10/17/1972 - City Council RegularMINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF BOAP.D OF SUPEF.VISORS VILLAGE OF EAGAN, DAKOTA COUNTY, P;INPdESOTA October 17, 197?_ A regular meeting of the Board of To~~n Supervisors, Village of pagan, Dat:ota County, Piinnesota, was held on October 17, 1972, at 7:30 P.M. at the TocJn Ha11 at which all members were present. Chairman Pahn presided. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann arc? seconded by Chairman Rahn, it was P.ESOLVED that the regular minutes of the Board meeting of October 3rd be, and they hereby are, duly approved as presentcc subject to the following corrections: `~7~r~~ each~~ in Paragraph 2 of Page 2 and amending Paragraph 3, Page 2 from 'current pant planning map` to 'current pa-rlt • planning guide.`` Chief of Police rlartin Des Lauriers appeared with. a request for pares ticipation in the joint facility study to be made by Springsted, Inc. for a cash outlay of $575 (plus approximately $2,19 for personnel's time). Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman P.ahn, it was P.ESOLVED to approve the expenditure and the agreement covering same and that Chief of Police DesLauriers be, and he hereby is, authorized to execute the agreement therefor. Mr. ~lilbur Palm a~,peared on behalf or Fire Department business and requested up to $100 for fire extinguishers, $100 for a makeup kit for first aid instruction, $40.00 for oxygen equipment and $75.00 for a gated 'Y". Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman Rahn, it was P.ESOLVED that the equipment appropriation requested by the Fire Departt~ent bey and the same hereby is, duly approved. Superintendent Gdilliam .Srane~s appeared as befialf of _Utilit~ ,DeparCk went business and requested the a~pr oi` the ct~smissal of Earl dc~Jte~- from the Utility Department for the reasons he outlined. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman P.ahn, it was PtiESOLVED that the dismissal for cause of unapproved absence ffom work be, and the same hereby is, approved. Superintendent Branch requested the authority to hire a replace- ment maintenance man for the Public tilorics Department and upon motion by Super- visor Uselmann, seconded by Chairman I'.ahn, it was i'.ESOLVED that Mr. Branch be authorized to hire a replacement maintenance man for the Public i•7orlcs Depart- ment. Superintendent Branch then discussed the road conditions on Gun Club Road. No formal action was taken. Mrs. Barbara Schmidt appeared on behalf of Park Committee business and requested a review by the Board of proposed neta nark Committee members. T~irs. Schmidt requested that a name be chosen for the N;cCarthy area park from the names previously recommended by the Parlc Committee. Upon motion of Chairman Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Uselmann; it was RESOLVED that the Y~icCarthy Lake area park be named Patrick Eagan Park Upon motion made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Tlselmann, it was RESOLVED that the new members on the slate as presented by Secretary Schmidt and recommended by the Parlc Committee be, and they hereby are, appointed for the terms indicated as follows: Three Years Two Years One .Year Charles Hali Jan Callinius iVeil Coates Dale Everson Jim Maloney Gerber Hatteberg Larry Strohkirch Barb Schmidt P~erle Lundsten Carolyn Thurston The following building permit applications were presented: 1. Nirs. I?annie P,eitsma -- application for special use permit to :ace trailer house on property located on a one-half acre parcel of ground -2- located on 2260 Random Road.- She presented written approval from adjacent neighbors. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman P,ahn, it was 1tESOLVED that the application for a special use permit be, and the same hereby is, approved subject to yearly renec•~al. 2. Timbershores application for sign permit to be located on Yankee Doodle and Coachman ^oad double face. Upon motion made by Supervisor UselL~ar,, and seconded by Chairman I;ahn, it was P.ESOLVED that the sign permit applica- tion be, and the same hereby is, approved for a period of one year and the permit ordered issued upon payment of the appropriate fees therefor. 3. Building permit application by Iioc•~ard i~ox for a single family -residence to be located at x•075 Dodd P.oad at an estimated cost of $35,000, 2~' <. 55'. Upon motion made by Chairman ..^,ahn and seconded by 6upervisor Uselmann, it was P.I±~OLVED that the building permit application be, and it hereby is, approved and ordered issued subject tb payment of the rppropx•iate fees therefor. 