the proposed expenditures for the coming S-ear and stated the difficulty in setting a proposed budget due to the tax levy limita- tions set by the State Legislature. Luther ~talland stated the MMC Hearing on Incorporation will now be Aiay 10 at 9:00 o'clock at the Town Hall and any residents wishing to testify should contact him. John I:lein told the people he had been working to obtain a hospital for Eagan which might necessitate the Town bonding for the facility and then renting it, Joe Harrison suggested a committee be appointed to study this. Joseph Krisnik moved as follows: 'vJe, the people of Eagan, request our elected offi=cials to look into the medical needs and medical facilities for Eagan Township, §gpondad ~~ Joe Harrison. R4r. Green felt the motion was superfluous but Mr. I:lein stated he felt the Annual Meeting is a good place to get Che opinion of the residents. Jerry edam moved to cut off debate, Joe Harrison seconded the motion and the motion carried. The question was called on the original motion and the motion carried. John Klein talked briefly on the possibility of Metro Cable for the -area, Merle I.undsten asked the Town Board to reconsider and publish the agendas for Board NIeetings in the Dakota County Tribune. -4- Joseph I{risnilc moved as follows: Be it Resolved-that we, the people of Eagan wish to express our appreciation and thanks to the Police and sire Departments and all the Lagan staff-for their work. during the past year, seconded by Joe Harrison and motion carried. t~lyce Boltce stated she wished to publicly thank John IZlein :nor 9 years of excellent service to the community. The audience applauded. Joseph Harrison moved to continue the meeting to October 10, 197?, at the Town Hall at 8;00 o'clock P.M., seconded by Don Schultz and motion carried. Dated: March 14, 1972 ~,~,u2 ,~~~-t (~t~/ -5-