04/24/1972 - City Council SpecialMINUTES OF SPECIAL JOITIT MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPEP.VISOT2S & PA;:i: BOARD EAGAN TOGINSHIP, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA April 24, 1972 A special muting of the Board of Supervisors of Eagan Township was held at the Eagan Town Hall on April 24, 1972, at 4;00 P.M. at which all members were present together with Attorney Paul Hauge, Engineer Robert Rosena, John Voss and Tony Roszak. Barbara Schmidt, Jan Callenius and Larry StrohTcircF., Parts Board members,. were also present. Chairman P.ahn presided and stated that the meeting had been called to discuss the purchase of the Burow, McCarthy and other park sites.. Mr. Roszak indicated he was not able to reach an agreement with the representatives of Mrs. Burow. He further felt we should not condemn for more than the original 40 acre site. John Voss, Flanner, was in accordance. Upon motion of Supervisor Uselmann, seconded by Chairman Rahn, aye Supervisor Rydrych, it was RESOLVED that the Attorney start condemnation proceedings on the 40 acre park site owned by Mrs. Aiexa Burow as provided in tt~e original park acquisition layout. Attorney Paul Hauge discussed the proposed sewer trunk easement needed on the Alexa Burow property an Rahn Road and Cliff Road. $2,500.00 had been offered for this easement which was not acceptable to the owner; however, the property owner indicated she would settle for $3,SOO~.Ot3. Upon motion of Supervisor_Uselmann, seconded by Supervisor Rydrych, aye Chairman Rahn, it was RESOLVED that payment of $3,500.00 be authorized for permanent end slope ease- went on the Alexa Burow property and if that is not acceptable, then condemnati«^ proceedings shall be commenced. The recent park acquisition from Cedar Grove for the enlargement of Rahn Park in Cedar Grove No. 5 was next discussed. It was noted that the southern boundary was very irregular. Upon motion of Supervisor Uselmann, seconded by Chairman Rahn, aye Supervisor Rydrych, it was RESOLVED that D.C.R. be contacted and request that they deed a small triangle of their property to the Town for park purposes, and it was FURTHER RESOLVED that Mr. Rosene pre- pare a total survey on that park area. r:r. Roszak had received certain stipulations from Attorney Edward McNenomy regarding the purchase agreement for the Joseph McCarthy park site. Mr. McCarthy further requested that the purchase price be raised from $43,000.00 to $4$,000.00. Mr. Roszak pointed out that this was the major entrance to the park and the most valuable site in that park.. Upon motion of Supervisor Uselmann, seconded by Chairman Rahn, aye Supervisor Rydrych, it was P.ESOLVED that the purchase price of $48,000.00 be accepted and the purchase agreement be referred to the Town Attorney which should provide that in the event that the land on Lexington retained by Mr. McCarthy is subdivided or more than one residence built thereon that utility and street assessments be then determined on the basis of benefit according to the purchase agreement. In addition, the Boards reviewed the proposed Parranto park site purchase east of Highway 49. Because the area of the~site did~not correspond with the area originally discussed by the Park Board an additional review of the site will be made at the Park Board meeting on May 8. Further discussion was held on the proposed park and frail system with no decisions reached. Dated: April 24, 1972 ~-~ ~ ~--~-~, C~~~ T -2-