4. The building permit application of Herb Legler for a utility building to be situated on three acres on Lone Oelc P.oad near Highwaq Pdo. 55 was presented at an estimated cost of $100. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman Rahn, it was P,ESOLVED that the building permit application be, and the same hereby is, approved and ordered issued upon payment of the appropriate fees therefor. rir. John Doppler and Mr. Leonard D3ush appe2red on behalf of the application of Colonial Self Storage of Minnesota for a building permit to construct a rental storage building with an apartment and administrative office on Lot 6, Bloclc 2, Cedar Industrial Parlc at an estimated cost of $250,000 to be approximately 1,320' x 20~ and 2320' x 30'. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by supervisor P.ydrych, it was P.ESOLVED that the building -3- permit application be, and the same hereby is, granted provided that Seneca Avenue be considered the front yard for setbaclt purposes under Ordinance T?o. 6 and further subject to payment of the appropriate fees therefor and the approval of the Engineer and Building Inspector as to plans and specifications Mr. and Mrs. P. Y-~. Johnson appeared on behalf of their application for a building permit and variance on unplatted property in Section 13 from the requirement of a public street to residential property and also the five acre requirement under ordinance PIo. 6. The application was for a 26' x 40' ain~le family residence pins garage. St was noted that there was no access to the property except over a 1<< foot easement and it was less than five acres. T1o one appeared in opposition to the application, Upon motion made by Chairman P.ahn and seconded by supervisor I:ydrych, it was FESOLVI;D that the building permit application be, and the same hereby is, granted and the permit ordered issued upon payment of the appropriate fees therefor and the variance under Ordinance No. 6 from the five acre requirement and also for public access: to the property in question be, and the same hereby is, granted. Mr. Don Verdorn and Mr. Pete Veldman appeared on behalf of the building permit application of Peace Reformed Church for an addition to the Church building of the dimensions 134' x 104' at an estimated cost of $150,000 at 4300 Cedar Avenue. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman P.ahn, it was RESOLVED that the building permit applica- tion be, and the same hereby is, approved and the per:~it ordered issued upon payment of appropriate fees therefor subject to approval of the Building Inspector and Engineer. The Town ACtorney then presented to the Board, per the Board's request at its previous meeting, the following amendments to the rindings of i~act of the Minnesota rTunicipal Commission Order for Incorporation of Eagan -4- dated September 1, 1972, a~ follows: Striating from the last sentence of naragraph 2 of the Findings of- Fact which reads `No parties appeared against said Petition" and inserting in lieu thereon 'Parties and witnesses appeared both in favor of and in opposition to the Petition for Incorporation.°` Also adding new Paragraph 19 to the Findings of tact to read as follows: "19. That another petition signed by approximately <<00 residents of Eagan was filed ~•~ithrhe Commission following filing of the Petition for Incorporation oppos- ing the incorporation of Lagan as a village.` Upon motion made by ^upervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor ^ydrych, it was r.ESOLVED that the amend- ment to Paragraph 2 be, and the same hereby is, adoptad as presented and new Paragraph 19 adopted as follows: "19. That another petition signed by approximately X00 residents of Eagan was filed with the Commission following filing of the Petition for Incorporation opposing the incorporation of pagan as a village.'; and FURTHEF. P.ESOLVED that a separate Resolution including these findings be submitted to the Minnesota Iiunicipal Commission with a request to amend the Findings of Fact of the Order for Incorporation dated ^~ptember 1, 1972, in accordance therewith. The Board then informally requested the Town Attorney to render an opinion on the proposed Ievy of a tax against the High Site Apartment Complex for its required park donation and accrued interest for utility assessments. