05/23/1972 - City Council SpecialMINUTES OF SPECIAL r;EETITdG OF BOAP~D Cis SUPEP.VISORG TOT:~N OTC EAGAN, DAKOTA COUiITY, i~ili~13SOTA May 2~, 1972 A special meeting of the Board of Uupervfsors, Town of Eagan, Dakota County, P~iinnesota, was held on Niay 23, 1972, a~ 7:00 P.T1. at the To~•~n i-lall at which all members were present. Chairman rahn presided. The reading of the minutes o£ the previous meeting of the Board was unanimously waived. Chairman P.ahn stated the pu_pose aP the special meetinn to be to discuss in:~`o:.-m~,11y the proposed townhouse development in the ~~obe~-t ICaratz Addition, °hase II or Bunker Hill, and to dis- cuss informally with Cedar Grove Construction Company representatives i:he pko- cedure for i.mprovin~ the Cedar Grove I?o. 7 park site and transfe:.ring ti~:le to the Town. Pr. I~en Appelbaum and representatives ~`rom the Knutson i~.iortgage Company and Atler Corporation, builders, appeared and informally presented the p~~oposed plan and program for the development or t'hase II, Bunker Hill i:z the I.oberL• Ira;-atz Addition, the proposal calling for 'L-he construe:ion os multiple townhouse units. PIo form«1 action was taken. Mr. Jean Parranto, Jaclc Dielentheis and t~Iilliam Busch appeared on behalf of Cedar Grove Construction Company to di~cu~s with the $oard and members of the Parl; Committee the takeover of Ghe pa~-1c site in Cedar Grove 110. 7 on Blackhawk road, the removal of black dirt, the urading and the tranfer o~ legal title to the property to the Town. Supervisor IIyelmann pointed out to the Cedar Grove representatives that refuse materials had been buried on the park si'ce. lir. Dielentheis stated, ho~~iever, that they were sufficiently covered over with e~.rth and there would be no problem with any construction that would be done on the park site havin; solid footings. The Totan Attorney stated that before the Town cou~.d proceed with any improvements legal title C~~ould have to be trans-. (erred to the Town which up to now Cedar Grove Construction Company had declined to do because of blaclc dirt stored on the property. After considerable discussion it caas informally agreed that the tom Engineer, Urban Planninu ~: llesign and Cedar Grove Construction Company repre- ;,entatives jointly will prepare grade specifications and a fill removal sche~:ule of time within ~+ihich the blaclc dirt is to be removed from the property and the property graded to the specifications. It was agreed that these represent4tive~ would meet this weelc and report to the Board, if possible, at its next special Board meeting to be held on Tuesday, A,ay 30th at 7:00 P.TZ. at the Town Hallo fihe Town Attorney and I~r. Busch were requested to prepare an appropriate agree- went which would cover the work to be completed by Cedar Grove Construction Company on the transLer o~ tide. NIr. Elmer Scott appeared on behalf of his re-application for a gravel pit permit covering a 12 acre parcel in Section 2~-27-23 on County Road s;`63 whereby Fisher Construction Company would be en ;aged by Pir. :cott to remove approximately 350,000 cubic yards of gravel, Tt was noted that Tir. "cott's application had first been presented to the ;;oard on March 3, 1970, at which time the permit was ordered granted subject to the preparation of an appropriate written agreement to be signed by the owner and i~isher Construction Company agreeing to comply with all ordinances and regulations of the Town fov the operation of the gravel pit. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman F.ahn, it was P.ESOLVED that the permit application be, and it hereby is, approved and the permit granted subject to the same terms and conditions as adopted in the resolution of the Board of T~arch 3, 1970. The Town Attorney was thereupon directed to prepare an appropriate agreement in accordance therewith and for4~ard same to rlr. Scott and Fisher Construction - 2- Company for execution. The Board directed the Town :n~ineer ~o contact the State Highway Department about the possibility of building a left turn lane off of Highway ;~13 onto Sibley Hills Drive and suggested extending the `~no-pass`` yellow line and righthand pass lane in order to accomplish this. It was also requested that a street designation sign for aibley Hills Drive be obtained and erected at the intersection. Upon motion made by supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman Rahn, it was P.ESOLVED that the TOwn Engineer be, and he hereby i.^, authorized and directed to proceed to contact the State Highway Department about these items. The application of Gordon Huisentruit for a building permit to con- struct a garage at 3120 Pilot :.nob Road 16' x 22' at an estimated cost of $1,600.00 was presented. Upon motion made by Chairman Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, it was ",ESOLVED that the building permit application be approved and the permit issued upon payment of the apporpriate fees therefor. The application of Mi. Harold P.eents for a variance to construct hic home within three feet of his property line at 4i~~ Diamond Drive was presented, Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman P..~hn, it wa;, P.ESOLVED that the variance be, and the same hereby is, granted. Informal discussion was had as to the amendment of all the town ordinances to e~iiminate the specific reference to the amount of fees and to substitute therefor a clause in each ordinance cuhich would simply refer to the current fee schedule on file with the Town Clert: so that as the need arose, fees could be modified simply by -:he resolution o' the Board. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman Zahn, it was RESOLVED to forthwith amend the Trailer Park Ordinance No. 2 to eliminate the specific fee provision and for Che Town Attorney to proceed to prepare such amendments to the other -3- ordinances for approval by the Board; and ~ !.'_THTsP~ P.ES4LVED to increase the annual renewal permit Lee for a trailer permit from ;10.00 to $X5.00 peg: yeas. The matter ox the temporary special uoe pez-mit for Fcobert ~?ills to parlc a trailer at Highway ~;~~.9 and Dodd I;oad on C-1, Coagnercial Property, was brought to the attention of the Board by the To~~n Cleric. It was noted that he had agreed when the permit was issued to remove the t;:ailer no later thaiz July 1, 1972. Upon motion made by Chairman Kahn and seconded by supervisor Uselmann, it was rcESOLVED that t2r. .?ills be notified forthtrith by the Town Clerk to remove his trailer by July 1, 1972, from its present location according to the terms of the issuance of the special use permit. The matter oL the continued location of the .7im Kenitti trailer at 3500 Dadd Road was brought to the attention o~ the Board by the Toam Cleric. Upon motion made by Ghairman ~.,ahn and secondec' by Supervisor U~elmann, it was F:ESOLVED that the trailer home owned by Jim .:'.enitz and situated at X500 Dodd Road be permitted to remain for one more year upon payment of the approps:iate special use permit Lee. Chairman P,ahn noted for the Board that Iii. T.?ayne r?insor had offered his services as a member o£ the newly formed Hospital Committee. Uflon motion made by Chairman P.ahn and seconded by Supervisor ~'ydrych, it wa3 %ES~LVED that T~ir. tJayne Ciinsor be, and he hereby is, appointed as a member of the '!'o~m l:o„pital Committee to serve for one year or until his successor is duly appointed and qualified. Upon motion the meeting adjourned. ., Dated; rIay 23, 1972 '-~~c,r-c ~~~.~.~~_ -4-