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman P.ahn, it was RESOLVED to execute the contract i~ith Fisher Sand & Aggregate, Inc. covering Public Improvement Project PJo. 94 consisting of road work on Silver Bell Road and Deerwood Drive subject to the approval of the Towr. Attorney as to appropriate insurance coverage of the contractor. The Town Attorney presented a form of P,esolution for the sale of 1972 General Obligation Improvement Bonds in the total amount of $1,115,000. -5- Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor I'.ydrych, it 4~as RESOLVED that the Pesolution as presented be, and the same hereby is, duly adopted and ordered executed. The Board next reviewed the proposed acquisition of the DCR parr. property on Rahn Road in the light of a letter from lir. Hauge. Chairman ~Ghn referred the matter to the Town Engineer and TorJn Attorney to wortc out a solo- cion to the acquisition problem and make a recommendation to the Board at its next meeting. The Town Attorney presented an opinion and recommendation regarding the Elrene P~oad assessment payments for 1972. Upon motion made by supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman P.ahn, it was P~:OLVED that the Elrene P.oad assessment payments be, and they hereby are, approved and ordered made in accordance with the recommendation of the Town Attorney. There was no appearance by Mr. P.asmussen regarding the road situation in Rasmussen Addition. No formal action was taicen. The application of Macey Signs for an identification sign peranit or thn American I~'ruit ~: Produce building at 2792 Elgandale Boulevard was presentee. Upon nation of Chairman Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, it was P.SOLVE» that the sign permit be approved and ordered issued upon receipt of the appxo• priate fee. Mr. Hunter and Attorney Ed McMenomy appeared on behalf of the appli- cation of MCI North Central States, Inc. regarding its application for a com•~• m~inications tower to be located on Cliff Road on the Armagost property. Chairman Rahn referred the matter to the Advisory Planning Committee meeting of October 24th. The Town Attorney presented a Purchase Agreement for the purchase of a well site in the t?ilderness Run Fourth Addition at $2,300 per acre. Upon -6- motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by supervisor Rydrych, it was P.ESOLVED that the Purchase lgreement as presented be, and the same hereby is, approved and ordered executed and delivered subject to the assurance by the Town Fiscal Agent, Clerlc and Town Attorney that the agreement can be funded. The Town Attorney advised the Board Chat a meeting had been arranged with Nr. Richard Dougherty of the rietro Sewer I;oard for October 20th at 9:00 A.P-I. at the Metro Sewer Board offices in St. Paul. Representatives appeared on behalf of the application of Enterprise Properties, Inc. for a building permiC to construct an $800,000 office and warehouse building on Lots 7 and S, Eagandale Center: Industrial Parlc T]o. 2 being a five acre parcel on Lone Oalt Circle. iVumerous residents appeared in opposition to the application and lengthy discussion was had as to the build- ing plans versus the parlc donation of property nosy utilized by 1~1cI~ee residents for park purposes. The Board referred the raaLter to the Park Committee for further study and continued the application for building permit to the October 26th Board meeting. Pir. Jerry I:ingray of Dakota County Electric Coop appeared on behalf of its application for permit for a transmission line along Yankee Doodle P,o~!c~ to be a; 69,000 volt line. Upon motion made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, it was P.ESOLVED that the permit application be, and the same hereby is, granted. The building permit application of Lyle Benson to move a 1~s' x 20' building onto a concrete slab and remodel to match hi.s house on Blackhawk RoFc South of Highway ~~30 was presented by the Clerl:. Estimated cost $1,300. Upor. :notion made by Chairman F.ahn, seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, it was P.ESOLVED that the huilding permit application be, and the same hereby is, approved and i:!~e permit ordered issued upon payment of the appropriate fees therefor. -7- The application of Arvilla Homes fora garage to house buses was presented. Estimated cost $2,300.00, Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmarn and seconded by Supervisor P~ydrych, it was P.ESOLVED that the building permit application be, and the same hereby is, approved and ordered issued upon pay went of the appropriaee fees therefor. Upon motion made by supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor ~ydrych, it was RE30LVED that the final plat of Timbershores Third Addition be, .and the same hereby is, duly approved. Upon motion it c;ras P,ESOLVED that r"arrants i~os, 8443 through 8508 az~d 1152 through 1158 be issued in payment of bills, approved as presented. Upon motion made and seconded, the meeting adjourned. ,,; Bated: October 17, 1972 -~G~~--Z.~ -~8-